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senior master
The Last Showgirl (2025)   (21 hours ago)

It's all drama,
Pamela Anderson does a good portrait of the showbiz dancer,
that got stuck in the pretty lane,
thinking she'd never get the same apprechiation elsewhere,
and now its too late,
Dave Bautista as the long haired Eddie,
so weird seeing him with ''hair''
Jamie Lee Curtis not afraid to get old or portrait this overtanned lady,
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senior master
Run! (2024)   (1 day ago)

A project or a dare??
to make a movie in a month,
seemingly no budget, no stars,
let's try to fit in as many horror stereo types as possible,
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senior master

yeah i dont get the same feeling of this,
not even as the second of them,
When I hear Jude (Shirley Henderson) I just think of Moaning Myrtle,
yes its about greaving and moving on,
but no, sorry not great...

senior master
Miss Meadows (2014)   (2 days ago)

Quirky girl meets Quirky boy and fall in love,
but what is really going on behind the curtains?
I agree this is dark comedy and thriller,
I'm trying to remember what I've seen Kate Holmes in before,
I really can't remember, (of course i know OF her)
but damn she's ASSUME in this,
highly recommend smiley

senior master
Strange Darling (2024)   (2 days ago)

It was confusing seeing the chapters are scrambled,
of the six we start at three,,,
for me it has a definate Quentin Tarantino vibe,
a couple unexpected twists,
Very good smiley


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senior guru

The BBC has made its first series in Scots Gaelic. (And I enjoyed listening to it - like in the series Y Gwyll (Hinterland) years ago, where Welsh was spoken).

Bold, because there are only 65,000 people left - in Scotland and North America - who speak the language. Scottish Gaelic is classified as Definitely Endangered by the UNESCO.
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senior master
Zero Day (2025)   (1 week ago)

A political whodunnit with A-list actors and plenty of anti-conspiracy theory sentiment.

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