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Welcome to All New Members of Two-Movies! 💜 (2850 views, 104 replies)

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Hi! smiley

I have noticed that there has been a lot of NEW members joining two-movies recently and I would like to personally welcome you all aboard this lovely site. smiley

Many of you have probably been using this site for a long time before joining and are familiar with it already. It took me years to join as a registered user and I am glad that I finally did.

There's a lot of friendly , good people on here so have fun. Join the forum threads and utilize all the amazing features here.

If you need help, have any questions or want to make a new friend - I am here for you! smiley smiley

Have a great day and enjoy your time here on two-movies!! smiley


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smiley smiley

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@3UN01A Yep. Did the same. Used it for about 5 years before I deal guilty ha ha . Your right, great social place. Although my " news " on the right is always full of alt right wing propaganda 😒

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@Joe1975 I know right. This is one of the [SPOILER]

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@Joe1975 If you click hide news just above News added by users, it will hide the entire news element. Then, you can avoid being irritated by the nonsense some users choose to post.

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@DemandingFemale Awesome, thank you

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@3UN01A Thank you for the welcome I have only been here for 3 months. I have to say that this is the greatest place! I have been really treated with such great people here and already have been given some great messages on my wall. I hope that you and your have a really blessed Easter. Until we meet again. God bless!

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@Aleciaandbobby May you and yours also have a very blessed Easter and may your experience here on two-movies continue to be great.

I have read through your forum post here: and really love your positive energy and the beautiful poem you shared. Much gratitude for such inspirational posts and the reminder of the true meaning of Easter.

I also have been reading posts from another new member "AnhedoniaNightmare" and want to welcome him too - if he reads this ...

Hello and thank you for your amazing Reviews - you are both a breath of fresh air on here and for that, I thank you kindly.

To ALL other new members yet to post...


God Bless xOxo

Namaste \o/

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@3UN01A Thank you Namaste for your kind words and warm welcome. God bless

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@Aleciaandbobby You're welcome - God Bless xoxo

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@3UN01A Thank you, that is very kind.

There are not many reviews and many comments are very limited and unclear. I'm not at all interested in badmouthing films of low caliber. By the law of averages most films will rate less than 70%.

Instead I'm interested in reviewing very good films and even great films so people see them. Many are unknown as they are poorly marketed or foreign films.

Sometimes, films are so awful, that they are amusing, and so a film can be so bad that they are good if not taken seriously. I probably will review those too.

Generally I am not intersted in reviewing mass appeal movies with 100 million budgets. They already are ruining the film business. Many extraordinary older films would never have been made using that formulaic way of making films.

imdb originally rarely rated films higher than 8.5. Seven Samurai which is a classic,often was rated 8.5. Now everyone votes and so you get unknown horror garbage that is unwatchable yet all the cast and crew gave it a ten. That is why film rating at imdb is hit or miss. Then paid voting may give a 10.0 to a horrible multimillion dollar production and skew the voting too high. Or a hate campaign can skew the voting very low to ruin directors or actors say with Christian independent films.
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@AnhedoniaNightmare You're welcome! My apologies for this late reply...

I agree with you in regards to films being so awful sometimes that they are amusing - so bad that they are good. Infact, I actually appreciate those films even more than the mainstream and tend to like what the majority does not. It's not always about a budget to have something well done - I appreciate many low budget + B movies + experimental and what would be considered a "hard pass" by the mass. Usually if the rating is high , chances are I will not like it and VV. The whole rating system on IMDB and elsewhere is something I don't pay much mind to. I've seen some of the best classics rated 5/10 on IMDB lack of appreciation for the art of films or it's just the trolls taking over as per usual on the net. I absolutely love foreign films the most - Hollywood is overrated and the rest is underrated. Many American films & series are taken from abroad anyways not much original these days - this way. IMHO.
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@3UN01A Thank you. I am very open minded concerning art. If I ever criticize art, it's not that it lacked merit but often failed in some respect.

Teachers do not hate students when they grade them. All evaluation is that way and art critical analysis has objective evaluation and subjective resonance. Art is mean to provoke a visceral response.

I think a literate person must watch films that challenge their beliefs. Watching them gives insight into what others believe.

If one intentionally starves artists because the controller wish to suppress them, that is censorship. How peculiar it would be for artists pushing for censorship.

I've written lengthy commentary totalling 400+ so it would be difficult to list them.

