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WHY are violations of TOS ignored by moderators even when flagged? (3144 views, 292 replies)

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Thought you said TOS was going to be enforced?

Guess YKJack, FEmalewhats'er'name and Simonsez must not have gotten the memo.

A user who consistently violates TOS and was banned at least once for it posted yet another gratuitously crude and insultingly sexist "news" article, the titles of which he feels free to rewrite aka bastardize to make inflammatory.

I notified moderators, who could easily have seen it themselves.
My messages were ignored. The post is still there as of this writing.
It has remained posted for 4 hours.
Moderators ignored messages. Again, didn't even bother to read in 2 cases, and ignored in all cases.
Nice job, mods.

XXX's don't hide the nature of the post. Numb-nuts just thinks this is a way of getting around TOS --and clearly he's getting away with it.

3:51am. ...
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It has been posted in the news section as news. Just don't read or ignore if you don't like something. Simple.

Moderators don't receive spam reports warnings yet, only admins can check them.

I already warned that user several times.

Usually we ban for personal attacks and stupid spam activities. I don't think that we should ban for news from third party sites.

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@Dr.Evil So where is this non-bannable news story?

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@Dr.Evil TO BE CLEAR, I didn't spam flag THIS POST. The mods were contacted directly.
I PM'd the 3 mods on duty and sent them the link I sent you, to advise them of the sleazy, crude, and sexist post and cited it as a violation of TOS rules and asked that it be removed.
The PMs were ignored.

Of course, the nasty worded post was on the NEWS list for hours anyway; it couldn't be missed by the mods, unless they were blind, and one mod was actively posting or commenting on News at the time so could not have missed it.

It's pretty clear that at least one of your mods is a member of and PROMOTES the rightwing extremist agenda of a gang that has been using your site as a bully pulpit for many months.

(quoting you)
" Usually we ban for personal attacks and stupid spam activities. I don't think that we should ban for news from third party sites."
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@ThomasinaPaine I know you’re frustrated. I discovered that I could remove the section that says News Headlines in the top right corner of my screen. I wish I had known months ago. It is a small, very noisy group who have a lot of extra time on their hands to post tabloid “Aliens Took My Baby!”-type stories on a movie site. You won’t find objectivity in places like this. I don’t like to read the National Enquirer covers at the grocery store, and I don’t want to be accosted by the exact same sad but comical tales when I’m searching for a show. I’m much happier now. My science teacher used to say that the noisiest people like to gather together to reassure each other that they aren’t just pooling their ignorance. It makes them feel good. Let them make each other feel good. Turn off the news headline feed. It is very liberating. At least, I found it to help a lot, since I came here for movies. ...
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@ditzygypsy LOl..well said, dg! I know about the "hide News" but I have not been able to remove from my memory Edmund Burke's wisdom:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

Make that 'good men OR women.'

Now I will concede that I have had some good laughs out of the absurdities these thugs postulate, but...
why should idiots be allowed to spew their half-baked propaganda in support of the deliberate and ongoing deconstruction of America

while people who are honestly trying to discover and refute the deception and violence that is threatening our country are denied that freedom?

We have one bully in the WH by accident. Why give over space to others ?

But you make a GREAT point about 'pooled ignorance'! LOL!

Thanks for your comment!

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@ditzygypsy I have twomovies for the bit of time I have to enjoy watching movies and shows I can’t get on the services I pay for. Cheers.

exactly.....i dont watch mtv...why bother tuning in... then complaining...go figure...

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@ditzygypsy "Aliens took my baby" and "Michelle Obama is a pre-op TRANNY" are stories I might read when I need a laugh.. When there is nothing on worth watching, or someone posts a headline that is informative; like it or not ,or spend some time in the chat box.It does make the site interesting.I like the full spectrum of Ideas, and the ability to share. I promise...I wont try to make you look or agree.But I just might make fun of you smiley

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@ThomasinaPaine ---uh--not all right or moderate wingers scream and yell--we just vote in Trump,vote in a Republican Senate,support the NRa,AND we Americans do read about foreign news.We like to know what's going on in the world.--where as you like to stick yer heaD IN THE SAND,AND "LISTEN TO THE mEDIA."--IF YOU DON'T LIKE THE NEWS HERE,DON'T READ IT.WE DON'T NEED YOU TO READ IT.

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@clarachan1355 What you write and how you write it belies your words.
You're just weird.

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@ThomasinaPaine You need to chill out. I see no reason to get all spastic over anyone else's post.

