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Bullying, Disrespect, and Name-Calling on the TwoMovies site (1591 views, 22 replies)

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top expert
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I love this site. I love all it has to offer. Unfortunately, more often than not, I witness people being cruel to one another online. It's 2019, I would like to think that as a whole, we have come further than treating each other so petty, especially with all the awareness around bullying nowadays. I had to shut my chat feed off on here just so I could seeing all the ignorant things people say to each other scroll by. Some feel more freedom when they speak from behind a screen and keyboard. Would you say such awful things to each other in person? Maybe, but you are more likely to think about your actions first and worry about your surroundings. If you are in public and walk by someone having a debate you don't agree with, are you going to stop and argue and name call? Everyone is entitled to their opinion, even if the person receiving the opinion doesn't agree it is never an opportunity to be cruel and crass. Most of us here are adults, is this really how as adults we behave? If a person has a child and they get in trouble at school for bullying, is that ok? Do we condone that behavior? No, we don't (most of us anyway). ...
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senior master
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Hmm I don't use the "Chat" section much but I do peruse it from time to time and I seldom see bullying. Mild mannered ribaldry yes!
Perhaps you best "Hide Chat"?

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@Paladin* I did hide chat (which I stated in the 5th sentence in), but it happens in other places on this site and on the internet in general. Pretty much the only way to avoid it would be to not talk to anyone, not read any words anyone writes and get rid of my internet but even then, it's on tv and in the real world so to totally avoid it now I have to stay in the house and become a hermit and just read books for the rest of my life which doesn't sound so bad but I think I will stay in the world a while longer :-) I wish I was only seeing the mild mannered rivalry like you!!!

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@dragonfly1985 "...but it happens in other places on this site and on the internet in general..."

AH well that's a different story. Maybe you were referring to the "News" section?
I am afraid the News today is politically charged but as you said, no worse here than in the actual world. And as well I find leftist Hollywierd has infused itself into the movies and tv see here on this site and elsewhere as well! Perversion, loss of respect for sanctity of life, etc etc etc.
We may try to hide from it but in the end there is a great struggle going on for the soul of America - and the World. I gather from what you said you were older? - maybe you remember the great struggle of WWII?
America faces a much greater danger today from leftists than we ever did from the AXIS powers as the leftists today try to wrest power from within!
I choose NOT to ignore it!
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@Paladin* Great post.

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@Paladin* Well said. Santayana was correct when he said that.

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@Paladin* WWII? How old do you think I am lol? My grandfather was in WWII. I was an '80's baby. I meant the chat, not news but it does indeed happen in the news as well. On this site, I also see some mean stuff on peoples walls and in forums.

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@dragonfly1985 Sorry, but you did say "...but I think I will stay in the world a while longer..." which led me to believe you were elderly. Regardless... this is all about your 'feelings'.. hide your head in the sand if you must while Rome burns.


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There is seldom any observance of ToS and when applied it is unbalanced. Also people get suspended with ZERO notification and proof why they get suspended.

What seems to be the case is a handful of atheists hate Christians and use trolling and bullying on an hourly basis with nothing whatsoever done.


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(⌐■_■) (13m)
@AnhedoniaNightmare To be clear: NOBODY wants intercourse with you AN. Also, being an a***ole and hoping someone will stuff yours - are two very different things.


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Crutchbender (2wk)
It's not about so-called comebacks, you nutjob, it's about you and your pathological obsessiveness. Thus in any exchange you have an immature compulsion to ensure you get the last word, which is a mental sickness of some sort, for sure, but worse still it doesn't matter how predictable and boring you are just as long as it's you who finishes the exchange. How childish.

Moreover, you welcome whatever's said about you good or bad just as long it's about you you you. Indeed you've probably got a hard-on and filled your knickers with sperm reading this because it's all about you. Basically you're like a kid trashing his bedroom. You don't actually want to wreck your bedroom because what you really want is a mature person to step in and stop you. All your boring carnage is for show so you get attention from adults. Beyond pitiful.
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I was informed by Doc that there had been complaints and for that reason I changed a number of things because I thought you had not seen the joke of the cariature of the "Forum Hijcker" just like Freddy Kruger hijacks teenagers dreams and twist and changes them into something they are not and then they die, like the forum threads.

Then I put it on my wall and asked people to comment on the issue. Yours was the only negative comment on the wall and later I saw a similar comment when Doc opened the thread again.

That had nothing to do with me.

The attack was on self-appointed holier-than-thou, douchebags that hijack forums and that seems to be you AN.

The truth hurts, that´s why we make FAKE NEWS on 2MOoOBS

That is the full metaphor explained.



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⌐■_■) (4d)

@AnhedoniaNightmare Truth prevails with sworn worthlessness and escalating annoyance ~ Amen? SEXY!!

Doc once mentioned vote counting. Anightmare amassed an astounding ZERO likes on 'that' epic thread, and I daresay nearly zero on any post since. Not just invisible down votes (we'd love to see those) but a preponderance of nothing+zero. The community has voted.the.fuk outta this verbal jackoff. None appear comfy held hostage for page filler that 'ol holymoley swore to deliver in exchange for pooping in peoples cheerios for his endless info-tainment.


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Site Police or freedom? Choose one. I really understand both parties but we prefer not intruding into conversation, at least we act only when things get really hot. But saying that we don't do anything is absolutely not right. Report comments, we check all reports.


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