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Members Poetry (535 views, 33 replies)

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I'd wager there's several folks here who either have poetry they've penned over the years or have works from poets that hold special meanings in their lives.

If it's agreeable to Dr. Evil I'd like to offer a space here for folks to share their own works or those of others.

If the works shared are your own, there's no need to denote the artist, but if you choose to share the works of others please give proper credit where it's due.

To start things off here's a piece of poetricks I penned some time back


Words can and do flow from the tip of my pen :

Words can be nimble,
Words can be thick,
Words can make you happy,
Words can cut to the quick,
Words can be brilliant,
Words can be your candlestick

Words can be your measure, your meter, or rhyme
Words can assemble, resemble, be contemptable, even criminal

Words can give power,
Words can destroy,
Words can annoint you,
Words can be toys
Words can do most anything
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senior guru

If the smell of food in the mornings makes you feel sick
Perhaps it's time to pee on a stick?

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@⭐️janerosity⭐️ Good humor is always a plus, Thanks!

And on that note ...

All Hell for a Bat Fish

Penguin sat quietly,
as walrus did confide
"What we need here is useless.
All that's wanton is worthless.
All hell for a fat bat fish,
and a kettle of karma"

While dreams of rainbows,
glowing sky, sea anemomie,
urchins on a half shell
were all poor penguin could ponder
as he listened
less than intently

Then up with a start,
young penguin did bellow
"All hell for a bat fish?
You fat pud!
All hell for us all,
and to hell with you, bud!"



This is probably embarrassing moment but I will add one - it is most recently but I have many more, sometimes I need thesaurus and always plenty of time but I feel it is worth each moment.

🕊 Blood And Feathers 🕊

I am a peculiar girl, an unique singularity
Recurrently misunderstood
Obscure a kindred to the shadow
Smiling ostensibly while Inside it’s war I battle.

An ancient soul with a child’s wonder
A damaged heart decorated with a network of intricate scars - markings they symbolise the
past, memories painted across alabaster skin for my body is a canvas to this macabre art.

My mind my nemesis forever trapped like the bird within my gilded cage and the clock is ticking, ticking as the sands in the hourglass are slowly slipping, slipping away yet what I’m losing is not so tangible but rather this fragile mind and the madness is drawing nearer.

Slowly it creeps - slowly even as I sleep
I can hear it’s machiavellian footsteps
So soft a sound it none the less whispers in my ear; oh how sinister it threatens this flawed mind, cocooned within its mortal coil because madness is a serpent poised to strike, its poison seeping, gradually creeping it travels the walls of my anima drawing nearer for its the spirit it wishes to find, its sole intention is to extirpate this too.
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@PrinzessinHarlequin Very impressed with your proficiency in English as a second language.

You have a talent for crafting a gothic atmosphere but I found this very personal and too dark.

It sounds like you have demons to exorcise, and I hope the writing helps.

I shall continue ...



Und an older one,

I apologise these are more a short novel but it is the only way that I know how.

Sweet Marrionette

Breathing dead girl a pale corpse walking she's inwardly decaying soon she’s cracking betraying her faith, she's stripped of grace - stripped of all but the basest needs a blood like lipstick smears her face, mascara stains her bruised visage - dark circles discernible they bestow this pallid canvas, featureless she’s a work in progress constantly shifting akin to her long locks tangled they have become, hanging like the corpse is swaying slowly side to side in the hangman’s noose - morbidly gilding her this gossamer lace how it delicately frames her yet she’s fearless, couldn’t care less - she has nothing left to lose, smudges decorate her form, blue, purple and amber- this tattered flag emblematizes the bruise.

Spectral she’s skeletal, inwardly dying yet not crying; fragile her iron clad will power fills her this fortitude, a durability keeps her going, keeps her strong - bones they are protruding and this is her armour, ghostlike shifting vestments she dons so proudly while grey eyes are cloudy, overcast - the storm it builds yet she marches on, forward, onward, she is titanium this wayward creature of sin, heading down a path which surely leads to pain such as that titillates, agitates, tormenting it incites her from within.
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@PrinzessinHarlequin all that you wish her to be - twisted limbs, crooked neck swaying to your tune, your victim, your muse and your...

Laughing maniacally

Laughing at the calamity I’ve become

Falling deeper and deeper

Into Ruin.

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@PrinzessinHarlequin Mmmm, now there's some finely crafted artistry with shards of your soul seemingly tucked neatly 'tween the words.

Thanks for sharing the tumult that unabashedly resides!