Everything will be okay. Just stay nice and calm; breathe. There ya go. Just relax and ignore it.

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@AbsolutLee "I see no reason to get all spastic over anyone else's post."

"Note the 'I see no reason' contained in your statement defines your statement as declaratory, i.e.,
======= quote====
Declaratory | Define Declaratory at

"law (of a statute) stating the existing law on a particular subject; explanatory (of a decree or judgment) stating the rights of the parties without specifying the action to be taken."
All us 'I's are entitled to an opinion.
One each, as it were.

That you would then to instruct me as to what to do in addition to denying me my "I-ness" amused me. :)
(off topic but in response)

I'm breathing very well today, thanks, Absolutlee,
feeling good.
I found a dentist who does very good work and realizes that the cost of basic cosmetic dentistry is out of reach for many. She did something about it.
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@ThomasinaPaine So the blatant rage from your earlier posts was due to tooth pain? I understand, due to all the nerve endings and proximity to the brain, the pain is immutable.

I read the TOS and nothing anyone has been posting in the "News" section violates it. You do have every right to rant about someone else's views, but it isn't conducive to conversation... quite frankly it just makes it seem like you are having emotional troubles.

I am glad that you found a good dentist! I started going to Mexico for my dental work. Way cheaper. I hope your reduced pain levels help whatever attack you were having; for the sake of this welcoming and accepting community.

You are also free to post any news articles that you wish. I realize I was a bit hypocritical; but when people try to shut down the free speech of others, I feel inclined to return the favor. I respond in the same fashion when people try to recruit others into a religion or silly political debate.
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@AbsolutLee LOL No, I was not suffering any pain. A pontic is not a real tooth. it is a part of a bridge.

That was the up side of my dental condition. :) I had considered visiting friends in Puerto Rico for a serious dental cosmetic overhaul because it is really cheap there. But a local dentist is all right too; hard to hop a plane to PR if you chip a tooth and need it fixed quick!
"Rage" and 'hate' seem to be permanent fixtures in the terminology of Conservatives, as you folk try so stridently to slap those labels on everyone's posts but your own, I have seen. But no, not for me...

I posted in sadness, really, and grief -- throw in a little incredulous outrage toward the charlatan who is responsible for this cult-like group that has embraced racism, misogyny, xenophobia, well, the list goes on. You know.
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@ThomasinaPaine I'm sorry but you care too much, about seemingly nothing.

Go be upset to someone else; I help mentally complex people every day, but I don't want to come home to it. Your issues are not my job, I care about you but c'mon.. You just want attention.

Look elsewhere

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@AbsolutLee but...but...why did you interject yourself to begin with, one has to wonder...

'mentally complex people'?

Kinda wonder about that too, now that you mention it... smiley

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@ThomasinaPaine Blah blah blah. Sorry Thomasina? Is that your name?

Get a life lady

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@AbsolutLee droll this was...

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@ThomasinaPaine I'm sorry, but you are too sad to laugh at.

I feel bad for you :( I don't think I am qualified to help you though. 2 more years

or for Trump: 4 MORE YEARS. That'll sort you out. Maybe you'll get a job

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@AbsolutLee I completely missed your deflection. Shame on me!
But then, I had other things on my plate and was scanning your replies.
This kind of 'closure' surely is beneath you, o learned one!
Vapid run ons conveying nothing, designed to obscure absence of substance to an argument.
Tsk tsk.

I said,
"For clarity's sake,
point out a couple of examples of all the 'vomit[ed] 'filth', please, for the viewers, as

'further proof (I) cannot except (sic) the world...' blah.blah...?

Please and thank you. "

I notice having the last word while sidestepping your inability to validate injurious allegations may be a specialty of yours. Undergrad law, perhaps?

Much like a 3rd chair Trumpet in a bad orchestra~

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@ThomasinaPaine If you wrote a book, no one would read it.

Make your point quickly or it'll be ignored. Your opinion is not important enough to be spread like sh*t on a prison wall.

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@Dr.Evil dude you are friends with one of the worst offenders.

and no, your a mod, it is not a case of dont like it dont look, the fact crap is allowed posted up here and nothing happens is BS

we allowing white power and other rascist crap here now?

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@NietzscheWasHere what kind of racist crap is cnn putting out there? white people are worse than lemon head...says. thats not racist enough? thats ok with you?

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@Noemiblanco68 who is even talking about CNN, screw CNN, im talking about the avalanche of bullsh*t you lot post.

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@NietzscheWasHere what do you care about what i dr evil says....dont click it dont waste your time...but not you you cant help yourself...

