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Marriage...Yes or No (1023 views, 27 replies)

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If you are married, would you like to get divorced? If you aren't married would you like to GET married? Are you happy the way you are? How many TIMES have you been married? How many live- in relationships have you had? Do you want more? How many people endded up hating you? How many do YOU hate? Divorced, single, murdered your spouse? Let it all hang out.



Since the age of fifteen, I've had boyfriends.... The first I met hitching a ride, I wound up liking his best friend more. and eventually left home at that time with him on the back of his 650 BSA motorcycle. We married when I was just 17 years old. <br> <br> So that wasn't so bad, we were best friends but I didn't have a clue of what love or even marriage should be about. That lasted about seven years. We stayed friends until he passed of a terminal illness. <br> <br> So moving along, had about 3 more rather long term relationships, but I never could seem to get things right, they always wound up annoying me, or I got bored, (doesn't mean I didn't care for them, I did).... <br> <br> Bottom line is I'm the type of person who is better off on my own. It's not the same for everyone, but that is something I can't be successful at (and I'm happier that way). smiley smiley smiley

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@PureVodka🍺 Why thank you smiley


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@bondojoe What? Was my story that bad? smiley

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭's a good story. I'm sad that you lost your first friend, and husband. And I'm sorry that the rest didn't work out, but most marrriages , or relationships don't. I'm glad you're happy, now. I've asked every woman that I know if they would get married again, if they could do it over. About 90% say no. They wouldn't want anyone to have that kind of power over them, again.


@bondojoe Yes, it's true, I like doing my own thing, when and how I want, just the way I am, sadly you don't figure that out when you are just a kid.... and some people never do...

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 When we're young, we put up with a lot of crap, just to have someone with us. AS we grow older, and more independent, we get selfish! LOL! We want things our own way. That incredible sex drive drops to an idle, for the most part. Then people treat you badly...and as the saying goes " It's not that I love you less, it's just that I love me more!


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not a chance. lost a coupla young male friends advisin' 'em to not get married, so, they were, in all honesty, too f***in'(added me own censorship so that you brain police can relax) stupid & ignorant to be my friends, anyway. it's a stacked deck against males.

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@Unreconstructed I can see both sides. I know there are a lot of women out there that I wouldn't wish on anyone, but then I'd feel sorry for a woman that had to put up with me, too!

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@bondojoe It's controlled by the state, that automatically makes it a bad scene. just another thing the gooberment should not be involved in.

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@Unreconstructed I sent in 20 $ to the universal life church a few years ago, and got registered as a Reverend. Performed ny sister's last marriage! Had a blast.I wanted to wear an Elvis costume, she wouldn't let me.


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Got married at 17, Been married for 21 years. Wouldn't change anything!


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I have no experience in that area, but did have a girlfriend once over ten years ago, i was a rebound choice, while she still saw the ex while i was not there, nothing else has happened on the good side of things, only woman i ever really felt i belonged with was on holiday of all places years before, another super quiet one just like me, just within a few moments of seeing one another for the first time in an arcade we became real close, nothing to do with sex either, it was just slight talk and mostly hugs and kissing, nothing of any naughty kind, we exchanged numbers, then when back at my place of living at the time, i had that stolen from me, phone..... and that chapter came to a very fast end. <br> <br> problems from loud people is i am too quiet and not like others so that puts a limit on things, and my soulmate probably already is gone, marriage without a soul understanding is not healthy. <br> <br> besides i do not have any friends so marriage, women even are just not in my options when some people as i are so pathetic. <br> <br> marriage is probably just paperized imprisonment anyway, from evil thinking minds, not sure i can handle a whole rest of my life without something, but i have all these years so far, so i must be able to manage, just hate the thought of not leaving a little version of myself around one day, otherwise my line dies with me, something i knew a little of when just a child i would live like this. <br> <br> In more recent times because i know i must always sound in these areas like a sack of depressed poopoo, but i now get a little happiness from others happiness, i know it is not for me, so if others can succeed, then i can at least try and pretend to understand happiness from seeing it instead of experiencing it, not greatness but in this life, it will do me fine until i know otherwise.

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@KiaZi Whether or not you marry, or reproduce is up to you, but being a pessimist about it won't help!

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@bondojoe and always putting lables to people does no magic either:)

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@KiaZi If I saw a fly, I would have to call it something. If I said...That thing "flying " around in the air, I have still put a name to it. A description IS a name. We have to have descriptions to have communication.

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@bondojoe A little fly flew in the door <br> It landed on the pantry floor <br> It sh*t on the butter <br> And pissed on the ham <br> Then wiped it's arse on the grocery man. <br> <br> the fly reminded me of that old rhyme:) <br> <br> sometimes i forget to call a spoon a spoon and so on, with such things we can lable easy because that is a founding name/description. <br> but pessimist is like saying that is a flaw lable rather than just saying that is a fly, calling a fly a fly is not less than what it means, probably not making much sense here. :)

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@KiaZi You have to put yourself out there a bit. it's a risk you could get hurt. one thing is for certain, you are far to young to be giving up on friends and or a relationship. Your perfect someone is there somewhere. My grandmother use to say people search high and low for the right mate. most of the time they are under your nose. <br> Being positive is a good thing go out to eat somewhere you need to sit down. maybe your lifes love is your waitress! In life you never know. just never give up. i believe no matter how your personality flows we all have a soul mate.

