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What group of people is raping the women in Europe? (1619 views, 148 replies)

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What do you think? Is it the Jews? The Chinese? Native Americans? Maybe the Boy Scouts? Who do you think is groomong and raping the women in Europe? Let's get down to it. This is absurd. Throw your political correctness out the window.. Tell us what you know.

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@bondojoe The members of a violent cult that comes from Africa Asia and the Middle East.

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@FemaleLotRfan83 Exactly.We can see it happeneong everywhere. Yet some people are trying to change the "FACTS".

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@bondojoe Every man can rape a woman, theoretically. So I think it's not about race or religion.

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@Dr.Evil That's true. I only bring it up because according to the people living in Europe, it is predominately men from North Africa, You can get the opinion of some of our members that live in England, and the UK. There are also Youtube videos attesting to the fact. It doesn't have to be about race or religion. It can be about men from a specific geodrapgical area, that are immigrating in large numbers. I am not trying to paint an entire people. I am Identifying who is responsible. According to police reports, and eyewitnesses. I'm just reporting the news.

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@Dr.Evil I've watched something about why Muslim men were raping white (you know little kids) girls, because of their "race", which is classed as being racist, yes.

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@Dr.Evil True but it seems that there is one in particular that seems to have this trend on lock!

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@Dr.Evil Dr. Evil,I would agree with you,but the CULTURE OF CERTAIN RACES can dictate how they behave.--and it does,When cewtain behavior is accepted in the culture, yeah, they do it.If women are seen as"things to be used,not people"rape will happen--ok?.

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@bondojoe OK, ITS men!!men!!i would say,"the more primitive,and old fashioned the country, those men would be the worst rapists".I don't think Japanese could DO IT??they really repress their womern.Asian nations are often very sexist--so are the Chinese,in China,they all want MALE BABIES ALL THE TIME--THEY TREAT GIRLS AND WOMEN ROTTEN.however,American men have a bug up their arrsez,i would even suspect Americans.

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@bondojoe The bulk of rape in Europe will be sex slaves , controlled by a predominantly white gangs of organized criminals. Who primary customer base will predominantly be white European men.

Lets ignore this and blame a color or religion .


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@Mark83x That's not what the statistics, and the crime records show. They show a sharp rise in crime, due to immigration. You blame whoever you like. Why don't we blame the guilty?

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@bondojoe After WW2 Germany encouraged a mass immigration of turks into Germany to bolster their labor force and rebuild a blitzed country .
Which is one of the primary reasons Germany has a higher number of non-white residents than other euro countries .
Which is also why racist groups have thrived there for decades .

Instead of spouting opinion based on a single article or video . Try a little research that isnt sourced from your usual right wing sites .

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@Mark83x I'm well read. Thank for your concern.

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@bondojoe In your 'well read' experience .

Someone who is a criminal by trade, knows the law and local procedure .


An immigrant , new to the land .Potentially In a desperate situation .

- both rob a store, kill the clerk .

Who in your estimation is most likely to get caught ?

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@Mark83x We both know the answer to that. Tell me...aren't they both guilty? Even if only one gets caught? If you were an immigrant, KNOWING that you know nothing....wouldn't you abstain from crime. There is ALWAYS a choice... a job somewhere that NO ONE will do. Do it. I have.

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@bondojoe Yes they are both guilty, but you are basing this entire thread on conviction stats.
Which is the point i was making.

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@Mark83x Didn't racist groups thrive in Germany under Hitler BEFORE the influx of Turks?

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@bondojoe The growth of a political party which used peoples ignorance and fear in order to gain power. Then went on to conquer .

Is the exact same thing that is happening now

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@Mark83x I don't see your age on your profile. Are you old enough to remember the aftermath of the second world war? The Russians were our friends for awhile. Then they orbited the earth, abd were our enemies. that lasted a while, then Reagan got them to tear down the wall, and we were friends again. Now someone needs an enemy [not Trump] and part of America hates them again. The point is that we NEED an enemy. If we don't have one,we make one up. It's a war economy. Always have been. You want to change the world. Good for you. But you won't. It's like that old song...Meet the new boss, same as the old boss. Human nature isn't going to change. As soon as ther a vacancy in power, some other ass hole will fill it. We are lucky that we live in free to speak.

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@Mark83x happening now????, The only people trying to conquer is the religious cult that hates everyone.

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@sunshinedaydreams think bigger .