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@NietzscheWasHere this is what i am talking about leave me the hell alone...i am sick of you AND so are other keep texting your hate...leave me see me why bother what news i post?

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@Noemiblanco68 We live in a world where people get offended when anyone disagrees with them.

I'm surprised he didn't call you a 'troll' for having a differing opinion.

Some ppl suck; keep posting whatever you want!!! For the sake of freedom of thought!

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@Noemiblanco68 ugh, that is bad,good thing i didn't see it,i woulda commented heh heh--and you hate any comments dont you guys?


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It has been posted in the news section as news. Just don't read or ignore if you don't like something. Simple. smiley smiley that is what i do....

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@Noemiblanco68 thats what you do lol? nah its not, your one of the worst offenders here with the BS u post dude

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@NietzscheWasHere dude i am a woman....i am the w(worst)...ah worse offender on

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@NietzscheWasHere bs i post...thank your bs is informative and correct...just keep bothering dr evil'

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@Noemiblanco68 ME TOO, I DON'T LIKE THE NEWS,I IGNORE IT--GOT A PROBLEM WITH YOUR EYes you can't keep them off the other people's business?like the news you hate?--you going to great length to tell other people what they can't post;.why don't YOU STOP POSTING?WHY can't you mind yer own business?that's the problem,you mind other peoples' business.--just piss off.

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@clarachan1355 You still weird...and you shout a lot. Bet your blood pressure's through the roof.

I'm really ..concerned...that your mom left you a revolver.


senior master
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Dr Evil... I have found your TOS monitoring extremely fair...Would I be correct to surmise that most of your complaints are submitted by leftist (sympathizers) like the one who submitted this?

P.S. I don't expect a response here... smiley

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@Paladin* thank you for your support...i doubt any right leaning people report other people for stuff they dont like....

i took dr evils advice i NEVER read i just ignore stuff i dont like...

god bless you paladin
freedom of speech forever
and ever

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@Noemiblanco68 Keep up the GOOD fight..

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@Paladin* we fight together i hope more of our people respond on this thread to this threat....

I have found your TOS monitoring extremely fair...Would I be correct to surmise that most of your complaints are submitted by leftist (sympathizers) like the one who submitted this?

you got the nail on the you paladin....

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@Noemiblanco68 Dr Evil can confirm ... "I have NEVER reported anyone!"... banned, yes there is only so much leftist BS you can swallow...

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@Paladin* you been banned lol really? i bet the usual suspects were never banned....

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@Noemiblanco68 No I have banned 'people;. Life is too short to put up with their BS.

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@Noemiblanco68 free speech doesnt mean free from consequences

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@NietzscheWasHere go home to mother. she voted for trump anyway

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@Noemiblanco68 you need a ban dude

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@NietzscheWasHere hello i am not a dude i am a women....i wear a pu**y hat....i was in the women's I NEED TO BE BANNED....hello all my friends do you see it the censorship /..big brother..i need to be banned....ban the dude...thank you...i refuse after this to engage you...have a nice day

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@NietzscheWasHere A permanent ban. Agreed.

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@Noemiblanco68 I also find Dr,Evil very fair and good tempered,and he's right,"you don't like it,don't read it."


senior guru
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What is it with the whining from leftards on here, as Dr E has said NUMEROUS times "if you don't like it don't read it", quit pushing for censorship of political view points which are not in line with yours... fascists.

Censorship is bad m'kay.

Jesus f**king christ I'm actually having to explain to a LIBTARD that censorship is bad... wtf is wrong with the world!!! smiley

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@RandomOne Why Are RACISTS Comments Tolerated on here? a thread 6 months ago the dog whistle ...racist...this crying is nothing new...thank YOU DR censorship....they come at us from every angle....

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@Noemiblanco68 Well thankfully it's just a loud but whiny minority of soy boys (and gemnitard, not sure wtf he/she? is) so don't let them put you off posting the truth regardless of them needing a safe space.

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@RandomOne thank you hopefully dr evil see us...

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@RandomOne (I realize that I post too big replies to news,so Dr,Evil is free to snip mine.--I get carried away,but try to cut then down,& edit.But i can't always do it.)But censorship aint' great.I dislike it too..

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@RandomOne (I think its a symptom of "Libertard-restrict-all-free-speech-in-a merica-libs-don't- like" and its bad everywhere in the govt,Media,ect,.

