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What would you change about America? (1325 views, 78 replies)

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Ok! Let's hear your ideas. What's going right, and what's going wrong? What would YOU do, if you were the President, or able to make changes?

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@bondojoe Which America are you talking about, North, South, or Central? <br>

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@LesStrater Good one. Whichever parts you want to change. But I meant the United Stgates Originally.

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@bondojoe if i was an american the only thing i would do is stand by the trump man and keep voting for him to stay ur president

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@chaseyerself I believe that's what most of are going to do. We will see! If you won't vote for a President that will protect your country, who WOULD you vote for?


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Well with the things i would want to change and do, i'd be shot dead before acheiving much or any of them. <br> The $$$ is owned by the federal reserve and puts the USA and much of the world in serious debt. <br> <br> 1st i would abolish the federal reserve, and give the US currency to print for themselves, US money made for the US wealth of America, not banks or corporations, banks would play a much more simple role, just the steps of transfering and holding, not to create debt, percentage payable back is always based upon the needs of the customer/members first. <br> <br> 2nd The debt to China would be payable from all the assets from the federal reserve, and then some, clean slate for All US Americans. <br> <br> 3rd adopt not the nasty Australian government ways, but their process of immigration by needed jobs from study in your home land or any place that would learn you a trade, once the current US rate of employment is very healthy of course. <br> And if we just help some countries to learn more, if they are willing, then they will also benifit their own homes, and will not influx so much, when we become the offerers of learning, instead of the bringers of death, how nice if we are kind to all, how many like a chain reaction, also become kind, and so it continues. <br> <br> 4th Oh well screw it i am president, total ban on smart technology, the whole lot of it, apps and wi-fi would still be possible, just have to use a non harmful frequency, non affective to animals, plants and humans, health and safety instead of risks, they chose harmful vibes, i'll demand safe ones, bye bye tellecoms then as well i suppose. <br> <br> 5th Oil will always lead to massive invasions, because we need it while those in the east, just live ontop of it, we have no right to stain the lands of others to satisfy our ways of life, if our way of life hurts others for no reason except just to keep us going then any decent person would find another way to live with people instead of to kill him for what his land will bare. ...
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@KiaZi I can agree with pretty much everything. Gold Standard for money? It needs something to back it up. That will also preevnt inflation. And i would put the accent not on health CARE... as much as illness PREVENTION.

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@bondojoe Yes a total redefine of the ways in which the medical practice use, teach and define health, always better for the heath centers perhaps to teach about prevention and holistic herbals and such, rather than the chemical warfare on the body most endure

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@KiaZi gemini, yer as mouthy as i am!! we have socialized medicine in Oregon--which is why we also have no doctors- they left.


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This is a genuine question. <br> Now going of what i've read in the news, it seems like the President has less power over his country then the UK Prime Minister has over here in the UK. <br> <br> What i mean by this is, in the UK they seem to make and enforce laws on stuff over night, of course it depends on who the law helps (out).

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@PureVodka🍺 I America, unless the President can gat a large majority of Congress to back his policies, he doesn't have a whole lot of power. That's why the elections that are coming up in Novenber, for the United States are so important. If he can hold his voting power, and maybe add a couple, it will be easier to do the things that he wants to. Like shut down Immigration. Illegal Aliens. That's why it's SO important to get another conservative Supreme court Justice sworn in befor the elections, just in case he loses power. No matter what the media says, ao what the ;olls say, NO ONE knows how America will vote. If we knew...HILARRY would be president. She was SUPPOSED to win. The President can use his "Executive Action", which IS powerful, buthe van't use it for everything. Liberals are pushing an open border agenda right now. I don't think many Americans are going to like that. ...
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@bondojoe I know how they'll vote cause I have to listen and talk to em everywhere--that's how you find out.--talk to people every where and listen.

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@clarachan1355 If we don't speak the truth, no one will know what that is...because the media has censored it. It can't be found anywhere else, anymore. I'm sorry that you live in such a neighborhood. I live in a small town in a southern state. All races treat each other with respect. Most of us voted for President Trump. There's not much crime. We are all decent to each other. There's not many immigrants here, but the ones that are here fit in nicely. We like it here. We go to church when we feel like it. We are all neighbors, and all help each other. It's like ALL of America used to be.


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I just ASSUMED that the weight of all the Liberals, and ILLEGAL ALIENS would be enough to trigger the San Andreas. If not...we can help!

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@bondojoe ---lOL GOOD ONE!!


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Eliminate all personal firearms, introduce a public health system and give green cards to all immigrants that have been in the country for more than 3 months. This may of course mean raising taxes on the filthy rich corporations and individual. Maybe just change the USA into the United States of Europe. Should sort out a few problems. I could be just stating the obvious though

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(5y) .....LOL!