The review process here has problems as each review must be approved. That is a laborious methodology in my opinion. It's no wonder there are few reviews.
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@AnhedoniaNightmare It's easy. Just click the "thumbs up" icon on the film page where you left your review/comment and it goes directly into your "Recommended Playlist" which you can rename and as far as I know, there is no limit to the amount of films you add to the list. It would be difficult to go back and do it, but for future reviews/comments it's simple and would be helpful + easier for other members to find and read. Thanks in advance!

Namaste /\

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@3UN01A Thumbing up my own commentary seems like horrible form. BUT just to help you I will try to create recommended films based on genre that link to my lengthy commentary.

It's no trouble just a meticulous requirement of time.

Most generally people "like" a film thus have resonance with a reviewer and so they trust that reviewer's critical analysis. Then will watch those films.

Artists will tell you (and I do have a connection to Hollywood) that it doesn't matter what the intent was of a film, but your personal response does matter. A films fails commercial when the bulk of viewers are repulsed by a film, but even if one viewer found meaning in the film, it artistically succeeded to that soul.

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@AnhedoniaNightmare You're not thumbing up your own commentary, my bad. Open a movie page - to the right of the title you will see 4 Icons. A "Thumbs up, A notepad (looks like one to me lol),a read heart with a green plus sign on it, and then the green plus sign. When you click on the "Thumbs up" it will add the movies to the "Recommended Recently" listing which you can view from the top of the site Tabs ^^ Home > Movies > Tv Shows > News etc. ( I am terrible at explaining but hopefully this helps) hover over the Movies Tabs drop down menu and you will see "Recommended recently" which will show the all of the latest movies that members on here have recommended. When you click that thumbs up icon on a movie page, not only does it go to the RR page but also to your "Recommended" playlist that you can rename, edit...

if you're taking the time to write all these great reviews.comments, I am sure many other members will appreciate the option to view them anytime from your playlist(s) since we only see a certain amount of reviews/comments before they quickly disappear and when , for example, a member is not online for some time, they will miss all of your amazing reviews/comments. IMHO there are not THAT many quality reviews/comments to look forward to so when someone such as yourself writes them, it's a blessing and would be grateful to find them quicker otherwise what would be the point if others can't read them.
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@3UN01A You are so sweet and helpful and hospitable, it is impossible for me to refuse your request.

I don't mind if it take a whole week. I will do it in some form that is organised.

For 60+ years that has been my philosophy.

I acknowledge the ruach that is within your soul.

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@AnhedoniaNightmare Many members will benefit and appreciate it just as much as myself after-all this is a site primarily for films/series so it's always great to connect on at least that level. To have such passions is a gift meant to share with others IMHO to bring a community together on a positive note. That's why I joined as a member here (just over 1 year ago already oh how time flew) and have tried to interact + contribute - I've abandoned several forum threads dedicated to my recommendations of films & series for others ... I am sure they are still here somewhere and perhaps I will add more one day.. ;)

Thank you kindly for all of your contributions here as a member of the TM community - welcome aboard and keep shining!

Much gratitude for the compliments as well - you're a good soul! XoxO

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@3UN01A It takes countless hours to write reviews as you have 2 hours to watch and 2 hours to evaluate with notes. Then transcribe it. Multiple that by even 50 and the amount of time is significant.

That level of volunteerism does happen as many are altruistic and have the time versus just using the service.

The site is very valuable but I only found it by accident a year ago. There are some films here that are so esoteric most might not heard of them. And many of these are notable and on movie critic lists.

I'm retired so I am glad to help.

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@AnhedoniaNightmare Very true, it does take time and effort to write reviews which is why I am grateful for all of yours and others who write such well detailed and rich reviews. Such members add value to this site.

Thank you!

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@3UN01A Namaste comes from the Hindu tradition and means "I bow to the god within you".

It is a common greeting but some may not know its origins.

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@Aleciaandbobby Since you have recommended a film "The Passion of Christ" whichI've seen many times and enjoy, I thought I would return one although it's not related to Easter, do check out "The Shack" (2017) A grieving man receives a mysterious, personal invitation to meet with God at a place called "The Shack."

if you have not already seen it of course - it's a must watch in my humble opinion and I think you just may enjoy it.

Happy viewing -- Cheers! :)

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@3UN01A Thank you for the suggestion Eunoia, I will check it out! Have a Happy Easter.
God bless.

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@Aleciaandbobby I hope you enjoy and come back to share. Thank you for your kindness - Happy Easter xx


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Welcome to each and every new member. May you find all the films and series to delight you in every way.

There are a lot of really nice people here, so enjoy a few games, if you fancy that, and if you don't ,feel free to recommend films you like by simply commenting or recommending them with the 👍 (thumbs up icon) to the right of the name of the film.