You should see all the hate propaganda from all magazines now,even fashion,against anyone who isn't Pelosi-or Obuma,or Hil.You have to stop taking Vogue,Harpers'n Bazaar,just to avoid all the liberal hate spewed in just fashion magazines!!

Yes,its ok for LIBERALS to publish hate, but right wingers have no right to opinions, you notice?even here or in CondeNast.

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@clarachan1355 Remember when liberals used to defend basic human rights?... it's insane how fascistic they are these days, classic liberalism is truly dead.

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@clarachan1355 Please give us an example of liberals posting 'hate', clara. :)

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@Noemiblanco68 I've found that a very select few jump on posts and say insulting, hateful things. When you respond they report and ban you.

But bring up that they were the ones saying awful things and they run screaming.

Besides having some great movies I've found that this site is very open and while other sites say they support free speech this is one of the rare ones that do.

Unfortunately there are a number of people on here that don't want it to be an open, equal site and report people just for having a different opinion.

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@BrunoAxemaker bruno make all my axes please

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@BrunoAxemaker I like it being open & not censored.I come online,to see news,too,that's not so censored as usual.--I'd rather know what's going on in the world.

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@clarachan1355 Some of the articles are ridiculous but a bigger problem is when people post things from extreme news sources and pass them off as legit news


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We regularly delete racist, spam, flood comments, it takes some time because we have a real life :) As you can see some moderators no longer here. Only moderators who add content. However everything is under control.

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@Dr.Evil I have found you extremely impartial - I couldn't
do your job..and BTW who has reporTed me?

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@Paladin* Haha didn't expect a reply !


@Paladin* From what I understand from a previous Mod on here, is that they don't give those details because "it causes drama".

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 /sarc I was joking ofc


@Paladin* Ofc, I get it, thnx :)

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@Dr.Evil im being a good girl doctor evil i promise.

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@Noemiblanco68 Is this about one news story? Can't read what she has said, she has me blocked.

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@Noemiblanco68 well, i can be vehement,at times,and if I get carried away,Dr, Evil is free to edit my over the top comments--mostly too long.I do try to edit myself.

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@Dr.Evil but it isnt tho, the news section is a sh*tfest of hate speech.

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@NietzscheWasHere lets just post some recent news from main stream media you want hate speech..? and it is hate speech against white people white men...just plain white...isnt that hate speech to you....ok...i'll only post cnn msm news...then will you call it hate speech.?

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@Noemiblanco68 --you just named why I avoid Media news--its got so much leftwing hate spewing its like reading old stuff left over from
Nazi sucks the same way.

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@NietzscheWasHere In your opinion, I notice lots more name calling out of the no trumpers than anyone. I find name calling to be very childish and offensive.


senior master
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Being a rational person, ok


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@ThomasRacistFakeNewsWindgeBagLeftie Has me blocked, so i can't see what there having (another) a whinge about? What a shame. smiley

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Yes, 2/3 of all reports against posts users don't like. If you don't like something just post a reply or downvote.

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@Dr.Evil thank you dr evil..for your fairness i dont bother looking reading anything they post nor do i you say it is that simple...i dont like mtv...i simply dont tune that simple

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@Noemiblanco68 Sorry but you post a lot if strange news that people don't like. For racist news posting over and over - ban.

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@Dr.Evil racist news ?
a factual different point of view...
i never complain about the others...
for you i will relax it ..dont ban me...lets meet in the middle...i will relax ok? for you for THEM...
BUT i do usually get a lot of upvotes so a chosen few complain...
top news...when i post it is in the top ten...usually...
those complaining cant even make a mark

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@Dr.Evil Whoa whoa whoa... u do realize that not all use the same qualifiers as to what is racist and what is not?
What makes your veiwpoint the best?

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@Paladin* thank you

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@Noemiblanco68 uh---wait a minute, could someone please qualify "what is racist here"?I have never read any of noemiblanco's posts that were racist.just what do you qualify"as racist"?We really want to know.

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@clarachan1355 Uh,this post was directed to Dr. Evil.

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@Dr.Evil Noembianco attempted to manipulate you by mentioning that she was upvoted a lot in news.

What she (?) failed to tell you is that she sent messages to all her 'friends' and told them to be Sure and upvote all the right-wing News posts to 'show those libtard bastards who was boss on here' or words to that effect.

I know this because she inadvertently sent a copy of that message to someone who is NOT her and they copied to me.

So you see, all those 'upvotes' are just a scam, another bully tactic to deceive you and others into believing her posts 'have merit'.

S/he tried to con you.