Would the taliban have gotten anywhere near as strong as they did if the USA didn't supply them with weapons and training in order to weaken Russian presence in Afghanistan ?

The same can be said for pretty much every unstable middle eastern country .

Feel free to look it up.

If you were facing an enemy with vastly more resources, a profound technological advantage and you felt your entire way of life and loved ones were in genuine danger.
What tactics would you employ,knowing that targeting military targets would barely scratch the surface?

I'm not saying i agree or find acceptable all that goes on with extremism .

But i can expand my mind to absorb all the facts. Not just those that support an agenda.

This entire conversation can go on and on . But blaming the many due to the few. IS FUCKING INSANE

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@Mark83x I totally agree, and I don't need to look it up, I know exactly what the clinton's have done. And what obama did. They are traitors to their own country.

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@Mark83x it's not just a few though dude, that is the problem.

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@Mark83x the middle-east is a land of wars,wars,wars,they all war on each other.DENY IT ,IT DOES NOT CHANGE IT.denial of facts ONLY MAKES THE DENIER LOOK IGNORANT,because everyone is laughing at him--and he don't even realize that.

yes,i am for "our-country-ignoring-staying-out-of-the -rest-of-the-world."Good way to avoid idiots.

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@clarachan1355 Europe is a land of war
Asia is a land of war
Africa is a land of war
South America is a land of war
North America is currently the dominant war monger and WAR PROFITEER
Antarctica - as far as i'm aware . Penguins are not at war.

What is it exactly you think i'm denying ?

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@bondojoe well, i said "immigrants".yes,IMMIGRANTS.will you stop denying reality??YOU HATE SCIENCE SO MUCH--YOU INVENT YER OWN REALITY??--WHERE YOU ARE ALWAYS RIGHT?


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@clarachan1355 Have a cup of tea, Clara.

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@bondojoe yeah, yer right, i'm wasting my time.

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@bondojoe I just wanted to pass this to you, this guy is a scholar I believe, he's how I read and learned the quran.

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@manditoe Yes...I've seen him. He's a good teacher for those interested in Isalm.

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@bondojoe It's not for those interested it's for those to learn what islam is all about! The Truth!

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@manditoe LOL! I was trying to keep you from getting attacked by the Muslim lovers.


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smiley desperate for attention again?


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Pretty sure that group is just called "rapists" and is usually made up of members of all ethnic origins and religions.


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Shame the left lacks the balls to bring the #MeToo movement to the Muslim world.

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@MarkRowley Where ARE the femenists?...this SHOULD be their number one issue.

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@bondojoe here i am!!AND,YES,I'M OLD.if i were in better shape,itd be easier to join organizations again--but its not the 70's any more.I am trying to join a women's political group--what happens is,womens' groups get split down political lines now.I cannot join liberal,but conservative feminists don't want abortion--and I believe in abortion/and birth control.#METOO does not take non-liberals;sh*t!! this is screwed!!! I'LL BE FORCED TO JOIN A NEO-CONSERVATIVE FEMINISTS' GROUP.SIGH.

EVEN THE WOMENS; MOVEMENT IS SCREWED UP.I belonged to N.O.W. a long time ago--everyone was a democrat.Women need to cast oFf male political agendas, and just be WOMEN ONLY.--BUT FEW WOMEN ARE INDEPENDENT ENOUGH TO DO THAT. :(

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@MarkRowley You just described WhirledPeas.

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@bondojoe Spot on. If just a small percentage of these children who stamp their feet at Trump used the same passion of protest against Muslim countries and that oppressive religion that controls women and homosexuality in such an inhuman manner...maybe they wouldn't look like so hypocritical and immature.


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@MarkRowley TRUE;but I know a not-often-known fact about Arabic men;there's a high statistic of homosexuality among those men.why?Women are so separate,and "not seen as people"Arabic men can only often relate to other men.--which ups their ratio of gay men.


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Shame so many people talk out their butts without checking first.. The Muslim women have been fighting the oppression of strict crazy gender rules since the burka became the law again.. If a woman wants to wear one, it's her choice but when an entire culture demands they loose their rights to individual identity by covering up, it sets up a patriarchal objectification of women that's riff with things like rape..
Question: have you actually studied what's coming out of the #MeToo movement or just making comments up off the top of your heads? Because it's an old subject with a new title and way to connect, that's all... You just finally heard of how prevalent rape is, through the #MeToo movement...
AND the answer to your original question of who it is that's raping women,,,, It's MEN...
The #MeToo movement is simply a way to tell our stories.. The consequences men are feeling are from women not being silenced anymore,, nothing more.. It's not a vigilante group, it's a place to share stories....

