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Underachiever and proud of it.
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El Barto (the Bart)
Last online:
4 years ago
5 years ago (May 15, 2018)
About me:
All you need to know about me is...I'm a total mystery baby ;)
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Latest movie comments from El_Bart0420

Comment Movie Date Rating
1.  it's cool but they should have made it better...
5 years ago
2.  looks really awesome so far! didn't watch it...
5 years ago
3.  i found this movie to be a lot less exciting...
5 years ago
4.  christians are doing to other religions what...
5 years ago
5.  real life winnie the pooh is terrifying with...
5 years ago
6.  it's meant in response to Happy2000's original...
5 years ago
7.  you forgot to add that christopher robins PTSD...
5 years ago
8.  well make sure you go alone
5 years ago
9.  whispers got the right idea. if people lived in...
5 years ago
10.  Oh BullShit! then why do we have judges? Don't...
5 years ago
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Latest forum posts, submitted by El_Bart0420

  1. What's the last Film/Series You Watched? Or Are Watching Rig... (5 years ago)
  2. TV Show Theme Songs or Openings... (5 years ago)
  3. Name a Vampire that Isn't Dracula (5 years ago)
  4. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  5. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  6. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  7. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  8. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  9. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  10. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  11. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  12. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  13. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  14. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  15. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  16. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  17. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  18. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  19. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  20. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  21. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  22. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  23. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  24. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  25. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  26. The End of the World (5 years ago)
  27. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  28. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  29. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  30. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  31. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  32. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  33. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  34. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  35. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  36. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  37. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  38. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  39. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  40. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  41. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  42. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  43. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  44. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  45. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  46. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  47. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  48. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  49. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)
  50. Why did Jim Acosta think he could take over the Presidents P... (5 years ago)


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