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Are Reviews for Adult films really needed? (1268 views, 42 replies)

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Just kind of wondering after seeing a couple of reviews of porno films, are they for real? Because after reading this last one, it seemed as if the Author was being serious. SERIOUSLY CREEPY!! smiley If you have given a review of a porno flick, please help me understand your motives for such.

I could understand if this site was an 18+ site trying to capitalize on the billion dollar skin flick industry. However, it is not. I realize that there are those kind of movies available here, in fact I may or may not have viewed a few minutes of one of these types of films. Because let us be honest, do we really need more than just a few minutes? HUH? Guys! Ya know what I'ma sayin' fellas! HUH!... Are ya with me there? Hardee har har smiley freakin never mind! smiley

Anyways, the point of this post, is to legitimately understand WHY. WHY OH WHY would anyone that's not a degenerate, cringe waiting to happen, smiley in-cell perv post a review for all to read, about a film where the script, plot, actors, etc matter not. smiley What matters is the act being filmed. Forgive me for coming off judgmental, but I respect females, and really just normal people far to much to act like I am the Gene Siskel of porn. smiley
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Well no not really.


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BUMP! smiley "Gene Siskel of porn" dammit Gene Siskel why'd you haveta die and leave us hangin'? Thankfully the OP brought this oversight to DosedMoobs attention: 'cuz who knew 2Moo's lacked indecent pro-reviews on the in's and out's of boys and girls [sisters] gone wild?

Which begs the question: wonder why Mister Greasy and Slick Willie are suffering sudden onset shyness, choosing silence from their Hall of Fame? ((OP: Try turning off the lights and whispering the question again. smiley ))


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Not sure what sort of 'porn' you are talking about, there are all sorts of varieties for different tastes aimed at straight men and women as well as gay/les. As long as it is consenting adult actors it should be allowed. Erotica has been around since long before the cinema.
Definitions of porn often depend on cultural background; Americans think nipples are disgusting (why??) whereas most Europeans see them as a normal healthy part of life. Eg. 'Cuties'; some prudes wanted to ban it but there is nothing in that movie you don't see on MTV every day.
I think the trend to extreme and graphic violence is far more damaging. Most people see it as fantasy but it inspires a gullible few to pick up an M16 and have a real massacre.

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@Buttless I thot the OP was aimming at wonky reviewers not the value and boundaries of porn. Dunno much about the kerfluffle over 'Cuties' ethics 'n morality. Not my zoo nor my monkey. But imho good porn should inspire conedy reviews; I luv those!

Pornfest 2020 W00T!
Mileage may vary.
Subject to Teeny approval. smiley

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@Buttless To specify my OP for those not exactly sure what it is I am curious about.

It matters not what is or isn't considered normal to a given demographic or geopolitical tribe of folk. My only question is what does someone get out of posting a review saying, "The orgy scene was great!"

OK! I have never seen an orgy scene that wasn't awesome in some way or the other. Different strokes for different strokers, or however that stroking goes. I mean saying. However that SAYING goes.

I specifically want to hear from the folks on THIS site why they feel the need to post a review of a porn film.
Of course to be clear, I mean porn as in a moving picture depicting humans F()[King in all it's various forms, techniques, and even participants.

Strictly on this particular platform. Not the comment section under a Pornhub video.

I am of the opinion, it is... ...
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How can you know what content is in the Porno without the reviews....
The story line is really important ! smiley

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@Rogereveryone I would tend to agree, smiley except smiley I can't smiley on account of the Titles of most skin flickery, lays it all out for us.

For instance, and keep in mind these are just the very few that I can actually recall. smiley smiley "My Friends Hot Grandmother", smiley "Debbie Does Dallas","No Dentures, No Problems" "Deep Throat" "Centenarians Gone Wild", "One Night in Chyna", "Plump lips & Artificial Hips" "Grannies Give It Good" etc. smiley

So you tell me, strictly from the titles alone, you should have a pretty good idea of whats going on there, smiley and absolutely NOTHING about what floats my dingy. smiley You can believe what I say too, because I am always 117% Honest, just ask my MeeMaw!! smiley I'm her FAVORITE! smiley smiley smiley

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@CHACHiPAGLiACCi Are you another zedra clone?

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@Buttless I can assure you that there has never, nor will there ever again be ANYONE like yours truly. It's a damn shame too, because I am the next evolution of the Male species. smiley

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@CHACHiPAGLiACCi okay, you just have a similar style of BS.

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@Buttless I may be the greatest Male that ever has been born, smiley but I do happen to have feelings. smiley You may not have a Butt, But I am not Feelingless. smiley

Pray tell though, how would one with feelings go about smiley meeting this seemingly FANTABULOUSNESS smiley entity you call Zedra? To hear you write it, they seem like my type of Z word!! smiley

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@CHACHiPAGLiACCi you do go on and on about being the greatest male ever born dontcha :) is this hypothetical? or have you won 5 olympic gold medals in different sports, or cured 5 diseases? anything like that might just put you in the running. Anything less and youre just a fkn idiot amiright?


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F()[King smiley is sofa king kewl smiley js

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@(⌐■_■) Also like Beef,or Spam, or one of them. "It's Whats For Dinner!!!" Cue the epic Cowboy score!


