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Stephen King's "CASTLE ROCK" Psychological Horror NEW Series JULY 25 2018! (1469 views, 28 replies)

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This is the upcoming new series I am looking forward to the most in 2018!

"Castle Rock"
Drama, Fantasy, Horror

"Based on the stories of Stephen King, the series will intertwine characters and themes from the fictional town of Castle Rock. " - IMDB

"A psychological-horror series set in the Stephen King multiverse, Castle Rock is an original story that combines the mythological scale and intimate character storytelling of King’s best-loved works, weaving an epic saga of darkness and light, played out on a few square miles of Maine woodland. "

The series stars André Holland, Melanie Lynskey, Sissy Spacek, Bill Skarsgård, Jane Levy and Scott Glenn. Sam Shaw & Dustin Thomason developed the project for television and serve as executive producers along with J.J. Abrams, Ben Stephenson, and Liz Glotzer.
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@3UN01A I've been waiting a long time for this and I can't wait!

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@manditoe Let the countdown begin!!


senior master
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Looking good.

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@---BOX--- Indeed. I adore all the Skarsgård brothers and really looking forward to this :)

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@3UN01A I love them too as vampires, upiers and evil clowns

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@Teeny💋 I miss them as such in TB + HG hopefully Castle Rock will be a great replacement and fill my TBHG void :D

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@3UN01A My husband didn't watch TB back when it was on (we weren't together then or I would have made him watch w me). We drink coffee in bed in the mornings and we get up earlier than need be so we can watch a series at that time. We watched (re-watched for me) all of TB and he loved it. It was just as great watching it all over again.

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@3UN01A I see your wall is still hidden so those gems will remain classified!! What a pity

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@---BOX--- I don't see your Wall either.. you can check out my public Playlists for gems and all my favs... that I have up so far.

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@3UN01A When I click on your profile it doesn't show a playlist tab. Something in your settings must still be keeping them private.

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@rickgrimesrocks Oh. I will have to look into that. I do have public Playlists though most are set to Friends only or just for myself. I have about 5 public ones. Thanks for letting me know.

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@3UN01A I fixed it! ;) the tab should now show.


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I can't wait! I hope someone posts those first 3 episodes, sadly I don't have Hulu (yet) smiley

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@Teeny💋 I will def be one of the first to post links when it aires especially now that the page is available. ;)


senior guru

This sounds amazing, reads like we can expect characters from his books - and I've read them all - to make an appearance. <br> SK fact - he holds the record for having the most books of any author to be made into films or TV shows.

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@⭐️janerosity⭐️ He probably holds the record for the most pages ever written as well. I have all the books too. Some are almost a thousand pages.I'm looking forward to this!


@fortunate1 Well that sent me off for a google. I can find no specific record for most pages, but as L Ron Hubbard appears to be the one credited with the most published works - 1084 - and Steve hasn't written anywhere near that number of books I'm guessing not. Mind you we have no idea how many pages he has written and then binned so perhaps.....

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@⭐️janerosity⭐️ oh the anticipation is real right now :)


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This is the series I'm looking forward to the most as well. I've been a Stephen King fan since I was in high school. Can't wait!!


senior master
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oh my i saw the trailer and this could be a favorit show too,i have a feeling that its gonne be verry good i cant wait untill its here,lol. smiley smiley smiley smiley

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@swans2525 Greta cast, great writer and all the best to create an epic show. Surely, can't be disappointed in anything SK .. or can we ;) hopes not.

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@3UN01A lets hope it holds up to the trailers,lol thanks for the response eunoia,lol.

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@swans2525 *crossing fingers* you're welcome ;)


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Yay! Last year was the year of Stephen King success in translating his writing to film, I hope it continues with this and since he has been collaborating on this new series I anticipate great things! Excellent find. Thanks for sharing! :)


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Hey guys, the show is already on here but with no links. Here it is so you can follow new episodes and be notified when they get added smiley

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@rickgrimesrocks Yay! Thanks very much. :)


senior master
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What would it be like without Stephen King? oh my my my. <br> Horrorble!

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@3UN01A Stephen King got me through my childhood. Honestly, his writing really helped me a lot.

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