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Should Google be regulated? (663 views, 15 replies)

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They control the news that everyone sees, and thaey are biased towards the left. They are brainwashing entire generations. When you enter a search, you see what THEY want you to see. Should they be allowed to continue? Or like ANY monoploy..and their search engine IS a monopoly....should they be broken up, or regulated?

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@bondojoe Do a search on search engines. When are so many, how can google be a monopoly? Maybe your server restricts what you can use. Then it's the server you pay that is putting the strangle on you.
google is just convenient, nothing more. I use a heap of add killers, so no bother from them.


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I think that yes they should.


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Really! You would crush the idea of free press. You don't have to believe the rubbish published. As an adult you should be able to make up your own mind. If you can use google you know there are more search engines. Use google to search other search engines, hahahhahaha. There are quite a lot. I tend to read Russian news papers translated to english online. For the same story the Russian paper will get the facts correct much more than any of the Western publications. Maybe it's the threat that they will be shot for telling porkies to the population.
Remember, Google is a choice, it's not compulsory. Only takes one finger press to change.
What makes Americans think that the rest of the world gives a toss about what idiot yous vote into power. Luckily yous did have the good sense to put a time limit on them.
Don't worry Americans. Your not the only ones. The UK voted Thatcher in, repeatedly? Though there were whispers she rigged it.
There is a reason politics is a frowned upon discussion. ...
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That took all of 3 seconds. I type slowly. Mostly because my spelling is shockingly bad.


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And I used google to do the search!


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I dont often use google much now, maybe once in a blue moon--they have too many advertisers they keep pushing--and Russian news pushes agendas THEY WANT TO ADVERTISE--You can't watch one of their older movies without the underlying message that"capitalism does not work!"i don't have any illusion that Russians are not lied to,either.Plenty of stuff in Russia, their newspapers will not report either--and if you ask them, they'll deny it.-

-America probably learned from communist countries that whole populations can be lied to, all the time.--its true America is an amatur liar in comparision.--If you get to know Russians who move over here, they are actually ICONS OF LYING. REAL MASTERS!!don't get into any business deals with them.--you'll be sorry.


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@clarachan1355 Hold on, I'll just go fetch my socks after laughing them off at your propaganda rant.
One of the things I love about this site. You are allowed to, without censorship, well except swear words. Which I like. can't even say sh*t!
Lies to the populous isn't new. The Roman empire done it. The Egyptians did too, How else would they manage to put so many stones together to make pyramids? These labourers were not slaves as Hollywood would have you think. They came from the 'Known World' and got payed. Food, housing and all the mod cons of the day.
Think about it. You think that many hard muscled bods would know what a whip was never mind feeling it's sting. Na. Pyramids were built by coercion and pay. Just like all the amazing building of today. You want it done right, you pay the skilled people.

Oh. If you really think Russia is like that. Go live there for a while. ...
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"Once in a blue moon"
You know it's regular and predictable. Unlike the gold moon. You have to be standing in the right place at the right time. Not to unlike the 'Harvest moon'. But appears much bigger and yellower. Only just get's above the distant horizon and bobs along before sinking bellow again. Yes does appear to be huge and goldy yellow. Them that know these thing tell me it's an effect of the atmosphere and angle of view. And being that the view reoccurs each year. I believe them.


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I do not trust Google which is why I have not used Google for several years now.
I do not like what Google is doing. The problems is if you regulate something then the Government becomes involved and we all know hows that works out!
I think the best way to beat them is do not use Google for anything!
That means as search engine or Gmail! smiley


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DuckDuckGo keeps no record of searches. I despise google. Want to play a game? Try to setup a google account with a name that insults google and see how long it takes. gotohellgoogle taken, f**kyougoogle taken, etc etc... Try it. It is an aggravating tho cathartic process when you see how many people truly despise google.

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@Wander Good for you! All I use lately is DuckDuckGo, because I hate Google and their monopoly on information and stranglehold on ideologies that aren't politically correct enough for them.


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Google, like all search engines uses an algorithm to return search results. In Google's case, they use how often a website is clicked on by other users who entered the same search terms. Basically, what the majority of people chose as the answer to their search.

It's not Google that's biased, it's the people using it. Autocomplete is the same. When you type in Trump, it will give you a range of suggestions all based on what most other people had typed in.

To me this is a flawed system. It's based on popularity. Which is why I don't use them. There are other ways that search engines have used to rank results, like number of page views or how many other pages link to it, or how often the search term is used on the page.

People felt that Google gave them the most useful results and so it became dominant. Until someone comes up with a better way, it will remain so.

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