Browse Adventure (all) movies. Sorted by flow (add date).
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The Guardian (2015)
When Grimley woke up on an isolated beach with no recollection of his mortal past, little did he know that his afterlife was about to start. He suddenly finds h...
Le voyage du prince (2019)
An old prince runs aground on an unknown shore. Wounded and lost, he is found by young Tom and taken in by his parents, two researchers forced into exile ... Th...
Rally Caps (2024)
A young baseball player has his dreams of pitching for a Little League travel team derailed by a devastating injury on the field.
Hotel Underground (2024)
A retired world champion fighter is lured to a secret location in an effort to rescue his abducted wife. He is now a part of their game. He is a part of the sho...
Henry Danger: The Movie (2025)
A theatrical film based on the Nickelodeon Show 'Henry Danger.'
Its Name Was Mormo (2024)
A young family's life unravels into chaos as a sinister presence targets each member in its own malicious manner. Through the lens of police evidence, Mark...
Peter Pan's Neverland Nightmare (2025)
Wendy Darling strikes out in an attempt to rescue her brother Michael from 'the clutches of the evil Peter Pan.' Along the way she meets Tinkerbell, w...
Buffalo Kids (2024)
Two Irish orphans journey by train across America, encountering villains and heroes. They make an extraordinary friend and search for a new home, facing adventu...
Zootopia 2 (2025)
Brave rabbit cop Judy Hopps and her friend, the fox Nick Wilde, team up again to crack a new case, the most perilous and intricate of their careers.
Tron: Ares (2025)
A highly sophisticated Program, Ares, is sent from the digital world into the real world on a dangerous mission.
Gabby's Dollhouse: The Movie (2025)
Gabby and Grandma Gigi's road trip takes an unexpected turn when Gabby's prized dollhouse ends up with eccentric cat lady Vera. Gabby embarks on a adv...
Lilo & Stitch (2025)
Live-action remake of Disney's animated classic 'Lilo and Stitch'.
A Minecraft Movie (2025)
Four outsiders are transported to Overworld, a fantasy realm with strange creatures. They team up with expert crafter Steve, embarking on a quest where they mus...
In the Lost Lands (2025)
A sorceress travels to the Lost Lands in search of a magical power that allows a person to transform into a werewolf.
Le dernier jaguar (2024)
After years in New York City, 14-year-old Autumn returns to the Amazon rainforest to save her childhood village and beloved jaguar friend.