But I'm confused..if s/he is banned, why does system say she's online 'now'?

If she is banned, my hat's off to you for doing the right thing.

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@ThomasinaPaine they wont do the right thing tho will they, Dr is BFF with pure vodka, one of the worst offenders here

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@NietzscheWasHere Well lots of other
@Dr Evil let them bully you and make you appear weak.
Watch your website value drop. Then it WILL be YOUR problem.

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@ThomasinaPaine i have already emailed the admins about this, now we wait.


@NietzscheWasHere You come here out of nowhere and are trying to make rules? Wtf ???

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 nop,e the rules were here already i just dont like racist a***oles, simple as that. you dont even have a horse in this race so what gives.


@NietzscheWasHere You are wrong about that, I like peace & it's been good that way here until lately... freedom of speech (and no, I'm not a Trump fan)....

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 same here.

what can i say, i see someone post racist stuff or very questionable content, im going to stand up and say something.

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 i love your name btw


@NietzscheWasHere Thnx for that, we need to get along, most want to watch movies, all the other crap is secondary right?

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 true but decent ppl have a moral duty to stand against such vile POV, and there is a lot of that going around right now sadly

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 PEACE? For whom? These sh*ts go around harassing people who are too nice to take them on if they disagree with them, call them names, a lot of stuff you have missed because act like bosom buddies with all these bullies, in chat, commenting, etc.

There's an old joke appropriate for you to hear:

'A preacher walked down the road and came upon a drunkard lying next to a pig beside the road.
"Brother, don't you know you are judged by the company you keep?" the preacher exclaimed.
...and the pig got up and slowly walked away.'

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@NietzscheWasHere You don't like people taking back. Just block me.

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@PureVodka🍺 i dont care if u talk back, i just dont like racism.

you are being played hard, i just hope u see that one day.

only one race, the human race

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@PureVodka🍺 (yes,you don't like someone's comments,block,it works.)

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@ThomasinaPaine I like noemiblanco, and she never asked me to upvote her posts.You got proof,guy??

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@clarachan1355 maybe he doesn't consider you a friend...?
I'll be glad to send it @ Dr Evil anytime, if it's ok with the person who sent it to me :)

You not da judge heah. :)


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The Doc is right about not clicking on an article if you don't like it or if it doesn't interest you.

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@FemaleLotRfan83 I'm well aware of YOUR approval and promotion of this bullying.
I've seen you in action.

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@ThomasinaPaine You're confusing censorship with bullying. I've seen the comments you and other lefties have made in the new section.

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@FemaleLotRfan83 i posted a news article about bullying and the left you know the usual suspects...freaking called me a moron.a racist..white supremacist etc ..go figure...then they are the first to report me/us/to the gods/

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@FemaleLotRfan83 Lucky me, I think she blocked me my first week here. I wish Gemi would block me, but that's ok. I've never turned them in for anything. Such is life. I've blocked no one, can't imagine I ever would. Famous last words, right ? smiley

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@FemaleLotRfan83 wlel theres a good bit of bias from u right there, other lefties, really.

are all mods here trump fans? or biased towards the right?

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@NietzscheWasHere does it matter if they are trump fANS.....nietzsche the racist? if you like trump you are automatically bias? racist a moron?

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@Noemiblanco68 Don't waste your time reasoning with the libs on this site.

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@Noemiblanco68 nope its down to their lack of action on stuff that clealry breaks TOC and the bias they show towards the offenders. simple as that.

i dont give a dman if u like that twat you call prez, i do give a damn when said ppl post racist BS

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@FemaleLotRfan83 Censorship falsl within the powers of an admin.

BULLYING is quite different and has little to do with the website proper...usually.
The only bullying I have seen on here is done by your repugnant cronies, who write news titles that are designed to offend others and spread fake news because they can't TAKE the real news that is happening all around them.

If they listened, they would have to realize they are wrong.

Bullies threaten to kick the sh*t out of others.
Bullies ridicule others and accuse them of being gay, or racist (which on here is hilarious in and of itself, coming from them)
and of course, you are in a unique position to do all SORT of subtle bullying in your slightly 'elevated' position as ignoring users concerns or belittling them at every opportunity.
I think they call that though...hmm...let me think..."All hat and no cattle" where you're from. :)
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@ThomasinaPaine I'm a bit confused here. I always understood bullying as an act forced upon someone / overpowering someone, that has no defense against the act. So how can something in here be considered bullying behavior if all of us have the power to block anyone that offends us in any way. And if a news article is considered bullying, is that not just a matter of opinion? And matters of opinion ... well, everyone has one, and they're all unique.