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@WhirledPeas Of course it's men. Don't dodge the question . Who are the Muslim women fighting? WHAT men are they fighting? What men are doing the "groomoimng" and raping of Europe? You want to blame it on ALL men? You don't want to answer? Muslims have been creating terorism since they started cutting heads off, on the interenet , DECADES before the "METOO" movement.

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@WhirledPeas I don't believe any woman WANTS TO WEAR A BURQuA--its just harder to rape a woman wearing one--its like an up-side-down-cottage pulled over yer head.--those poor women are wearing small houses upside down!!(not a joke)

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@clarachan1355 Of the hundreds of millions of women who wear these traditional outfits . you "DON'T BELIEVE ANY WANT TO"

Of all the insane ways people choose to live their life . This is what you dont believe. You are hilarious


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As long as you're blaming the victim, it doesn't change anything but how you attack instead of listen..
You are simply giving more evidence to support what I'm saying..
By continually pretending it's anything but an institutionalized patriarchal system set up by men and their flying monkeys, you continue to miss the obvious...

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@WhirledPeas The obvious is that ANYONE that blames ONE gender for all of the world's problems, has a problem of their own. Listen to THAT!

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@bondojoe amazing,, you ask about the violence against WOMEN but refuse to hear that it's MEN who are raping them.. because somehow you need to blame the women for something men do to them.. amazing..

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@WhirledPeas I think you should get someone to INTERPRET my posts to you!

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@WhirledPeas He isn't blaming women. That I am 100% sure about. He is trying to get a more specific type of man.

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@WhirledPeas whirledpeas is right--its men who rape,just about everywhere.I still think,more primitive countries,backwards ones.Africa,i heard thru grapevine,even rapes women in "help-africa-programs-from-america"-prog rams.yes!!they go to help programs, get over there,and get raped for their trouble!!!NO JOKE!!I read real accts. from women workers.

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@clarachan1355 There are also cases where the men from the US and the rest go over there "to help" and just end up raping the local women and children or their fellow aid workers, so not really sure why you're attempting to pin it all on certain groups.


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and you may as well look up how many women are killed and raped every day in the US,, because it might be a surprise to find out our statistics suck really bad where women's issues of rape and violence are concerned..

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@WhirledPeas Go back to all of our posts...I NEVER blamed the victim. I blamed the perpetrators. Which you REFUSED to do. I have two daughters. I know how women are treated, in America,. and all over the world. I DO know how bad it is. I can't imagine what it's like to walk around in fear. I also know that they hold SOME responsibility for that. Some women CHOOSE lives that submit to the cruelty of men...voluntarily. Every statement that you post says that you hate men. I'm sorry for you. But I haven't done anything to you, or ANY woman. Other than simply being a man.

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@bondojoe women have been telling men to stop for a long time,, it's time men start listening (and I know it's not all men,, just like it's not all women who are raped...) I do know what it's like to walk around in fear,, being raped changes everything about how safe someone feels or not...
I think if you were to study this subject more, you might not have so much unfocused anger..

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@WhirledPeas College towns, like mine,have the highest rape statistics.yeah,i read that one too--and i believe it!!co-ed colleges the guys really act out badly.--especially fffing fraternities.> :(


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Look, it's obvious you understand that there's a problem,, but you're not informed or educated on the subject you're trying to act all genius about.. But it's a really old issue like you say and there are a ton of folks who've been researching this subject and have a lot to offer.. There's a ton if information out there,, you just have to do research to find it instead of arguing without insight..

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@WhirledPeas Go back to the first post! Where did you get derailed? I asked WHAT GROUP is raping the women of Europe? Do you know, or not? I did not start a discussion on women's rights.

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@bondojoe you can't have the subject of RAPE without including women's studies... you seem to pretend they are two different issues or subjects...

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@WhirledPeas OK...YOU start that discussion...on your own forum. This forum is about WHICVH MEN arev raping women. NO...not all men are. Not in Europe...not by the thousands.

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@bondojoe welL, is it IMMIGRANTS??

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@clarachan1355 bingo! You win the cupie doll!


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I already answered that,, it's MEN who are raping women

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@WhirledPeas In Europe. By the THOUSANDS. RIGHT NOW! Which men? Are you a Muslim supporter?