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(5y) ---and get rid of people like Living in a box. <br> <br> you ARE JOKING AREN'T YOU?yer pulling our legs?you must be the funniest joker in the US.even Al Pacino wouldn't say that.

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@clarachan1355 7 out of 8 people voted him UP! I just laughed, because I thought he was joking. I'm not used to people that think like that. I can't think of any intelligent person that WOULD.

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@clarachan1355 A very positive constructive and charming reply from the little old lady. I would be very interested in how you would go about getting "rid of people like Living in a box"? Is this the typical solution to quieten voices you don't agree with? Maybe this is what you meant when you proposed ro "make certain behavior and statements that are anti-American banned as traitorous"? I take it from your ranting that your are a Trump voter which is so endearing as I have never crossed words with one before. And I thank you for you compliment regarding me as the "funniest joker in the US". However your assumption that this website only has US residents as members is mistaken like many of your views (especially the ones about firearms). Have a look at the following link to give you a perspective on firearms globally . ...
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(5y) Apparently it's not intelligent to have a differing opinion. I believe that's why a lot of people just don't say anything. It's not a conversation or a contribution. It becomes a mud slinging contest. Thanks for what you've said, by the way. :)


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1. Mandatory solar homes that are built from 2018 on. <br> 2. Do not tell me how or what I can build my home or work space out of. If I have property and I want to build a mud and straw home then let me. Enough with the code for this or that it's a racket. PS not that I would let that stop me, because I will do it anyway. <br> 3.Make those stupid grocery plastic bags ILLEGAL <br> 4.Life in prison mandatory for torturing animals or abusing children. <br> 5. What I would NEVER change, my gun right, or my freedom of speech <br>

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Do we talk about America or United States of America? smiley

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@Флеркен You can talk about any part of the Americas that you want to! They are all equally difficult! I just assumed people would talk about the part that they lived in. I know what happens when we ASSUME things! Things like THIS happen!


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the part i live in has crazy extreme liberal thugs who terrorize the rest of the community with screaming yelling anger hate and vicuos language everywhere in all areas and you have to become right wing and tell them to shut up and leave you alone.they're everywhere even online. smiley smiley <br> <br> they're like "the New Nazis" and some gangs of them go to all the colleges and brag they are Muslims'-- make you feel better to know Oregon state is so crazy?that's why all the natives left--they can't stand em. <br> <br> (1.)Get rid of all the screaming angry hate filled liberal Nazis we have to put up with--who want MANDATORY RULES ON EVERYTHING.--PAPER BAGS, EVERY THING.--INCLUDING they want to DUMP THE 2ND AMMENDENT OF THE cONSTITUTION.--which is there for the PEOPLE THEMSELVES for a reason. <br> <br> the colonists themselves WERE THE ARMY. <br> <br> (2.)get rid of THE MEDIA SCREAMING HATE FILLED media!! insulting the president over and over--GET RID OF THE NATIONAL MEDIA WE HAVE. <br> <br> (3.) PUT A MUZZLE ON ANGRY HATE FILLED hOLLYWOOD STARS AND THEIR ESTABLISHMENTS. <br> <br> (4.)"mANDATORY SOLAR HOMES" THERE'S A STUPID LIBERAL MANDATORY IDEA. <br> <br> (5.)GET RID OF ALL THE HATE FILLED RHETORIC.STOP BAD MOUTHING THE PRESIDENT OF THE USA everywhere. <br> <br> (6.)make certain behavior and statements that are anti-American banned as traitorous. <br> (7.) make firearm instructions training and arms available to every state of the Union.--to all the people except felons.(only adults and teens) smiley smiley smiley


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Thank you for that, clarachan1355. You and I are on the same page. I see the people on here acting just like you described, and I wonder if it is because they are young, and have been trained that way, Or because they are just ignorant. An intelligent person does not want to destroy their own country. The media is supposed to report the news, not be the news, or SHAPE the news to fit them. They are not supposed to censor those that they don't like. I wonder if America is too far gone to restore. I don't see any intelligence on the left, just hate. No respect...or any understanding of what respect is.


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tHANKS, BONDOJOS, <br> <br> the govts like the fed won't be able to control all the states because of GLOBAL CLIMATE CHANGE---its destroying the basis of the fed.---taxes--if the USA cannot produce food,cause of the horrific weather,and there are no jobs either,NO ONE including the huge farmers will pay fed taxes.- <br> <br> -foreign govts. like China will continue to send their rich people here to live.THOSE rich communities better bring their own police with them.--they'll have to face all the natives who have firearms(a huge trend in the USA, "buying firearms" everywhere.--cause all those voters are afraid.) <br> <br> We've talked about it,and we see civil war eventually.--so if you can take care of a firearm to protect your family and state, you're better off. <br> <br> But the heat setting off "lightening storms" is setting fire to all of California; even up into Canada, more and more lightning storms.--so that could and is,starting to tear the nation apart physically.HOW IS THE FED GOVT going to control the states then??they won't be able to. <br> <br> SO the liberals screaming and yelling won't have any control over we voters--- <br> <br> --Unless they are know how to handle a firearm. <br> <br> Once the fed. ...
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@clarachan1355 I'll do that. Thanks. I'm in a good place , geographically.