Something I live by personally .... agree to disagree. I mean, Dr. Evil has put the tools in place for a person to block someone they don't want to agree to disagree with .... and to my knowledge ... leastways, I've not seen any sign of it since I've been a member here .... and that's that no one here has ever forced me against my will to read anything, or watch anything, that I don't like. Everyone's going to disagree .... ...
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@Kaboodles/Katreena I're a newbie.


@FemaleLotRfan83 Yes, I've never understood why people just can't move on, agreed with you on this 100%

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 Because TM there is something called the GOOD FIGHT (I have seen it mentioned here) to be fought and being Americans, both sides are right because both have got GOD on their sides.

It's a no win situation. Not all out war but guerilla tactics in cyberspace and every notch in the belt has to be celebrated.

Thus we have the endless toing and froing because when it comes down to it, it is the First Amendment of the US Constitution being debated here and everyone has an opinion.

Problem now is that everyone has a way to express that opinion, and it may not be pretty for the other side. Opinions have been taken out of the intelegencia and acedemia and the media and the politicians and have been given a new voice on social media - the base voters.

These opinions aren't covered with flowers and perfume but hey, this is the democracy of the internet. A head-on collision of of two tankers of vitriol.
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+5 Yes I understand where you are coming from, and I really do agree with "Free Speech".... it's when people start getting personal and insulting towards each other that it's really a problem I think.

I personally don't like Trump but have a problem with immigration in this country, but I believe in tolerating other's view points without being an ass...

That's why you won't see me taking any sides in the news section.

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 Don't get sucked in TM - it is a black hole and very difficult to get out of. Stay here for the movies/series, good banter/humour, games of course and the funny stuff (with the cats, dogs etc) and find the news YOU trust in your own place. Objectivity may not be the number one priority here, just those notches on belts and waving red flags to the bulls.

+5 Yes Sir! Very well said, the initial reason I came here was to get my mind off of all the other Shite in my life, so you are totally correct on that.

I like having fun, not being stressed by politics or by the fact that some here dislike me, forget that crap. :)

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 Don't forget, that's what you are here for so enjoy those parts. Then when you are finished picking, throw the bones in the bin (for recycling of course)

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 Yet you hang out with the biggest *sses. They damn sure don't tolerate viewpoints,nor abjure name-calling or collude (ha!) against other users.

Please don't play the innocent. Be honest...why ARE you friends with that sort...really.


@ThomasinaPaine I respect your opinion to a degree, but you don't know me, so please back off...

I have the right to choose my friends, as do you.

And while we are at it, you are so self righteous it makes me physically sick... get a grip.

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 I don't dislike you TM. I have no reason to. I don't care what you think of me. I'm not trying to run away from the realities of the world, here or anywhere else.
You certainly DO have the right to choose your friends, and echo them, if that is your choice. But Burke was right. You are judged by the company you keep.
But honestly, you're not a blip on the radar of this sh*tshow.


@ThomasinaPaine Please, just block me, I don't appreciate your stupid ideals, they aren't anywhere close to what a rational person's would be.

I have no interest in your close-minded opinions.

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 She blocked you yet?


@PureVodka🍺 No, but I'm fine if she just stays away with her crap.

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 "close minded' implies similarity of thought.
We don't have that.

I suppose you were trying to say 'closed-minded'?

[ me, Jesus...
"There are none so blind as those who will not see"]

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(5y) There is a level of decency though, that was thought to be innate in the Constitution.
THAT is the issue that is really being fought.

Humane treatment of human beings, especially children, used to be a given, not to cage them and cover them with heat film 'blankets' and let them sit in their own execrement (as pictures have shown) and even die at the hands of Americans who '
check on them every 3 hours.'
Put that kind of treatment of a child INSIDE the American protections domain and you have child neglect, felony child neglect, and manslaughter.

We are watching the deconstruction of the Constitution and the rights of the people. There is no question that our environment is being destroyed by neglect and even intentional acts:
Chemtrails were finally admitted to after years of lies Happening every day in concentrated populated cities all over the country, (and the world) authorities claiming they are trying to cool the earth, while denying global warming out of the OTHER side of their mouths.
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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 thick headed...i agree just move on...i do that...i see stuff i already know i dont agree with...i dont even bother to click on it...but there is rabble....who love to cause problems here.

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@FemaleLotRfan83 i dont care what is posted..i know what it will say by who posted it, i could careless dont look dont care dont comment or report anyone for violating TOS ..if you are offended by news....turn the station...i definitely dont watch cnn....