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@fortunate1 My family has never said such things, once my uncle said England have a better chance of winning the world cup then i do of getting a woman, his words exactly from more than 15 years ago, they almost got there this year:D <br> <br> I done all that getting out there and such when younger, the ladies in my area in the UK are not quite what i look for in women, they all look the same mostly, boots almost half way, jeans or black jeggings or whatever they are called and all dyed hairs and huge earrings and caked in makeup, just for out and about stuff, and i know i smoke and drink, but i just don't find those similar things attractive in the opposite sex while they look like trash on a date, i have very odd standards, hmmm, i suppose sub-barriers that over the years keep me away from all types of those kinds of ladies. <br> Need to work on myself also to be of the standard that a clean(of body and mind) ladie would accept, problem is my weed is binded almost to my music and i an married to my music, another problem, one that only some musicians/artists know of, so in balance of trying to work some agreement out with my chaotic mind, they can be like me as that is their own path, but i still hold to no women of a makeup life nature, most of the western populations, the rest seems to be slugs from the swamps, not a general term, these are the ladies that simply do not look after their appearance, and wear clothes that leaves nothing to the imagination, a grizzly mistake while drunk in the dark are these ladies only hopes of men. <br> <br> I mostly have a liking towards the ladies of the east, not many to my liking in my area, and i have odd tastes, gothic chinese with fox tail and teeth would be prime choosings but thats not in this limiting planet of beings, SCI-FI and Anime warped my view on how i see beauty most of the time, probably why in recent years i have a liking towards eastern ladies, nothing like i am used to seeing, talking to someone is a much better experience than to get my social feedings from anime and various tv programs/characters in the past, how i lived most my time when no friends about, just listen to anime or other tv and pretend to be interacting. <br> never sat with a friend to watch anything of interest to one another or played games or anything yet with what others call friends. <br> i had to have a lot of calm and patience to not have gone crazy by now, did not even have real school friends either so it has been a long lesson in not going mental or completely sad so some feel to drug me up on things to increase it, i hide well like men do my emotions in real flesh, so well my family are none the wiser to anything i feel. <br> perhaps i have talked too long on things here, it is custom for the ones with no lives, to be seen as like those in media when they are branded as the crazy ones, and to be ignored by society, the amount of people that simply stop talking to me just because of me being me is ridiculus. <br> also another reason why i like eastern ladies more, they actually at least talk with me for a time at least on the sites i use, ladies over here and even in US and europe are all no time of day people, infact i have been with one site since 2015 and not once had anyone of white skin even visit my profile, damn strange even though i am polite.

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@KiaZi If you wait for someone to be perfect, you will never talk to anyone. Besides that, some of those women probably dress like that just to fit in. They may not like it either. Get to know a few. Maybe they will surprise you. If not... you've lost nothing.

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@bondojoe That is a concern as if they do not like the way they dress, just to fit in, i would never do such things so cannot look for such things, but each to his own, thats why we are all individuals:) <br> <br> Not to say they are all bad because of the way they dress, but how much more selloutness is there to be found if vanity is already bought in some of these ladies. <br> <br> in my teen days i wore odd stripped socks above knee length, never chose a matching pair or followed anyone, but then again people looked at me weirdly:D:D:D

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@KiaZi Insecure people require acceptance.


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Going to reply to you in a pm instead of here. Give me a little bit I'm one eye watching a movie and folding laundry too.


senior guru
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I was marred once about 16 year ago .We was marred for 3 years ,until our marriage fail apart. It was not what I did or didn't do ,it was her .She did not know how to be a mother to her children . She would run off and leave her children at home or go shopping and leave them in the car.That's where our marriage ended .I could not take anymore of it and feared for the safety of my children.She left me and I hire a attorney for a divorce . Since then I have not dated or even went out with anyone . I just focus on taking care my children .

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@gregsohappy You're a good man, Greg.


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Having fallen off the marriage-go-round 3 times with several other live-in arrangements as well as a number of short to long term relationships I've come to understand cohabitation just isn't a workable concept in my life. <br> <br> Been happily single for the past 10yrs and not even interested in dating anymore. I do what ever I like, when and with whom ever I choose, spend my $$ on whatever I choose to without any need for a consenting opinion which is quite freeing. <br> <br> A famous anthropologist once opined that we as humans were not meant for life long relationships, yet felt compelled to do so through societal/religious pressures and I must say I find agreement in that opinion. <br> <br> For those who do marry and actually are happy in their lives long term, I too am happy for them. For those who have tried it and found it lacking, I certainly understand that as well ;>)

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