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@clarachan1355 Certainly not the worst weather, but one of the most experimented on peoples in the whole world unfortunately when it comes to the weather controls, the states was the first experimenting on all of you while testing all that chem-trail stuff and whatnot, a few allies to, before the release on the world like we see now. <br> I say the melting of our ice sheets and caps slowly are causing more heating and humans and their tech is making everything so much worse, like for example, every car gets really hot, to the point that people can die inside, now just imagine the population and how many own cars, all those lorries, and huge boats even, all radiating heat like crazy, like the whole world has become an oven, paths and roads everywhere, people say progress, i say we turned our planet into a cooking pot surrounded by ovens:::::( <br> <br> For those fires burning everywhere, i still think the government paid sell outs are still causing this to happen, if they are spraying with a mixture of aluminium, when settled on the earth and all it has, well increase in fires, even metal reported of melting in places, this was not like this only a few years ago, something has drastically changed very suddenly. <br> <br> I have been called a leftie but hopefully one of the cogs in the works that is not all evil, every person has something to say and should never be silenced over it, but if found out over public independent research that info is untrue, causing harm on purpose then that is another thing and needs removing for sure regardless who the person is, and no one is above scutiny, just more mannerous ways to go about it like some have done on both sides.


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As someone with Asperger's, I would like the mentally disabled community to have more of a voice.

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@schuyl The label is such to cause that voice to not be heard like it should as any other is all equal, usually us with the branded names of those can see a different way of thinking that they do not like, and some of us could see from the very start, that we know they are to cause for some of the issues we face, some days it feels like my reaction center and socialness is just not fuctional, but a good diet can even help out with Asperger's and Autism, well one is on the spectrum of another or something, i always get confused when people speak about me like i'm some sort of product, my family does that often unknowing to them of course, i think how some just react to how they are brainwashed from tv and all that.

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@schuyl I watched an interesting series about someone with asperger's disease. " The Bridge " I don't know how accurate that was, but it was a great show.

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@bondojoe I know you mean well, but Asperger's Syndrome is not a disease. If the main way people get info about any type of disability is through TV shows and movies (Rain Man comes to mind), people with disabilities will never have more of a voice. There is also no one way to help fits all for people with a specific disability, because they are still individuals.

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@schuyl Sorry. I'm dyslexic. I spell things backwards. I've always assumed THAT was a disease. ..."dis·ease <br> [dəˈzēz] <br> NOUN <br> a disorder of structure or function in a human, animal, or plant, especially one that produces specific signs or symptoms or that affects a specific location and is not simply a direct result of physical injury." I have a disorder. I meant no offense.

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@bondojoe It's fine. It just seems like the dictionary definition is outdated because advocates are pushing towards it not being a disease because people are born with it and it never has a chance of being cured. I just don't want to think of myself as being diseased.


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I understand. The trem "disease" doesn't bother me. No one is perfect. Everyone has a problem, even if we don't know about it. There may be no chance of a cure right now, but things change quickly in our world. I never say never. There's probably a gene or a dna marker that they will find someday, that can turn it off.


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Hmm, an interesting question and already many good answers shown above, so lemme kick in a few more. <br> <br> 1. Declare a complete lock down of all immigration until the borders are secured and the current backlog of cases is adjudicated. <br> <br> 2. The list of reasons anyone claiming a need for asylum here would be shortened instead of being continually lengthened. Only those who could prove political or religious persecution leading to the possibility of death in their home countries would be allowed in, like it USED to be. <br> <br> 3. It's time to deal with the hate groups like Antifa, BLM, the turn coat politicians and all the rest who have stalked, harassed, terrorized and continue to pervert the concepts of civil disobedience and anything like our constitutionally granted right to protest in relation to those holding opposing political/social views. A criminal is a criminal and any person or group who is tried and found guilty of violating the law deserves to be punished, not ignored, nor made excuses for their actions. <br> <br> 4. ...
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@mrkim56 I agree 100%. It's like we're twins!

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@mrkim56 I have subsidized housing, but it certainly isn't close to free or cheap. It does help me though with the job that I have, even though I could get a better place in the small town that is around 30 minutes way for the price I'm paying now, and even without housing assistance. I don't think people really understand how pricey subsidized housing can actually be. Heck, I received a $1 an hour raise which somehow boosted my rent based on income to almost $100 more. <br> <br> I guess my housing could be taken away after 2 years, but then I would be living with my parents. Do you not realize how degrading that is, especially when you have a form of autism and applied to so many jobs that won't give you the time of day?

