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Hi for any one who is really bothered about moi!, I'm no one really special, a movie, tv show fan like you guy's, I have an opinion about everything, but will only give it when asked, then maybe you'll wish you hadn't!! I'm a mum of 2 boys 4 grandsons yep unfortunately im that old. Im a make up artist, love to paint horror faces, worked on a BYFA movie (once) look it up, imdb 'Self Same Sky' a modern version of 'King Henry IV part 2' did make up on 2 models for a beauty pageant, and wow, mums are the worst non client ever!! thats it that's me...
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Latest movie comments from ijaija

Comment Movie Date Rating
1.  I really thought I would not like this at...
1 year ago
2.  Agree with you 100% I thoroughly enjoyed this,...
1 year ago
3.  Hiya, I will take a look thanks to your...
1 year ago
4.  Hiya, I'm not a big fan of Jason and a few of...
2 years ago
5.  Hiya, the series doesn't start out like that,...
2 years ago
6.  Thank you so much for your review, I had no...
2 years ago
7.  Hiya Teeny, I was just looking at this when you...
2 years ago
8.  Hi swans, I thought this was brilliant, I loved...
2 years ago
9.  The actual movie is now on, I'm watching it now...
2 years ago
10.  Couldn't have put it better myself, I despise...
2 years ago
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  2. Thank you doc (7 months ago)
  3. No donations, any other options? Donations for Ukrainian arm... (11 months ago)
  4. Mixdrop links (1 year ago)
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  6. Merry Christmas to Doc and everyone (1 year ago)
  7. Doc's beatiful people thread, updated. (1 year ago)
  8. Doc's beatiful people thread, updated. (1 year ago)
  9. Sharp: skinheads against racial prejudice art exhibition | ... (1 year ago)
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  12. "This Site Exists on Your Donations" (1 year ago)
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  16. "This Site Exists on Your Donations" (1 year ago)
  17. "This Site Exists on Your Donations" (1 year ago)
  18. "This Site Exists on Your Donations" (1 year ago)
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  31. BOGOTA, COLOMBIA. Anti-bullfighting activists hold half-nake... (1 year ago)
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