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@bondojoe stop reading right wing baloney and start reading informed info instead of fear mongering...

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@WhirledPeas OK... I are just PRETENDING to be a femeinist. You are a radical Muslim.

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@bondojoe hold on,, I thought you were concerned about the Muslim women?

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@WhirledPeas They aren't raping MUSLIM women in Europe. They are raping white women. Most of them children. I thought you were concerned about ALL women!

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@bondojoe did you say "children are being raped most??"crap!!where is the fffing UN.N. OR NATO,WHEN THEY'RE NEEDED?

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@WhirledPeas I think he is more concerned with hating on Muslims.

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@bondojoe I think it's weird that you pretend I ever talked about being a feminist.. cuz I didn't,, I just defended the #MeToo movement.. lol.. sheesh,, stick to subject

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@WhirledPeas Everyone can read your posts. We're finished...LOL!

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@bondojoe So that is your response to someone who disagrees? Ad hominem attacks? They must be a radical muslim??? Wow, you sound just like GW or Trump, our christian zionist saviour. Don't forget our oh so holy American Zionists..."If a woman is raped, they won't get pregnant if they really didn't like it". Remember that stupid as dirt answer? Blaming the Muslims for a situation that was created by the west is very fashionable these days. What would you do in another country that devastated yours? Sing hallelujah and pay homage? Do you believe everything the MSM spews? How many of these attacks are from provocateurs? Are any of the security services behind any of this? Why don't you ask WHY they're there in the first place? Islamophobia is the wests leverage to enable them to slaughter world-wide with NO opposition from their people. Thanks for helping them promote this. ...
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@zman501 So won't answer the question. Got it.

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@zman501 There is no such thing as Islamaphobia, it's a progressive term to call people racist, even though muslim is NOT A RACE, it's a religion. Islam is a religion, which hates ALL people that are NOT muslim, and wants them Deader than a door nail. That includes you too. So they love when dumbocrats stick up for them and let them in, so they can take over, just like they are doing in France, UK, Sweden, etc. They will love to slit your throat and not think twice about it. Problem is, not enough people are listening to the words out of their OWN mouths. And of course their are moderate Muslims. And modern Muslims. But they are not the ones coming over to trample cultures and turn towns into sh*t holes.

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@sunshinedaydreams FANTASTIC post!

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@sunshinedaydreams So, you are a Muslim and speak from your knowledge of your religion? I thought not. I like to read all these thinly veiled reasons for discrimination and hate, it is the same everywhere. It seems as though the same thing comes up all the reminds me of the US healthcare system. They give you a pill for every symptom, but will never address the root causes, because it does not benefit them to do so. Keep the hate going, the lies towards desired enemies and viola!, you have the mess we have today. Anyone with the nerve of criminalizing Islam and dares to compare it to the Christian religion is a fool. Ask ANY country outside europe who were the worst killers, rapists and genocidal murders that affected their countries and see what their answers are. European Christians. And I think we're all educated enough to know there is no such thing as Islamphobia, but it does denote ones proclivity, does it not? These are word games people like to play when they have no recourse. ...
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@zman501 I don't bash only Islam;there are very orthodox,extreme Christian sects that abuse children,example,that are bad..You just did the same,"Zionist war mongers"--you're saying there are no "Islamic war mongers"?and say that compared to Muslims, I AM THE WAR MONGER??HAH HAH--you are some joker!!and you only are allowed to bash Zionists and Christians?--but not Islam and Muslims? Muslims ARE STILL living in the 17th or 16th centuries!!they literally believe in "magic".their culture and laws are still in biblical times."fossils".Muslims don't believe in science.hah hah.

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@WhirledPeas Information was never a factor for Bondo. His ears are bookends for an empty shelf. 0.0


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I think I did, if you can figure that out. I don't support state sponsored terrorism or it's propaganda.

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@zman501 Well that's all I was intersested in. The NAME or ORIGIN of the people guilty. Not their history. Not a superfluous, indeterminate answer. If someone shoots me, or rapes me, I don't care why. I just want to know who did it, and what can be done to make sure that they don't continue doing it. If you have an axe to grind, the forum is wide open. Create a topic. Ask a question...create a conversation. The state that is encouraging Radical Muslims to committ these crimes should be relaced. It's NOT the United States of America.

