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STAR TREK 4 Is About To Change Everything (798 views, 55 replies)

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I agree with most of the comments on youtube. The title has virtually nothing to do with the actual video. No new info, it’s just a rehash of everything we’ve already seen. It also seems that a lot of Star Trek fans and others are getting fed up with the EXTREME woke ism infesting not just star trek, but everything.

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@EarlyRiser The video doesn't say anything new. But I feel it necessary, (Even though it will solve nothing) to point out that the only people who have a problem with woke and use that word in a negative way, tend to be misogynists, bigots, or racists.

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ Sorry in advance, Dred, or other moderators. lol

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ Don’t apologize; it’s your view & opinion. You have EVERY RIGHT to express it and should do so. Enjoy it while you can because if our governments keeps on the current coarse, we will all loose that right as well.

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@EarlyRiser I didn't apologize because I felt I was wrong in my opinion in any way. I did so because I always seem to end up in trouble on this site for calling out misogynists, bigots, racists, and the like. Not because the moderators disagree, but because it only makes those types mad, and they go on to argue more, and I end up seeming to be a sort of troublemaker. But I just can't seem to help myself. lol

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ You haven't violated any TOS, and you are spot on.

No wonder this member posts such spew-able nonsense.

He also verbally assaults the moderator and feels he is above reach, when in actuality, he is almost 99% mistaken on quotes, accuracy and relevant material.

You go woman!

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@DontSpeak Well, I agree with you, of course. Though, I do kind of agree with the moderators. In that, poking trolls is probably not the best answer. But, as I said, I can't seem to help it. lol

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ Poking them vs holding racist/biased/prejudiced instigators responsible is a tight rope walk.

I don't feel we should just shut up and move on.

I've seen and experienced men influencing women that was/is disgusting on these points.

I don't comprehend the whole concept.

Race was and still is a Nazi concept. We are ONE race, the human race.

Different ethnic groups.

Women are the biggest minority across all ethnic barriers.

I won't be silent. Even when my sisters have been fooled.

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@DontSpeak I'm with you 100% on all of that. And it is a sort of tight-rope walk. I've been counseled by moderators a bit. Not in a mean way, of course. And I agree with them that I can be a bit cruel in the way that I talk to those sorts of people. Perhaps there's a better way. But, to me, they're the problem, and I don't have the patience of say, Dred, whom I respect, to politely tell them to eff off and that they are basically scum. lol
I just say it. It's in my DNA, I think. smiley
Also, big yes on the one race thing. Have said that myself. We're all human. Race is just... Well, a Nazi thing, as you said.

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ smiley LOL is right. smiley I also have gotten a little carried away and have been warned a couple of times. As I was writing this, other comments started to come in so I just had to stop and read them all. Very entertaining I must say.

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ No worries. I have come to the same conclusion as well. Curiously I have also noticed that most people do not understand what exactly they are objecting to. If you explain to them that woke culture promotes equality and that their objection can only amount to promoting inequality, the discussion takes a really interesting turn.

Having said that, its one thing suggesting that their ideology may be construed as misogyny, bigotry or racism and is another thing telling them that they are misogynists, bigots and racists. Its a fine line so please be careful not to cross it.

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@JudgeDredd I understand, boss man. And I agree with you. It's just hard trying to see someone spreading hate as just confused and in need of enlightenment.
I shall work on it.

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@EarlyRiser Woke? Jesus christ that means nothing in context. Spell it out, what do YOU mean?

EVERYONE who uses that new hate term means something different.

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@DontSpeak I think what this sort of person should ask themselves, is why they have a problem with something they considered to be "woke."
And if they, in fact, are the problem. I mean, they're never going to do that, of course. But, maybe. lol
to me, Star Trek hasn't changed, really. What they show that bothers this type of individual, is really just a reflection of how society is now, and the good parts continuing on into an imagined future. While the original Star Trek, and things like Twilight Zone and others, tackled problems like racism, selectively and carefully back then, as they could manage to, the new stuff merely showed one or two things here and there like an LGBTQ+ couple and I think one guy complained that something showed some windmills. But, seriously, what is the problem with that stuff? These are normal things to an obvious majority of the population. The people crying about such trivialities are the real problem. These people are just antiquated remnants of a part of history the rest of us would love to forget. And, like those things we'd love to forget, they'll eventually be lost to history as well.
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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ I agree. I also will never use the hate language of this particular year... it will fade, and dramatically.

What I do know is that we have all been here for the same length of time. Bias and discrimination is real and has always been. When hateful people recount the '50's for instance (in America) I'd like to point out how many male actors were either bisexual or homosexual and had to hide it... in fear of losing their lively hood.

This isn't a new thing!! People, ALL people, need to be included. Does Hollywood have a money making agenda? YOU BETCHA! But that has zero to do with reality.

I'm glad the pendulum has swung so far. It will right itself in time.

And for those who think inclusion is going away: Go back to the shadow.