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@mrkim56 I will say that I'm annoyed at my sister with her 4 kids. I love her kids, and of course I still love her, but she is raking in so much money from the government while not working.


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schuyl, sounds like it's time to move to a more affordable location, shave your living expenses, look for a better job, get training for something that pays better or get a 2nd job. Supporting the lifestyle you choose is your responsibility alone. <br> <br> One question: have you ever considered that your friends, coworkers and realistically every working citizen is being forced, not asked, to help you pay your bills? <br> <br> I understand completely how defeating it can feel to move home again as an adult, been there myself, but that's also what kept me focused in making that as short a termed arrangement as possible. <br> <br> The welfare state ushered in by President Johnson has spent trillions on the welfare of citizens who have been required to do nothing productive for society in exchange for their support. The case can also reasonably be made that welfare policies have also lead to the dissolution of the 2 parent household, a case that statically is easily borne out. <br> <br> As the number of 2 parent households have declined, crime stats have risen, drug and alcohol abuse as well along w/suicide rates and society itself has declined overall in the amount of civility shown to one another. <br> <br> When people are financially rewarded for having made poor choices, what you get in return is MORE people making those same poor choices ;>)

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@mrkim56 It's not as black and white as you seem to believe. Yes, I could go to a more affordable the cost of being close to my a place with fewer jobs..and I don't drive. What living expenses besides rent and utilities...groceries? I want a 2nd job, but I have had no success yet. I have also been looking for a better job too. You abliest people really do tick me off. Be born with less chances than normal people, and then we'll talk.


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"One question: have you ever considered that your friends, coworkers and realistically every working citizen is being forced, not asked, to help you pay your bills?" <br> <br> Of course and I have been trying to fix that. Right now the only method of fixing it is to be homeless.


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It's as black and white as the following: you either take responsibility for your life and the choices you've made and do whatever's necessary to move forward or choose instead to play the victim card and expect others to help pay your way. <br> <br> Your "ablest people" remark is humorous. I'm 62 w/a bad back, bursitis in both shoulders, tennis elbow in both elbows, knees that hurt like hell at the end of a work day and I'm still working every day, sometimes as long as 16 hr days and often 6 days a week. <br> <br> Having known for a number of years I could problee draw disability payments I've chosen not to do so because quite simply I don't want a damned thing from the government at the expense of my fellow citizens.

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@mrkim56 Do you want to know the difference between me and the people that you are referring to? I try my hardest. You don't know me and you aren't me, so of course you don't know how hard I'm trying. Yes, I can call you an ableist, if your condition is physical and not mental. Like I said earlier in this thread, people with mental health don't have much of a voice. Since I'm doing my best and it's not enough, maybe I should be homeless...or kill myself..I have thought about it to alleviate the burden of other people.



I tend to agree with mrkim56. I left home at 15 from an abusive family situation. Did not even finish high school, and to be honest failed typing and other courses... mostly because I was never there due to my home life. <br> <br> I have worked at crap jobs for example, an egg packing factory, restaurants... all of the sh*t jobs you can imagine for a year or so. Then I applied (took me 7 interviews) to the Provincial Gov`t. Finally landed a bottom line job as a file clerk. <br> <br> I have never stopped working since then although now I am not in the best of health myself.... <br> <br> You make your own luck in this world, no one is going to do if for you. <br> <br> I also understand people that have health problems, there should be help for them as well.

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 Well, thank God for even one interview. I can't make it that far.


@schuyl YES, you can, if I did it, so can you

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 I hope so. I keep on trying and I want to call back about it, but I just figure if they wanted me, they would let me know.


@schuyl Have you ever considered getting a friend to help with interview skills, it does help, took me a while to gather confidence, but it is possible. <br> <br> Have a little more faith in yourself.

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 I will see what I can do. I want to finish college which I started, but I need to raise money first to go back. I could take out more loans, but then maybe my cycle will continue.


@schuyl I was the most timid, and yes mousey kid ever.....

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@schuyl Try lookin at that another way schuyl. Makin a call back to an employer shows desire, drive and "stick-to-itiveness", things most every employer wants to find :>)


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Quite right schuyl, neither of us know one another, what we go through or have been through, so that's a given. <br> <br> Let me share the best hope I can: keep trying, even when things look like they'll never change. When you fail to put in the effort to keep moving forward one result is assured and that's that nothing will change. <br> <br> Having been through many difficult periods in my life they were always shorter than the rest of my life's been. Even when things look really bad you just hafta keep on keepin on and eventually your efforts will be rewarded ;>)

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@mrkim56 I really hope so. I graduated high school several years ago even with students bullying me and teachers not caring about it, so hopefully. You're absolutely right about government assistance and I don't want it...but it's one of the few things that keeps me able to continue trying and get out of government assistance.

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