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Inspirational True Stories.....

A Little Hurt...............By Joseph J.Mazzella
I was laying on my bed relaxing after a long day. Music was playing in the background and I was taking the time to read a good book. Just as I turned the page an old song started playing that always reminded me of my Mom. I put the book down and listened. Even though it had been 23 years since cancer had taken her from us, sometimes it still felt like it was only yesterday. I closed my eyes and allowed the flood of memories to wash over me. I thought of Mom’s sparkling eyes and shining smile which lived on in the faces of my own children. I thought of her sweet voice and gentle laugh that never failed to lift my spirits. I thought of how she brightened up every room she walked into. I thought of how she was a friend to everyone she met and how her kindness touched the hearts of so many. I thought of how she made this world a better place just by being in it. And my heart ached as I thought of how I still missed her so much. I wiped the tears from my cheeks as the song finished, looked out my window at the night sky, and sent an "I love you, Mom" from my lips to Heaven’s ear. Now some people would ask why I didn't shut the music off the second that song came on. Why did I subject myself to the pain it brought? I think the answer is that sometimes you have to let in a little hurt in order to let in a lot of love. Sometimes you have to open your heart in order to truly live. Life here will always be a mix of the bitter and the sweet, but you can’t shut down your soul. At times you have to embrace the pain and then let it go. When you do you will find that what is left is love. May you always keep your heart open to love. May you always keep your heart open to messages from Heaven. They can come at the strangest times on the winds of a memory or the wings of a song.
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