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@DontSpeak Yah, what these "go back to a better time" people really mean is put women back in the kitchen, keep 'em barefoot and pregnant with no voting rights, go back to all white schools, and put LGBTQ+ people in asylums where they're tortured and lobotomized. Unless they keep it secret. It's pretty obvious to the rest of us. But they'll never admit that. At least, not in those words.

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ "is put women back in the kitchen, keep 'em barefoot and pregnant with no voting rights, go back to all white schools"

I don't think so. smiley

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@PureVodka🍺 Yah, that's how most of them react, but... We know that's what they mean. Some of them just one of those things. All of them for some.

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@EarlyRiser The title doesn't match. But extreme wokism? I assume that meant every single person is not white and in a traditional relationship role (meaning 1950s) that it is wokism. I am a lifelong Trekkie and celebration of diversity is so ingrained in the entire franhise, that complaining in this way means you have missed the ENTIRE point of Star Trek from the very beginning.

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@Xanthe199 100% correct! Thank you.

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@EarlyRiser star trek has always been woke

it's just that they are doing generic action crap instead of thoughtful episodes these days... look at picard it sucks


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WOW, I didn’t realize that my general impression of the comments below the original youtube video would cause such heated responses.

I’m not sure where or if I “verbally assaults the moderator”. Maybe one of those following this discussion could point that out to me so that I can avoid it in the future.

As to “almost 99% mistaken on quotes, accuracy and relevant material”, well this could be right. There are over 220 comments so far and I only read the first 2 or 3 pages. The pages I did not read might have been filled with positive comments, I don’t know because I didn’t read them.

Time to sit back and see if any new people join this lively and entertaining discussion.

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@EarlyRiser Are you referring to IMDB?

Plus, you did not clarify your original comment.

Make no mistake, it wasn't your comment that propelled an expansion.

Please clarify the questions without fantastical elaborations.

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@DontSpeak IMDB ?? I don't understand your question. I thought we were discussing the comments on YOUTUBE. You know, on the video above when you click "watch on youtube" you get to see the video, time it was posted, a description from the poster, and many pages of user comments.

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@EarlyRiser This site is NOT YouTube. Clarify YOUR comment and the question you were asked.

Jeesh, you and your little upvoter need a reality break in the middle of all your "comments on YouTube" stupor.


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@EarlyRiser Whatever. You evade. Only you can answer a question pertaining to what you wrote, not youtube comments.

How ridiculous.

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@DontSpeak No this site is not YouTube, but when @Bread&Circuses first posted the link to this video, there were no comments yet, so I went to youtube to watch it and read what other people were saying about it. I then commented here on the title of the video itself and agreed that “the title has virtually nothing to do with the actual video. No new info, it’s just a rehash of everything we’ve already seen”.

The second part of my comment here, “It also seems that a lot of Star Trek fans and others are getting fed up with the EXTREME woke ism infesting not just star trek, but everything”, was my GENERAL IMPRESSION of what a lot of OTHER people were saying.

NOWHERE did I disagree or agree with the general attitude of the youtube comments about woke-ism. Like everything in life, woke-ism is NOT just black or white; it is filled to overflowing with shades of gray.

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@EarlyRiser ER, Your mistake was referring to woke as anything but positive. That side of the aisle sees anything not supportive when referring to woke ideology as bigoted. Even saying the word woke, a term originally used by left wing groups to describe their ideological views, is now viewed as a pejorative.

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@Dumak The left will always devolve into eating their own.

Moderator notice from JudgeDredd (1y)
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@Bread&Circuses Thanks for the reply.

As a libertarian I dislike both extremes. The left for decades wanted equal sharing of ideas and freedom of debate. Now, none of that. Any perceived opposition is labeled hate by the new left.

It is strange that in many ways the new left has become the old right and the new right has become the old left.

Gone are the days when someone would say, "I don't agree with your speech or your views, but I defend your right to say it."

Moderator notice from JudgeDredd (1y)
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@Dumak Oop consider that an erroneous upvote. I upvote discipline, not your statement.

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@Dumak Exactly

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@EarlyRiser lol you confuse yourself by attemting to label emotions... yet still neglect a direct question and instead give a rundown of your motivation in watching the video.

Define one word for yourself.

Nevermind. It's been fun playing, but it's grown tedious. smiley

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@DontSpeak I think these fellas forgot the rule about no politics. Neither of us said anything about left or right, did we? But those are obviously political terms...

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ I agree.

People of this mindset find it compulsory to "label" others.

I have never talked about my personal politics on this site. They are scared, so they revert to the only position that makes them comfortable: labels.

A woman with a brain and an opinion is a terrifying creature if not constrained by a "label". smiley

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@DontSpeak Oh, I was more than happy to talk politics when anysubj was a thing. Had lots of fun with guys like that.
But, not allowed here, so... lol

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ That's the point.

I could care less about discussing politics.

I vote with my feet and my voice in real life.

I do not have time for the fools that cannot go to political sites which there are literally dozens of.

Makes me know that these are the dregs and probably cannot hold up with others.

It doesn't belong here, any more than dating does!