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@bondojoe Yes, you want the answer answered the way you want it to be answered, not to include any attending data. I guess if someone beats you up, after you killed their family member , the only thing that is important is the name of the want nothing to do with the reason. Oh, yeah... the Iran card, right? Predictable. Tell me, when was the last time Iran attacked another country? When was the last time the US attacked another country? Maybe I'm wrong about the country you mean...possibly you meant Israel? Well, they fit...No, I doubt that, it doesn't fit the paradigm that Trump blathers. You could mean Russia, but I cant figure that one. Inform us unwashed masses with your information who is the creator of the terrorists. Please include at least some proof, not just western propaganda horse manure. I can show you where we armed and created Al Qaeda, ISIS using US government documents...can you do the same?

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@zman501 What group of people is raping the women in Europe? THAT was the question. You will either answer it, or you won't.


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Raping is not related to nationality. Bad thread, no offense, just my opinion.

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@Dr.Evil The people in Germany, and Sweden, and the rest of Europe would disagree with you.

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@bondojoe Rape is completely forbidden in Islamic law and is a crime punishable by death.

In Islam, capital punishment is reserved for the most extreme crimes: those that harm individual victims or destabilize society. Rape falls into both categories. Islam takes very seriously the honor and protection of women, and the Quran repeatedly reminds men to treat women with kindness and fairness.

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@Dr.Evil I understand that. But neverthe less it is radical muslims that are committing these rapes. The evidence is clear. It's the same thing as saying that Christians do not rape. OF course they rape. But their law says that they are NOT to. What group of people do YOU think is groomong, and raping the women in Germany, and England? Mostly white children, in the latter country. Islam is not ONLY a religion, it is a political movement. It has repeatedly been involved in wars ans terror attacks. Women are treated POORLY by male muslims. There is a reason that people are fighting to keep them out of their countries.

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@bondojoe Did you read that book about Jews written by a man with funny mustaches? :-= [SPOILER]
I understand that immigration crisis in Europe, but why did they opened their door for immigrants?

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@Dr.Evil Yeah...I did, and unfortunately. this site has some people that think was a good idea. Are you trolling me, Doc? LOL!

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@bondojoe Well I think that the informational field being created to send bad races home. I don't trust news lol and propaganda.

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@Dr.Evil I agree. I don't trust any of it either. But we hava a news section...and people are always bashing our President for trying to keep America safe. I'm just trying to even the playinmg field!

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@bondojoe Yes any government could stop it. But my opinion that worldwide migration will continue growing. Why? Because information is accessible, transport is affordable, Internet, etc. I think this is the main driver if people migration. Oh I forgot wars.

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@Dr.Evil I agree. I don't see any way to stop it. But there has to be law enforcement, for all involved, no matter the race, religion or origin of country.

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@Dr.Evil IT WILL ONLY STOP WHERE NATIONS ENFORCE THEIR BORDERS,AND IT'LL BE HARD TO GET INTO THOSE NATIONS.Turkey is taking back thousands of refugees, Europe paid them a million bucks to do it.--plenty of nations would rather pay the original country,to take back many refugees.--that'll continue.

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@Dr.Evil TRUE, WAR KILLS OFF THOUSANDS OF REFUGEES; ALREADY, THE OCEAN HAS THOUSANDS OF DEAD REFUGEES.-that will continue.Every country has TOO MANY PEOPLE---not cause we women wanted to have them all!snicker

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@bondojoe But America is full of immigrants, that's how it was created and that's why it's successful or no?

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@Dr.Evil (America was not successful BECAUSE OF IMMIGRANTS--but then,they needed many new workers.NOW America has TOO MANY WORKERS--why would they need outsiders?\they need JOBS, NOT OUTSIDE WORKERS.

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@clarachan1355 If you live in America then you're a child/grandchild of immigrants right? So please send your parents home please. That's how it sounds to me. smiley

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@clarachan1355 That is as erroneous a statement that could be made. You do not state the reason for said issue. It is not immigrants. It is robotics. Actually look into this and educate yourself. More Mexicans are returning to Mexico than are coming here. The numbers and research are there, look for it. In 5 years, the US work force needed could decline by 50% due to robotics. There is even a conversation being held that robotics need to be taxed, as they will be eliminating tax paying workers.

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@Dr.Evil I didn't see your question yesterday. Yes...our ancestors were all immigrants. They built this country. They didn't do the Native Americans much good, unfortunately.

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@Dr.Evil ones that apply to legally come here. sure.

