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🚾🪠 Poems fron the Underbelly 💩🚀 (295 views, 32 replies)

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Dear Tazz

sometimes i have such a rage
that it is not good for anyone to be with me
just then I don't like to be alone
because how do I get rid of my rage

everyone understands that
because everyone has had anger at one time or another
and some have also understood
that you don't like to be alone with it

they then left quickly
or they stayed with me
maybe because they love me
but certainly to help

(some have died in the process:)


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two signs of the hand

i cross myself
in front of every church
i plum myself
in front of every orchard

how I do the former
every catholic knows
how I do the latter
I alone

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@Don🗡️Robusto 👉💜 utterly smitten
smiley xx0x0xx
smiley Hugs ‘n Junk!


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Whether moving up or not, at least carry on.


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(Don't steal my) Thunder

i could puke
throw up
or ralph

everything must come out
i relieve myself
even chunder

can't you hear, can't you hear the thunder?
you better run, you better take cover

(thank you thesaurus)


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So this got me in a rabbit-hole where found this :

Which got me thinkin’…?

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@(⌐■_■) *I wonder if he fux like he’s pushing a chair under the table? smiley

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@(⌐■_■) doesn't everyone?

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@Buttless smiley Not in my crib! smiley

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@(⌐■_■) Rocking chair or Lazy-boy?

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@Buttless Yep… annnnnd the sofa, tables, floors, counters, deck, pool, car. Absodamnlutely butt ya KNOW whut? Healthy curiosity nearly kill’d that dang cat. smiley

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@(⌐■_■) I can't post it here (politics...) but search for Scared Ketchup's AI on Gaetz's 'I f'd a couch.
"We're all furniture people"

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@Buttless smiley Vaaaance....
I think it was Vance who f'd that poor sofa. smiley
At least that's how I recall it.

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@Don🗡️Robusto You're right, it was Vance.
So many preverts in that gang that I get confused.


senior master
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Poetry? Here is an Irish Limerick about movies to make everyone more cheerful

Our local cinematorium
is not just a cheap censatorium
but a most ineffectual
mutual masturbatorium.


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@Buttless In a theater where few dare explore,
Lay floors that are sticky with gore.
Each step makes a sound, smiley
As your shoes stick around,
Leaving questions you best just ignore.


senior master
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of times - By Ernst Jandl (Austrian poet and writer)

be that today be it a sh*tty day

its yesterday's day its been a sh*tty day just like yesterday

come tomorrow it will be a sh*tty day just like tomorrow

and so it will be the sh*tting week

and from the sh*tting week to the sh*tting week

so its build up the sh*t april

and it will be attached to sh*t may

and it is attached to the sh*t june sh*t

july august etten zetteren

so its build up the sh*t year

and on all fours of the sh*t year

and have each of the sh*t year on it a nummeron

nineteensh*thundred and seventysevensh*t

sh*t nineteenhundredsh*teighty and sh*tseventysh*t

so build up his life of sh*t

step by step hear of the births

and yet it is truly to sh*t to death

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@Don🗡️Robusto ‘’Welcome to the sh*t show.’’

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@(⌐■_■) ...where the 💩 hits the fan smiley smiley

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@Don🗡️Robusto Oh no, does that meanz 🧐
EVUR DANG THANG is Buttless’z problem…
smiley or him’s fault? smiley

💩☝️💩☝️💩☝?? ?💩☝️💩

There once was a Moobian named Buttless
Whose antics were fun to disrupt us.
Butt he got disgraced,
Wiff farts in his face.
Now his nose is totally stuffed!

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@(⌐■_■) smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley
Now you have to fear his WRATH smiley
Wait.... I can hear him coming. I'm out.

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@(⌐■_■) There once was a lady named Roo
Who farted until she turned blue
It made a big stink
But worst, I think
The whole of 2M smells like poo.

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@Don🗡️Robusto 'tis better to give than receive...

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smiley In 2025 the world may ignite,
Temptation and hate day and night.
Ambitions unmet, and soon we'll regret...
Hiring fukwads that created this plight. smiley

Wait... what were we talking about?


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The wilful snake

rattling its rattle was the rattlesnake
until its rattling needed a break

regardless it rattled on and on
till its ratlle made a rattly tone

as the rattle was swollen
it felt very sullen

yet it rattled all day
until it passed away


senior master
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There's a felon who talks like a monkey
Rude, greedy and mentally clunky
He ganged up with predators
Self serving senators
And took over the whole fuk'n country.

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@Buttless That guy is a friggn malignant troll
Wouldn't touch him with a ten-foot pole
His hair is sparse
The office a farce
Lets throw him in an abyssal hole.

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@Tangerine🍊🍊🍊 In the Garden of Eden God's vision
created perfection, just by wish'n
then out of the junk
made the rat and the skunk,
the snake and the first politician.

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