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@DontSpeak Well, followers of a certain someone... (who shall not be named, -nor, apparently, even described for clarity-because rules) I had lots of fun making fun of and pissing off whenever I had the chance. Because they almost always, as a rule, fell into a category of hate speech on many topics. But, otherwise, IDGAF.

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ Ha ha ha ha. I'm enjoying this conversation tremendously. It's been too long since I've laughed so much. I can't be sure that the "certain someone... (who shall not be named..." you mentioned is actually me. I hope so because on this site, I only have 2 friends, neither of which have joined this conversation. If that seems vain to you and others, then that's good and maybe it will inspire even more people to join this discussion to keep it going. If that's not enough, a few days ago I came across a news article that is almost guaranteed to raise your blood pressure. So far, I've only watched the first 2 minutes of the 39 minute video. Can't remember where I first saw it, but after several google searches, here is the term I finally used that took me to the source of the news article. " trans agenda", search for that and it's the first result. ...
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@EarlyRiser I would advise you do not.

You claim that your [previous] words were a mere "synopsis" of those on the YouTube remarks/replies and that you had NO PERSONAL opinion whatsoever, whether negative or positive.

Venture from that... well... maybe your intense vision should be focused instead on the TOS.

Well, maybe, I will hope you DO venture. That will be fun... of the showing you the proverbial door kind.

Good luck Mr. [ you believe mistakenly] you're oh so smart. smiley

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@DontSpeak You say “mere synopsis", I like that. smiley . That’s my story and I’m sticking to it. smiley Now we both know that “no personal opinion” really means one hasn’t thought about it enough to form one, or one is an outright liar. In my case, I DO have a personal opinion, a very strong one. I’m sure you and others have already surmised that. I will continue to dance on the very edge and if that proverbial door does hit my butt then so be it.

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@EarlyRiser How very passive aggressive of you. I believe many in history have stood on that edge to the detriment of others and personal gain for themselves.

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@DontSpeak Passive aggressive, I believe I can live with that label so thank you. I can think of several other terms that could also apply to me such as sh’t disturber, or even disgruntled conformist.
That edge I’m looking over, well the only things I have to gain are helping to swing that pendulum you mentioned towards the middle, improving my forum chat skill, and the enjoyment I am getting right now. I think I should post this now before my poor old XP64 has another BSOD episode. smiley Maybe it's an omen smiley .

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@EarlyRiser Speak clearly, auld fella. You speak in acronyms because you don't understand language sufficiently.

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@DontSpeak You're right, my understanding of my native language does need improving. I suspected that "auld fella" meant old fellow but didn't know for sure until I looked it up, so thank you for educating me. If "XP64" and "BSOD" are the acronyms you're referring to, then I was wrong to assume that everybody who owns a computer these days knows that XP64 means Windows XP 64 bit and BSOD means Blue Screen of Death. BTW (By The Way) there will be no slinking away on my part. So long as the conversation contunues, so will I. Also just to let you know, my "yeast infested" days ended over 30 years ago because I just couldn't handle any more hangovers. smiley

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@EarlyRiser The he who shall not be named person is a scumbag figure who caused much controversy in recent years and is only not named, because even a slight mention of him will get one in trouble here, as it would be considered talking politics. That is the only reason he is not named. So, you're safely excluded. Also, I realized at some point early on that you maybe weren't making a statement that you agreed with the extreme wokeism thing mentioned in your comment, and might have just been making a note of it in passing. Hope I'm right about that. At first glance, though, it seemed like you were complaining about woke stuff, which tends to only come from the sort of people I enjoy annoying occasionally. The conversation kept going, so I kept replying. lol
I tend to avoid videos like that, however, as they tend to be made and watched by brainwashed incels/neckbeards who are just peddling hate.
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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ It’s weird, I’m both relieved and disappointed that the unnamed person is not me. But now you’ve really peaked my curiosity as to who this unnamed person really is. There are a number of men in power all across the planet, not just the western hemisphere, that fall into your description. In North America alone, three spring to mind. One is a scum bag, mini-Castro, China lov’n, commie lov’n, dictator wannabe who is one of the best experts at divisiveness around. Another one is an old and apparently mentally incompetent person being heavily influenced by others. Lastly there’s that guy trying to get back in but just can’t stop opening his mouth and inserting both feet. These three and others are why we NEED a “None of the Above” option when decision time comes around. We are being driven towards a North American version of the 10 year French revolution. ...
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@EarlyRiser Pathetic. Neither for nor against in your own words, yet.... ah therein lie the LIE. Liar. full stop... slink away and join the yeast infested.

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@EarlyRiser Here's a gif I made a while back, if that helps any. I've said nothing, but someone will prolly still yell at me. lol

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ I like it. In fact I think that you should submit it to as a new emoji in the livid or fuming category.

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@EarlyRiser Still doesn't give you a clue as to who I was talking about before? lol

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@⍟LiviaD34D⍟ Holy crap, I can be so dense sometimes. smiley It really DOES look just like guy who wants to get back in, but that just can’t stop opening his mouth and inserting both feet. smiley I still think you should submit it as a new emoji.

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