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@Dr.Evil Then why let this crap flourish on your site!!! Grrrr..... media news PLEASE, take the other sh*t elsewhere.

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@(⌐■_■) You did not have to come here, you read the title so why come??

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@(⌐■_■) so don't enter the thread, It's called debate, it's not crap, it's reality. If you want to hide your head in the sand, your free to do so. Again, you didn't have to enter the thread. So why did you?

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@Dr.Evil Because they either compassionate and naive, or they are ruthless and greedy for votes.

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@Dr.Evil doctor evil, do you REALLY BELIEVE THE b.s. handed out by most religions?especially very non-liberal religions?most very conservative(not the political meaning)orthodox, old fashioned religions or sects, don't believe in birth control!!NO, THEY DO NOT!!!I researched that a long time ago.EXAMPLE;a very orthodox,non-liberal Jewish sect would not let it's women members use real birth control.NEITHER WOULD sects in Arabic countries.--and you think these idiots would allow abortions??NO THEY DON'T.

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@Dr.Evil Protection of women???OMG your joking right? Family's honour kill women for getting raped. Stone them for sex before marriage consequentially. Rape children. and this is just in the UK not to mention in their own countries. I could provide links and lists out the wazooo of rape stats and deaths to women in the name of Allah.


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Dr, Evil did not take any effective "civics classes"in school,they would have explained to him,that countries let in immigrants when the work force NEEDS THEM--to work.--cuz the nation has many industries at that time.-

-just like Europe needed cheap low paid workers, they imported low-level folk from India and Middle East nations.--and paid them little.

Later on, when they are many more children of immigrants, BUT MUCH FEWER MANUFACTURE FACTORIES & JOBS,they do not NEED MORE WORKERS--they already have too many.WHAT THEY NEED ARE--MORE INDUSTRIES AND MORE JOBS.GOT IT??(someone explain "economics 101",plez.)I'm not getting paid to explain civics to kids.Get Dr. Evil some basics text books, or books on America(beginning and early years), and especially "Beginning Economics." start with "supply-and-demand." smiley

EVIL, you have homework to do.READ BOOKS,DO RESEARCH ONLINE.there will be quizzes in future.--former teacher

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@clarachan1355 except you miss out the impotant vital details of those workers, forced workers in history, slaves brought to England, US, they were the ones in the fields, being whipped so the evil people at that time could be wealthy, they paid them f**kall, all of the slaves and forced work, is what made alot of the world what it is today, the places that used slaves with no pay to help build, immigrations sweat blood and tears part of every culture.

If also we all came from fish and some migrated on-land to become humans, even made as a slave race from Alien masters above, comet impact..... we are all immigrants, and wow what a good feeling if understood correctly:) as all of us are all the same in every regard, much peace to you.

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@KiaZi I don't believe he was talking about then(before 1900) He was talking more of the growing economy in the 1900-1950's etc..right away you interpreted what he said wrong and jumped on the slave wagon! Radical muslims are quite a bit different from all the other immigrants through history! Some of them really have escaped etc. from wars with their neighbours, but many did because they didn't want to live their lives with the harshness of the Quran laws and the oppression of the men.I mean they can do anything they want to their wife if they think she wronged him or disobeying him from beating to maiming to killing! It's a very scary belief they have.I read the Quran and it opened my eyes right up. I think people should read it, you might get a big surprise.
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@manditoe Well i did know what Clarachan was talking about, i did think at the time to edit it to add that as additional but in my view i done that in my own way and just went on another fact ofhow much of the western world thrived and is what is is from those forced workers before the 1900s.

I won't get any surprise, infact you and all the rest who believe this rubbish should then go and research outside of these extremist youtubers and extremist sites.
Major problem with these evil people is they are using bits of hadith from bad people who oppose the go against the teachings of the True Qu'ran, and if he is so great and wise then i am sure he would be reading from the book and not from an extreme anti-Islamic site, all, all any of you can do is post the views of extremists that don't use full verses and also do not use the before and other verses that are meant to be taken in part with another.
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@KiaZi I took no offense to your reply we are just communicating. :) But you have mislead anyone and are trying to deter anyone from even listening to this Scholar just because he doesn't agree with Muhammad's teachings does NOT make him a Hater or misguided mind, the channel has many different stuff on about muslim, it even has many Former Muslims on it. The channel is called Acts17Apologetics I studied with him a few yrs ago. He is also a Christian Philosopher. I gave you a link to a woman who teaches about the beginning of muhammad etc. who was from these Countries. so to say these are haters and misguided minds is just pure ignorance and very closed off to learning or listening to anyone "period" trying to teach people some of the Truth and harshness of the teachings of Muhammad!I seen actual footage of a group of men beating a woman in the streets! There wonderful sharia law. This is one on the "Worth of woman", I'm not gonna write down all the verses etc as my hands are very sore with arthritis this week so hopefully, if not you, someone who really wants to understand both sides will listen and make their own mind up.
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@manditoe A longer one.. "Is Islam a Threat to the West"