Happy viewing and have a wonderful time!

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@ Very eloquently put :)

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senior guru
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i cant believe how much love is on this thread smiley smiley smiley if you want to know were all the love went smiley plenty a love on here smiley smiley smiley


senior master
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Is this the place you get the "guru" status [SPOILER]??

I have always wanted to be a senior guru and guide the spiritually weak souls away from the populist darkness and show them the light of the true leader which can save us from defeat in the upcoming [SPOILER] tests of courage.

Remember you will be in good hands as we practice a code of verbal and non-verbal [SPOILER] promises in order to separate you from your [SPOILER] vote and give it to a man who outshines the light and can totally be trusted in everything he says - the man who would be King (if he didn't live in a Republic) - I give you [SPOILER].. Do I hear, do I hear, Do I hear .....AMEN?


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You guys are hilarious smiley

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@rickgrimesrocks LOL I'm actually serious. I really love 99.999999% of the people here. It's eclectic and fun.


senior guru
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Adding my welcome to all the new members, and a big hello to the non-members that might be lurking - You guys should just sign up!


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@DemandingFemale I post "feel good" stories of good will and also informative pieces about upcoming and current series and films! :)

So a foil hat is optional with those.

I wear a purple one cos it's groovy.

Lol smiley

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@ Unfortunately, those posts are hidden amongst the mass of hate-mongering YouTube videos and old archived tabloid articles.

Someone actually posted a 17 year old article yesterday, and tried to pass it off as 'news', just because the headline involved the words "Asian mob".

I don't think there are enough 'feel good' stories in the whole of Interdom to make up for the vileness of some in there, but thanks for trying.

I would rather avoid the whole section than have to get my beautiful feet dirty wading through all the sh*t.

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@DemandingFemale I don't wade into any of it.

My eye catches things that are good, and discards the rest.

I do it because it makes me feel better and hopefully it will do the same for someone else.

I have to do it in real life, and actually this is a part of my real life.

I don't listen to the news full stop. Life is too short.


senior guru
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Crazy b**ch is bipolar as f**k.

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@RandomOne Apparently she agrees with you...lololol

If you can't see it due to being blocked I would suggest you log out and view it, it's worth a laugh.

The latest is to welcome on this thread and then block once they've joined.

How's that for friendly?

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@ I just had to log out and see this one. I usually don't, it's not worth the time and effort. I'm glad I did for this one though, that's hilarious! smiley

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@rickgrimesrocks I agree...

... Sadly your comment was down voted.

I don't think any of us need question who has done this; the same coward that falsely welcomes new members and then blocks them once they're registered. It's pathetic.

Glad we could laugh at this.



@ Yes, and it .... continues

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@ Depends on who the comment was aimed at I suppose, perception is a hell of a thing by all accounts.


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I agree with an above comment...

If you're reading this and are not yet a registered member here...

Just do it
already and join in all the fun! smiley


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I would like to welcome all new members and especially those who I invited and to those who yet to sign up here, I do encourage you to do so.

Enjoy and happy viewing!


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But GOᗪᗪEᔕᔕ/EWWE/Beneviolent, I have been standing by my in-box (like a good little box) but the promised invitation never arrived. Devestated and heartbroken, I wait for some sign of Welcome into the fold/sect. I have experience with the Manson Family, fully tattooed and proficient in the ancient martial arts ( I personally knew grasshopper).

I await for the great one's favour and remission of all those misunderstandings.

Have mercy on a broken box.

And to get you in the mood, an oldie but a goodie ... >Take it away Donna

smiley smiley

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(5y) So sad ... It reminds me of these two ...


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Sometimes videos off site can be downloaded say through RapidVideo. But many do not have subtitles.

Some sites like opensubtitles have various .srt files in different languages especially English. As these are done by amateur volunteers it is hit-or-miss. Idioms are always a problem. Some translation is done by language students to hone their ability. The latest media has poor translation while older films generally are correctt translations.

In VLC player which has always been free, you can rename a film with a srt file, then when you play it, then the subtitles may and may not be in sync.

Also some streaming services will let you use an srt and have options to make that work through the streaming player.

I hope this helps new folks. Generally the name of the film will have details that then indcate what srt to download too.

If out of sync, VLC player let's to trim the sync so you can generally get it right.

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@AnhedoniaNightmare I've been using VLC player longer than I can remember and to this day it's still my #1 choice for these purposes. I think members can benefit from this info.

If anyone has any questions, feel free to ask here or via PM. Cheers!

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@3UN01A VLC is free, stable, a tiny ap, and so it is the very best for streaming or downloading media files that use .srt for subtitles. That is anyone who needs help like the hearing impaired.