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@Noemiblanco68 I just try to be diverse in all News reported, I do not enter any bias or like or dislike, just the facts a couple with each subject on the list. Something for everyone.

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@Noemiblanco68 But you are missing so much Noemi. You should give it a go, if only to have a giggle. You never know, you may learn something if you are open to it.


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I believe we need a right balance between hot, controversial news and boring news. I can tell you that people mostly love "crazy" content. I don't want to have a boring website and I don't want to have a racist site also. If you want boring stuff then go to

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@Dr.Evil All I look for is REAL news, fair treatment, a lack of bias on the part of mods, and some semblance of manners to be displayed by users and mods alike. REAL news can be pretty damn exciting.
Absence of bias on the part of mods should be a 'given' and tracked.
Manners, well...keeps the bloodshed down and keeps users from being uneasy about the type of website they are supporting.

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@Dr.Evil But IMDb got rid of those forums because it wasn’t just encouraging creative and intelligent discourse; it was inciting anger and hate. You don’t want a “boring” site, but it’s a movie site, and movies aren’t boring. Allowing drama and encouraging conflict isn’t boring, that’s true, but people violate TOS and now even question the site’s definition of racism. So that means, in order to be fair, and yet not boring, you will need to make a clear definition of what racism is to go with your terms of service (like an addendum to the policy) and enforce it, which is a lot of work. Then perhaps, sexism. Wouldn’t it just be easier to have this site be the movie site that everybody thinks it is when they see the name twomovies? Or maybe you don’t mind the work? I don’t know what it is you want to have happen because, as you say, you have a life outside of this. ...
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@ditzygypsy Like you mentioned can just "Turn off the headlines" If you don't like it.Perhaps you might want to turn off the Forums and Discussions too.All these EXTREME right wing nazi bigot haters here.
And one more thing. You made me laugh. smiley You said movies aren’t BORING .. Keep watching. You'll find one.

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@CanyonD I realize my wording wasn’t very well-chosen, lol. I should’ve said, the hobby of movie watching and series binge-watching isn’t a boring hobby, to me, anyhow. I don’t need the drama that angry people arguing with each other creates to not be bored, I am never bored. This site functioning as only a movie site is not boring to me. I also don’t have time to post news stories after reading them and then argue with people, and when I have commented on things, the time I’ve wasted doing it comes straight out of my movie watching time allotment, which is frustrating. So, yeah, maybe I should turn off the Forum box too, but honestly, I didn’t know I could also do that until I read that on here just now. I thought it was just the fairytale section I could turn off!


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Another idea. We can hide news from blocked users.

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@Dr.Evil I'm sorry, I don't follow how that helps, Dr E...?
It doesn't prevent the bad behavior. It actually would give them a pass. The REST of the TM users would be exposed to fake news and offensive posts even if *I* had blocked the user posting.

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@Dr.Evil BUT....hmmm... that might work things out.
At least a user could look at the news and see posts they WANT to see and NOT be forced to read titles that are intentionally offensive. that idea sounds like a good option. smiley

For simplicity, could a 'block news POSTS from this person' option be available?
Could it optionally include mods and apply to THAT SECTION ONLY? :)
Anyone who follows FemaleLot..'s comments knows her comments and many of her posts are often as offensive as any of that group, sad to say. smiley

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@ThomasinaPaine Don't comment if you disagree with me. I have every right to my opinion as you do. Don't like it? Tough.

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@FemaleLotRfan83 AGaIN, kind just can't seem to STOP giving orders or trying to offend. smh

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@ThomasinaPaine I was making a suggestion. I give up on reasoning with you lefties.

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@ThomasinaPaine I dont get why ur moaning about this ?? What most users are saying is just block or ignore anything you dont like or agree with and for some reason you wont accept that ? Then why put up ANY NEWS links that you know or think or clearly will have comments made on them that you dont like ?? I just dont get it ?! Everyone has different views on alot of things on here and you know this ?? And as for you mention about us non americans that comment about trump maybe we comment because we take interest in what trump and his country does and not just to hit a nerve with use non trump haters ! # just my personal point of view that i know you will not like #

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@chaseyerself Your name in itself offends classless.
I will be terse:
Clearly you missed the point. But that doesn't surprise me.
I"d just like to see you get your irrelevant opinions out of our business. Most of you do it because you are mean spirited and remind me of the ignorant in the Dark Ages, who thought it funny to cruelly 'poke the bear'; much like students who hovered in the back of the schoolroom throwing spitballs, not because you care, but to cause problems upset people, not help to find solutions.
Citizenship rule being what they are, you have no vote here.
Do you DO anything for your community, your neighbors, your country?
Do you go down to the pub and start arguments there?
What positive things are you accomplishing to improve the quality of life in your country? Or anywhere?
That is the real question.