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@manditoe I can answer that one...absolutely yes!

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@manditoe But calling him a scholar while he uses information from an extremist certainly no scholar i want to listen to, and he is no real scholar only from his own actual knowing of western faiths is he credible, i listen to a man who is actually Muslim, speaks from the Qu'ran, and never once has he condoned any acts of violence or terror against any people regardless of who they are, thats just the real truth, That scholar is reading from a bad interpritation of Islam from a twisted people/s in the Hadith writings, true Islam never allows any horrors just because one thinks they has a right, one has only the right to be fearful of allah as he does not like transgressors, not in any way, so once again its people turning the Qu'ran into some kind of monster faith/spiritual belief that allows cruelty if one just pleases, that is not the way, and rapists, murderers are killed in Islam, do wrong in such ways then yes killing is permitted, as should be a message for all rapists and murderers, but we are giving them a name of shame from some lyers in the world.
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@KiaZi It's not a hate channel at all like I said before it has all different kinds of Islam stuff on it, even debates. :)
Just as I thought You couldn't even bother to even check it out and The Quran and other islam book scripture are used for proof but you choose to say it's an extremist he's using to teach .. Hmmm them Muhammad himself was an extremist?? That is what you are saying(he who wrote the Quran himself) I gave you a debate one on a Muslim supporter(he's muslim) and someone who teaches the Quran but you didn't even take the time to see it, That is why some people stay clueless, me I believe knowledge is Power and I try and learn as much as I could about something I'm interested in or want to know. Ok we can stop the debate if you wish but Thxx for talking with me. Cheers :)

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@manditoe knowledge is power if it teaches people to hate?.....

No he was no extremist in any way, but some scholars are puttin bad words to Islam/the Qu'ran and thats as simple as it appears, its not closing off to even look, as i looked at some of the material, and its aim is to paint a bad picture onto the Qu'ran, its not being clueless to a true knowledge of peace, its only clueless to only look towards the hate, within, and its very clear that nothing of mine researched as all i get given it the hate they want the clueless to follow into, not that it make anyone bad, just misguided, like all the rest that sends poor interpritations of the Qu'ran, and only seeing the bad that other put out, i am more aware than some may bept right in the dark, as they want some to.

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@KiaZi I don't hate, I just wanted the truth, the quran has some good stuff also in it, but bad as well, is all it's saying.
I'm in the middle of watching this-No it's not from that channel it's a crtv news program. Have a great evening. :)

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@manditoe never as clear as i should be:) sorry its not people certainly not you i hate the false content that in my view from everything i have looked into is nothing to do with real Islam, its the false knowledge i hate(in my view to believe as false) is what i only hate on these subjects.
its 2.25am here but thank you, enjoy the rest of your day and viewing experiencesmiley

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@KiaZi the quran teaches hate, how can you NOT see it, it talks about beheading non believers and NON muslims, how is that anything BUT HATE???

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@sunshinedaydreams the Qu'ran does not teach hate, no religion/ teaching book does in its understood essence, understood from evil minds then every religion is hatred filled in that view, nothing about beheading any non of anything, just the evil wrong words of the Qu'ran again from extremist sites and people posting lying from extreme sites, do you asssciate kkk with christian values of real christians, no you do not, so why are a small number of bad people wthe whole reason for Muslims to be hated, Qu'ran teaches peace and kindness

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@KiaZi Just because it is commanded does not mean it's followed. Ever hear of bachi bazi? The rape and enslavement of young boys????? and on the other side, they throw gay men off buildings and kill them. Twisted religion.