I'm glad it helped you too.

Alternative aps use the old school .sub files for subtitles.


senior master
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Just want to wish all newbies a welcome with two frothy kisses on the cheeks (that are beside your nose) and let you know that the lampoon rag going by the name of "MOoOB Enquirer" is dotted around the site for ALL to enjoy or avoid, as you wish.

And GOᗪᗪEᔕᔕ/EWWE/Beneviolent - I see I have risen into you top ten to be blocked. I thought things were going so good too. Oh well ... I see you are opening up and making friends which is always a good sign. Friendship needs cultivating like a good garden so get started and keep it up. Blessed be.


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Bullying others to get them to leave hurts the site. We all like and dislike people but mockery of others is not funny and it prevents new people from staying.

But those who perpetuate bullying know this. That is their intention. Strange. Given the changes to openload, the most important thing we can do is be welcoming to new people instead of mocking others outside of our cliques. That is so 6th grade.

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@AnhedoniaNightmare Amen Brother!

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@3UN01A Since young people can easily be bullied especially Christians, that is why I made those posts on my wall. This has happened over and over due to social media. Since this is my first social media account, I see that first hand.

1. Never use the same email
2. Never use the same account name
3. Always strip out the metadata from photos online.
4. Never give out your real name.
5. Never give out personal details.
6. Never give out your real location.
7. Never give out your real birthday.

One should be especially wary as prospective employers in America scan social media accounts. So does the NSA. So do stalkers.

Whatever is posted on the net is forever due to archival sites like the Way Back Machine. That means if you delete information, all a stalker has to do is look for an archived page a week prior.

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@AnhedoniaNightmare Excellent TIPS !!

Hopefully others will read this so the stalking issues on here + off site can be avoided along with all the abuse, bullying and trolls.

My advice in addition to this for members here is to UTILIZE the BLOCK feature if someone is ANNOYING or HARASSING you. Do not become victim and IGNORE / BLOCK all antics of fools.

Enjoy the films/series on the site and stay blessed!

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@(⌐■_■) If she doesn't you should block her, as you probably already know, she'll down vote you and cause you endless problems....

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@(⌐■_■) There is no need to yell.

Clearly you have issues here and they are all yours, not mine.

I do not know you but I wish you all the best and do not plan on blocking you. Feel free to block me, I promise not to whine about it or open a thread to complain.

Peace & Blessings! xoxo

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@AnhedoniaNightmare Especially Christians?

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@dragonfly1985 Yes. In ministry I have had numerous experiences where a young innocent Christian was ruthlessly trolled, then betrayed as she was lured by sick individuals, and told them private details.

Most often this begins by revealing a true birthdate and facebook. Then the trolls/stalkers then blackmail them.

It's very creepy.

This is a major topic in youth and university student ministry. Many adults tell young people to AVOID social media as it is so pernicious And ubiquitous.

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senior master
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And a big welcome to our Last Word Syndrome hero.

But we will try to continue "to come out swinging" as you are so wont to to point out, sir.

In a slightly funnier way than others.

But that will depend on the maturity, openmindedness and sense of humour of each.

Each to his/her own.

Blessed Be.


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As a member, I have invited and shared this site's URL with many others via FB, Film Groups, Film Forums and all across other platforms I use.

If you are reading this but have yet to sign up as a member, I do encourage you to do so. If you have any questions just ask here or via PM. Lots of members are friendly and welcoming.

Come join the fun! smiley


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Sharing is caring! If you are looking for some recommendations, you can always check out some of my forum threads here:

Sci-Fi Films/Series 💜

Recommended TV Shows ⭐️ #1

Recommended TV Shows ⭐️ #2

Anthology Films/Series 💜

Crime Films/Series 💜

Hope you find something there to watch. Sign up to share your recommendations and let me know what you think of mine? Cheers!


senior master
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Of course I love your recommendations and I would love if you would bring your encyclopedic knowledge of all things Series & Movies to the 2MOoOBS Enquirer. As you may know, we are a small but growing publication trying to open a space for the talent of the 2M members in its many shapes and forms.

I would love to invite you to recommend some viewing for the Fall/Autumn season of 2019. Perhaps you could remind us of what is returning for another season or those NEW series/movies that have caught your eye and may be of interest to the readers of 2MOoOBS.

I think your contribution would make very interesting reading (as always) and I do hope you will consider this invitation.

No pressure of course. RSVP.


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(5y) Info on upcoming movies/TV I would really like to see in the local rag.

Please consider it, Eunoia. I love your lists!