@mrkim56 Dankeschön 🤭,

Your poetry is beautiful also - I believe this is why it can be a difficult thing to share.

Because you are in some ways baring you’re soul too.

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@PrinzessinHarlequin Many thanks for your kind words. For myself, the words come as they so choose to present themselves, at times with such a rush it's a major challenge just to capture them before they slip away.

Having done public speaking many times in my life it's something that comes pretty easily. But the one and only time I went to an open mic night and read some of my stuff publicly I was actually trembling.

Standing on that stage, opening my own thoughts up for public inspection was the scariest thing I'd ever done.


@mrkim56 This it is so very true,

Und they come at random also - I have lain in bed und then something as simple as a short phrase or often perhaps only a few words fills my mind but they grow then I must write them down no matter the time because this it can occur at any time.

Because after this is also when they flow fast - this is when the spark of the poem can be lost, for me there is no known length for the poem is finished when it chooses to be so.

Which might sound peculiar I do not know but like with short novels the story which is what I believe a poem is in a way - a chapter or glimmer of your life, past or present, current time it does not matter but these stories they have life of there own.

I feel it, it is a beautiful if not magical moment when the word flows so freely.

I am afflicted with terrible social anxiety though it has improved a little this last year, if I was aware of a poetry reading I'd probably attend but I live in tiny village near Ludwigshafen
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@mrkim56 Heart Flower

My heart like a flower so easily can wilt, so fragile, beautiful yet so easy it breaks.
So bright with life but how quickly they fade.
Petal by petal cascade they dance, falling slowly like rain from the clouds.

Like dewdrops upon leaves as the sun kisses the sky.

Like silken feathers fall from the dove, descending slowly, a gentle touch, a slow kiss goodbye - delicate yet soft as they dance from above.

This heart it beats, so strongly it beats yet there's only so much pain it can take, so much loss, so unbearable the ache, so many cracks before like the mirror I break.

Like the puzzle disassembled too many times it’s pieces remain yet many are missing, lost in time and I never will find them forever it’s loss, no longer a part of me - nevertheless I must bear it, this my cross.

So many tears once hurt I'm able to cry, trust taken is not so easily returned, offered to another yet never earned, many times I reached for the rose yet bled from its thorns, reaching once more, scarlet drops stark crimson on ivory skin - a canvas painted yet without end, bitten so often it was my lesson to learn, to continue to fight for that which I yearned.
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@PrinzessinHarlequin I'm curious, do you recite your work to the person about whom they were written?

I always prefer to share my poetry 1st by reading it aloud. There's always a particular phrasing I have in mind as I write and prefer to read it TO them to insure that comes across as I'd intended.


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As we danced around,
My mentor, guide, teacher and I
Yet unable, incapable still,
Of any admission of the reality
Surrounding, clouding, each day

Clinging instead to the norms we'd embraced
As acceptable ... both knowing otherwise,
With familiarity holding in check
What seethed in silence,
Holding forth denial as if a shield

Such a calm, cool surface
Idle chatter, banter,
The norm of our discourse,
Sweetness and light preferred,
With heartfelt sadness always just below

We'd grown so accustomed,
Accepted so completely tenets
Decrying displays of love
As dangerous, a weakness,
Neither willing to share

Years later now
My greatest sadnesses,
My heart ripped asunder
With just two words
Not cast into the realm of the unsaid

With eyes so filled
With the unwilling acceptance of an assured fate,
With a voice so weak and unsteady
She raised her frail arms to me and said
"My son"

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@mrkim56 I love this poem 💗

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@PrinzessinHarlequin I'm pleased you enjoyed it. This one is very personal indeed.

My Mom passed away 10yrs ago from cancer and it relates to how we carefully danced around it in our conversations, never talking about it, though it was always there in both our thoughts, just ... "unsaid".

We were very close and I miss her immensely.

The last line are the last 2 words she ever spoke to me and they haunt me still.

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@mrkim56 This had me in tears. Chapeau!

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(5y) , then as sad an outcome as that response is, it seemingly is a success. When an author can generate emotion within another then true communication has taken place.

Below is the preface to an as yet unpublished book of my works from the past 40yrs and it explains this concept, or at least tries to

Pages From a Steele Heart


I pray, kind reader
that you lay gentle keystrokes in your
explorations of the pages that follow.

My soul is lain bare... naked... opened
for your inspection in this forum of circuits
and signals.