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@BeachBum Nothing in the qu'ran teaches such things, they only don't agree with homoseualality and similar things, in the vast majority of the eastern Muslim world, but in with what you said its not a twisted religion, just twisted people, who in Islam are killed for such barbaric crimes, murder,rape is punishable by death, sharia is no law just a set of guidelines that law comes from, used in corrupt part of the arab world to justify the crimes is moving away from allah, and thus not Muslim acts permitted in the Qu'ran, its not religion at all that does these things to people, its people the problem and society's that take certain bits of the Qu'ran and then uses it to enforce oppression, there is no oppression in Islam, the true areas, all men, women and children, non-Muslims included, are treated with equal respect.

Some of that may not be on subject in a manner of saying....:)

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@KiaZi I have read the real Quran.I was not impressed.

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@clarachan1355 lying only hurts ones self!!!!!

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@manditoe I read it too, and it is messed up, straight up. Every bleeding heart liberal needs to read it, maybe they would stop supporting a group of people that want them dead, like it says in their holy book over 108 times.

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@sunshinedaydreams The funny thing is they still won't, even when it's read from it(quran) as you see earlier or it will just be ignored!


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I blocked 1 user for endless anti-jew sh*t , now its time for bondo to fck off to my bigot bin

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@Mark83x He is not a bigot he is anti hate religion


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only elites i hate, not anti in any way unless you prefer the elites rule what they relate to is their choosing and not of any real teachings, elites i hate, nothing wrong in that.


senior guru
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Whenever I think I've read the most moronic, futile, senseless, asinine sh*t on the internet - somebody else comes along to better it.

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@DemandingFemale Who did that? People defending Muslim teerrorists? You should get used to that.


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Title of Video.

You will have to fill in the spaces of the URL/Link and if you live in the UK you might
only be able to view this via the "incognito" window.
Publishe d 18/09/2018

The guy who put this video (did all the hard work) together is very genuine.
That is the 1st time i've heard of them putting undercover police in the middle of
a peaceful protest to attack the police (this is f**king mental).
Just watch them pull him away (to keep it peaceful).

If you down vote this, would you please leave a comment to why you have. :)

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@PureVodka🍺 This is the link I found... www.b not the right one, probably...but a good one.

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@bondojoe If you can watch that vid (just watched all of it), then you should be able to watch the other (one i posted), just look for the title to the right. :)

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@PureVodka🍺 I found it...and I don't doubt any of all. I bet it's MORE than a million girls raped. But you British don't have any firearms. If the police are in it, it may be all over for you. You have no way of fighting back. Your new owners may be Muslims. I hate to say it...but it's true. They are trying to take over in America, and we HAVE guns. There is "grooming" going on here too. And Liberals to sell out their own country. They have lied to stop the appointment od a Supreme Court Justice. It will be a civil war here...soon.

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@bondojoe Hi Joe I ran into this several min ago and found it very interesting, an ex muslim woman who escaped from Iran and now talks publicly about it.

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@manditoe Thank you!

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@manditoe ty manditoe

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@PureVodka🍺 I can't find the video...but from the description, I know what you mean. There is also a certain element on this site that wants to ignore the truth, and support radical Muslims. All we can do is fight back.

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@PureVodka🍺 Hi PureVodka, hope your well. :)
Here is a couple new fairly new video from this summer

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@manditoe Thank you! Those sum it up perfectly.

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@bondojoe Bondojoe, have you ever seen a documentary I believe it was called Dancing Boys of Afghanistan? .... Looks like you're not the one who needs to watch it though :(

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@Icemankfc Nope...but I'll take a look!

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@bondojoe Here is a link i'm watching it now
When it asks if wucf is your station just say yes and you can watch the video.

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@manditoe Comment from the (which is the most detailed documentary, i've seen on this EVIL epidemic of treating women like trash) 1st vid:

"It is not racist to protect your women
It is not racist to protect your values
It is not racist to protect your borders"

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That 2nd vid has this for the (which was written over 2 year ago) description:

"UK Police say “Donald Trump is right about NO-GO Zones in London”
“We can’t wear our uniforms in our own cars and some Muslim areas of London are so radicalized, they are virtual ‘NO-GO’ Zones,” say serving police officers today, who backed Donald Trump’s claim that some Muslim communities in the UK are no-go areas because of Muslim extremism.
Several Met officers have said the ‘Islamification’ of some parts of the capital requires ‘extra vigilance’ and they can’t wear uniforms for safety reasons – despite Scotland Yard claiming the tycoon ‘couldn’t be more wrong."
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there does seem to be a lot of videos literally showing modern England and specific towns and cities.--they are not all faked.they look pretty bad.

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