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OMG I needed a laugh this morning! Thank you for that 💋💋💋

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@Teeny💋 made me lol also haha


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Porn? Are you referring to the genre ADULT?

Your post prompted me to investigate the section and find out the existance of the reviews you speak of.

One of the first on the list is ...

with a sizeable portion of reviews to its credit. I wouldn't wish to embarrass anyone, but going by the title alone may not be sufficient.

The storyline holds out some hope for an action packed Towering Inferno type blockbuster. Yet it could go either way so for some reassurance I take a quick peek at the review section and low and behold ...

And there you have it. The five star review sealed the deal so ... Bob's your uncle and Fanny's your aunt.

The adult entertainment has been sorted thanks to the positive REVIEW. (And let's not forget the 38 playlists)

Were all decisions in life that simple.
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@---BOX--- and did YOU enjoy the Squirt Woman series?

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@Buttless smiley smiley
Box prolly hasn't risen from the ADULT rabbit-hole yet. Give the man time to run out of lube! smiley

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@Buttless I have my own at home. Mrs. Box is up to three a day.


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Might be HARD to keep up... without the prequel(s) I'm guessing?

Playlists? Check in with Mister Greasy and Slick Willie's playlist 'cuz they're truly DaMoob's porn elite.


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To satisfy the prudes, snowflakes and those embarrassed by naked nipples, I added a warning to my review of Sean Connery's 'Medicine Man' 1992.
It shows dirty bits.
Also gave it 4/10 for being a crap movie.

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@Buttless SCHHHHAAAA-WING!!!! smiley smiley smiley smiley


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Here's another one with an enticing title but honest reviews; Kim Kardashian Superstar (WTF?).


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Lady Libertine is a Playboy production no-one has reviewed until now.
Aimed particularly at a S-M audience I think.


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ehhh... i always knew that there are adult movies here. Silly simple question; where?
i cannot find them in genre...?


senior guru
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right smiley smiley smiley it's been awhile since I have said anything on the forum chats smiley and honestly this was far 2 funny not 2 join in smiley I forgot some forum chats you could actually laugh on them and nothing got took seriously smiley
so this is the perfect chat to come back on with the most silliest question that's irrelevant to me but made me curious smiley

this PORN aka adult section smiley smiley where is it and how do you get to see them smiley just for future reference hahahahaha

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@chaseyerself The question is, once you find this section, will the reviews in any way help you determine the flick you decide to watch?


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There was an adult section link in the old 2M site, does not work now.
But you can search for whatever turns you on in the 'tags' search box.
Enjoy! smiley smiley


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I'll just leave this here for those of you seeking entertainment of the more adult variety: [SPOILER] smiley


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Why not review a porno film? If this site offers pornos and this site allows reviews of films, then logic would support reviews and plot/storylines of them. What do you have against it? You probably don't see them unless they are brand new reviews on the home page, or if you are looking for a porn film that looks interesting. I haven't seen any porno reviews yet on this site, so they probably aren't too common. I haven't seen too many pornos either, but If I was looking, I would prefer to know the content before watching it, because I am sure some of them would really make me hoppin' mad to watch. I would appreciate the reviews that let me know if there are things I don't want to watch.

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@Mooooo I'll let you in on one of the film industries oldest secrets. At least as far as the mysterious content you say you need to know about before pressing play. If it is pornography, it is probably naked, fake looking people f()cking. I am no porn expert, and unfortunately there was no such thing as the internet when I was 13-14yrs old. I seem to recall not giving a quarter ounce of s#!t about scripts, plot, or really anything other than the nudity and above mentioned Ufking. Honestly, even if you are one of the 4.25 people on the planet that actually rely on a review to determine what skin flick to take in, do you really care if ChachiPagliacci says that the orgy scene was just ok? Or would you rather decide for yourself?

Also, understand that I am a very big fan of the female figure and big ol boobies. Freakin HUGE FAN actually. My only issue or question rather, is what motivates someone to write the review of a ufck flick? To read said review is only natural. ...
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Am I the only one who clicked on the GENRE dropdown and discovered this ...

It wasn't rocket science.

Has dosmovies been taken over by the Christians Without Lube And Condoms And Porn Movement?

And I think Buttless (with all his nunnery fantasies) had something to do with it.

Well now ye know - for all the best adult material reviews and movies - if you so happen to be in the mood.

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@---BOX--- Hey, don't blame me. I'm innocent! smiley

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@---BOX--- Box are you assuming The Greasers can THINK. But, that'd be way and perhaps why you found it while others failed. Buttless: Pray Tell, you haven't been innocent in YEARS. js

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@(⌐■_■) maybe my innocence has been recycled a couple of times.


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You say 'Are Adult Reviews Necessary?' and
I say 'Someone needs to take one for the team.'.

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@PurpleCrayon there are some priceless comments on that site.


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Sadly, this might be the best thread in well over a month.
*Chive reviews are epic.


top expert
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"Hey lady, here's your pizza and here's your pepperoni."
sfx break[/u][/u] *zip=plop*
"This is a next generation, impactful & award winning mainstream film & script"
Richard Gozinya "HEAd MagazinE" Portugalsmiley
"What did I just watch & how can do I get a refund on my complimentary Coke & Popcorn gift certificate Media Pass?" smiley

smiley Pablo Escobar III San Salvador Travel Agency

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