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DOCTOR SLEEP - Stephen King - The latest! ... (985 views, 8 replies)

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Have you read or seen The Shining? Not the Kubrick version, the real deal, from "the master" himself, Stephen King? (Not that I didn't appreciate the Kubrick version, just to clarify, but it was not as per the book and Kubrick mistakenly turned supernatural into psychotic)... <br> <br> Anyhow, this is the latest in terms of the novel (as sequel to The Shining) Doctor Sleep, into a film... <br> <br> I hope you are as excited as I am. Yay!! <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br> <br>

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@ Can't come soon enough, loved the Novel...I enjoyed it as much as the shining! I audiobooked it & the reader was Will Patton, he's fantastic!

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@ I have both movies and I agree that while Kubrick's was good the other is more along with the book. I can't wait for Dr. Sleep. Thanks for sharing!!

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@MotherDragon I wish I could share the film right now! LOL :)


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Awesome! Can't wait for this to come out. Just hope they do justice for the King of the written word. <br>


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The Shining mini-series is one of my favourite King adaptations. Having watched the Kubrick movie for so many years I was thrilled they did the book the justice it deserved - TBH, it actually pisses me off a bit it that Kubrick's gets voted best horror so often, but the echo-chamber works well and we've now become programmed to say it's great. <br> <br> Not sure how I feel about Ewan McGregor as lead in Doctor Sleep, though.

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@DemandingFemale I would agree with all of that. I do love Jack Nicholson and Shelley Duvall and Scatman Crothers, but ultimately, Kubrick dropped the ball on what could have been amazing by leaving too many essentials out. King is difficult to translate to screen, though. <br> <br> I agree about Ewan McGregor, but I remain hopeful. He can play the more innocent side and is a wee bit like the adult Danny is described (physically) though not completely. <br> <br> I'd almost prefer James McAvoy, because he can make a more multifaceted character of Danny, which is who Danny really is.

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@ I see Kubrick's Shining as more of a cabin fever movie, with a hint of supernatural. And I always hated the way he chose to characterize Danny - like a kid with autism. Most people hated Courtland Mead's portrayal in the mini series but I thought he was great. <br> <br> I agree King can be difficult to translate to screen and even with all its flaws Kubrick's Shining is still a better adaptation than Dark Tower. lol

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@DemandingFemale The Dark Tower was so horrible for me I don't even consider it a SK adaptation. They really messed it up. It was like a pointless shoot em up.

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