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@DemandingFemale Pardone moi but What is the local rag?

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@3UN01A The silly sites 2MOoOBS Enquirer.

We Brit's sometimes refer to local newspapers as 'rags'.

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@DemandingFemale Oh. I have Box blocked again due to his unwanted attention and I do not wish to engage with him ever. Sorry. Also, I do not wish to be part of that "Enquirer" not my cuppa. I respectfully decline but I do appreciate your offer. xx


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Well look who found each other in their self appointed Welcome Committee! smiley
THE last two ppl you'd wanna... smiley
smiley smiley smiley

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@(⌐■_■) Pardon me? I do not understand , care to elaborate please?


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@(⌐■_■) Lots of new people get bullied. Now you have to live with consequences.

You reap what you sow

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@(⌐■_■) I'll wait...

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@3UN01A Please do... smiley
While you're both "waiting" please block me.

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@(⌐■_■) You sure are putting a lot of your time into spamming "please block me" on this welcome thread for new members. Are you needing some attention? I don't have the time so here are some virtual hugs & kisses instead XOXO


senior master
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DemandingFemale & EUNOIA

Thank you DF for trying to encourage EUNOIA to contribute to the 2MOoOB but it is clear that that boat has sailed. I was hoping that the unblocking would bring a thaw but the blocks of ice are back in position. What a pity, as the readers will lose an opportunity to see EUNOIA's enthusiasm when she writes about series/movies.

I noticed in you response that you have blocked me due to unwanted attention. I am not sure what you mean by this, but if you considered it rude or forward then I must apologise even though it was not my intention.

If you ever reconsider, you have an open invitation to contribute in whatever fit way you think the readers would enjoy.



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(5y) Why don't you stop stalking her? Creepy cardboard.

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@AnhedoniaNightmare Creepy cardboard* smiley smiley

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@AnhedoniaNightmare Oh my gravy!

I literally laughed until my eyes watered when I read "Creepy cardboard" :D:D Thank you my Bother Anhedonia!

This member who I have on Block has been doing this for almost the entire time it's been a member on here. When a member is blocked, they can't see a person's comments/posts anywhere on the site. I find it disturbing that Creepy cardboard still continues to address me.

NO means NO!!

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@3UN01A I'm amused as creepy cardboard trolled me endlessly, so I pointed out that he actually admitted the Moob article was NOT SATIRE but a personal attack ie full disclosure creepy cardboard is a self-admitted TROLL! ea d/What-hap...

After doing so, creepy cardboard blocked me!

How delightful. He can dish it out,but can't take being exposed.

Similarly crotchety CrutchBender wrote a trolling homoerotic fixation about me masturbating and ejaculating to his monsterous posts.

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@AnhedoniaNightmare Consider it a blessing if he has you blocked. I am shocked though as I been praying for Creepy Cardboard to block me yet it never does. My husband also finds it disturbing that some "MAN" on here is constantly harassing, insulting, stalking, bullying and trolling me (a WOMAN) for almost a year and it's all in the history of this site within film/series comments and forum threads. Creepy Cardboard also screenshots everything I post which means that it logs in then out every time to see what I have posted... lawd it's been a YEAR of this nonsense! I could go on and on ... to sum it up, in my humble opinion this person has deep issues and I look forward to the day, they just leave me be. Let us pray!


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@3UN01A I'm amused at their impotence. After all, if one wants to attack others, just enter a redneck bar and see how long it lasts.

There are creepy people who log out and who have blocked others and yet then read their posts. Generally I would rather them just keep trolling so I can expose them.

I seldom block unless they become like pervert voyeurs obsessed with visiting my profile yet block me from seeing theirs.

I want people to read about the medicine and spiritual posts I put on my wall. Heck there are probably ten dealing with common issues that plague women like misogyny and anorexia.

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@AnhedoniaNightmare Well said!


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Cardboard's a great way to get a rager of a fire started in a fireplace. Is that creepy? Asking for a friend, so ...


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A woodsman doesn't require cardboard to start a fire. ROFL. Neither does he need a paper tiger.


senior master
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I just wanted to stop by this thread and wave smiley Hello smiley to all of the new members here on two-movies + those who have yet to join! smiley

I hope you're weekend was blessed and that you have a positive and productive week ahead. smiley

smiley To all WOMYN - HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!! smiley smiley

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@3UN01A oh and also all of the single fathers who have taken on both roles - Blessings!

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@3UN01A smiley you misspelled "ball and chain".

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@uunboundd That is the correct spelling. Sorry, you're wrong B.

Muahaha :D

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