Should you find a oneness of thought, a
shared memory, or perchance resurrect
an emotion from within your own soul,
then all joy is truly mine, for success has

ever yours,
Kim Steele

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@mrkim56 A poignant preface, and I look forward to the rest of the book.

You have a way with words, and long may it continue Kim.

Thank you for sharing your talent.

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(5y) thanks so much for your kindness.

My most sincere desire with is this thread is to give space to others to share their own artistic endeavors as well.

My thought is there are other folks here with lots to share as well ;>)


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The Road

Highway stretches out
Miles pass,
Hours too
Engine droning,
As tires sing

Stereo beats out
Familiar sounds,
Mile mates
Speakers pulsing,
Pounding bass

Time in mind,
Deep thoughts,
Heavy ponderances
Fill moments,
Fill hours

Time in mind
Or, out of mind
You choose,
Select now,
Press play

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@mrkim56 Here it is the little poem - unfortunately most of these my poetry are akin to short story 🤭.


Broken doll
Stitches frayed
Vacant eyes
How they fade

A lock of hair
A lost smile
A button here
A shoelace there

Cherished once
How she played
Tossed aside
Torn where she lay

Painted lips
How bright they shone
How dull the soul
When the love is gone

Broken wings
Hang in tatters
Feathers fall
The glass it shatters

Broken pieces
Blood it spreads
Crimson light
A rose in bloom

Hope once grasped
Here the gloom
Slowly it slips
Pale fingers spread
Cold and pale
Attached to the dead.

The lunar light
Bathes the skin
Lights the night

The hand now taken
The pieces too
Once a puzzle
You uncovered this too

Thorns withdrew
As if unbidden
You loved her now
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@PrinzessinHarlequin Very nice indeed! It's pretty evident you lay your heart out in your art, which can be both a release, and yet a dangerous admission, all at the same time. So glad you feel comfortable enough to share your thoughts here!

Most of my work is very similar to this format. Writing in such short form makes me agonize over every word, making sure it is "just" the right choice :>)


@mrkim56 It is almost frightening yet exhilarating a thing to share in such a way,

I also loved the preface to your book.

I was around fifteen chapters into a novel once until I met the wrong man - I spent a lot of time in a place I never thought that I would.

A cement und tiny basement, I spent a lot of time also in pain, it was after this (this is all I feel comfortable to share publicly so forgive me).

But I feel it was this which finally caused the cracks to appear, by that I mean brought on my social anxiety that for a long time was also agoraphobia, something I fought for years to overcome and while I'd been in abusive relationships before as it seemed I had a beacon that drew these men to me.

This experience was especially damaging und while I truly wish to write again, my mind isn't as focused as it needs to be to create a novel, it is not only the anxiety but the medications, Xanax to calm the mind but also morphine to dull physical pain related to damage also from the past.
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@PrinzessinHarlequin Just an idea but I think many artists from all different realms of art are often tortured in some way or another which leads to their striving to externalize it.

Having made poor life mate choices myself I can certainly attest to how it's lead to many pages filled w/words describing thoughts, ideas and dreams of now life presents itself.

Luckily, having endured unhealthy relationships, makes me better prepared to understand what I can and no longer will abide in a relationship. To that end I've now been single for the past 10yrs and intend to live out the rest of my days that way.

In my current reality romance is nothing more than a pleasant fantasy yet nothing my life experiences have shown to be supportable over a long term. However I also know it's not just my partners who've been at fault, I too honestly have to accept responsibility for the outcome we've experienced.
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I was fiddling around writing a song about being a super hero in love. this is what I got so far.

A million times Ive saved you.
Someday youll return the favor..
lets fight our way thru the horde..
and make sweet loving later -
Ill fight through the masses -
every second you're in danger.
Ill beat them into blood and bone,
and make sweet love to you later.

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@PseudoRogue I like the conjoined ideas of being a super hero and also in love.

If you add more verses be sure to post 'em!


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From some time ago when I was ... feelin the love :>)


Each time
I catch sight of you,
Newly again,
I'm in awe !

I spend long moments,
suspended as if on air,
dangling in the amazement
that is you


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Lovely thread. This is a special side of 2M members that I appreciate very much. Here is something I wrote almost 20 years ago.

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@delamitri Very nice indeed, thanks so much for sharing that here!

Talk about agonizing over just the right word to choose to insure the intended goal was achieved!

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@mrkim56 Thank you. 😊

It was great therapy at the time.

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@delamitri Know just what you mean. Sometimes there's thoughts clanging around upstairs and just externalizing them allows for a more thorough inspection of what's really goin on.

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