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@ThomasinaPaine Well ur rite about my name 👍 It is what it is 😎 But as i said if you dont like what OTHER PEOPLE have an opinion on then pick up ur dummy. ( pacifier as use call it ) and stop with the crying !! It is ok for others to agree with or not agree with on things its also known that freedom of speech is used in the world ! Feel free to take them issues you have out on me and the other users that you dont like what they say as am pretty sure nothings gona change 👍👍👍👍👍

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@chaseyerself 'use' ? USE?

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@ThomasinaPaine Yes "USE" as last i heard thats what americans call it ? And obv i cant see WE as US in uk dont call it that ? Again your acting like am offending you ? What is your problem seriously ! IF YOU DONT LIKEY THEN DO NOT REPLY

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@ThomasinaPaine Have you ever thought that maybe its because thats the way your head thinks and its that warpt you just assume that anyone that thinks differently from you are replying that way? Uno what assume means ?? It means it makes as ass out of u and me

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@chaseyerself I am an American. #1. I am a logical thinker, #2.
Proper grammar is something I was taught at an early age was important if one wished to express one's self clearly.

What other people think, that's their business...just don't keep trying to shove it in MY face.

By the way, "use" is NEVER an appropriate substitute for 'you' this country or any other English-speaking country.
I hear that people from the Bronx or other NY boroughs used to say "youse" for 'you' but that was always considered an amusing regionalism...or a point of ridicule, depending on who was commenting.

Who in the world ever told you that 'use' = 'you' ? Did a number on you, they did...or were ignorant themselves.

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@chaseyerself damn you are a smart woman...may dr evil bless you.

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@Noemiblanco68 Why thank u 😎 I welcome all comments good and bad , may god bless you for such kind words

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@Dr.Evil Yes,yes,yes please. smiley smiley

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You DO realize that Numbo is sticking this in your face, right??

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@ThomasinaPaine It was this and a few others posted that are blatant hate. Everyone should be offended. I'm sincerely surprised it's allowed as well. Fortunately this N person has blocked me (I'm assuming he/she couldn't take what they dish out)..
If these things were posted on Facebook or anywhere else for that matter they would be permanently banned,perhaps even in the FBI and NSA sight?

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@CollideDuhScope Well, under any other President, yes.

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@CollideDuhScope FB bans people just because of their views, not what they say.

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@Dr.Evil Yes , and hide all the news from Thomasina. She doesn't like it anyway. And I confess..I am the sleeper Russian Troll-Bot that got President Trump elected.

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@Dr.Evil I'd fully support that idea, I don't think anything is being gained from seeing either their whiny posts or fake news stories, it would actually be kinda nice just to have them removed from existence right across the site once we hit block.


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If you don't like what I say, BLOCK me. If I don't like what you say, I just won't read it or point out the differences in our opinion.
Btw, a big thank you to those who have blocked me. smiley

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@Bread&Circuses Why would anyone block B&C? Your stuff is too darn funny.


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Just block the news, I do. I also block the chat box or whatever it is, they are both pointless to me....... :)

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@Rescue Dog Mama Go, Mama, Go - so where do you go to get rid of all the steam coming out of your ears like the others on here?

I am partial to a long brisk walk along the sea front and I forget all about news and chat box.

Then when I get home I like to switch on my favourite news channel, in my favourite armchair, in my favourite slippers with my favourite newspaper. I watch and listen to news that reinforce my opinions, not change them. Like everyone, I suppose.

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(5y) Well, not like everyone. I believe in Progressive IDEALS, but I know that politicians are crooked on both side of the aisle. Anyone who closes his/her mind to opposing views entirely -unless they are Lyin' Trump stupid---is not very intelligent.

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@ThomasinaPaine I don't Thomasina, I just get the opposing views delivered in an informed, digestable format.

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(5y) Good to know you do. smiley On here you don't that option, which is the point.

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@ThomasinaPaine Above, you stated your opinion of how you view President Trump. I myself, support President Trump 100% .... yet, I'm not bad mouthing you for what you said, nor saying anything against what you said. Personally, I disagree with your statement .... but I don't take it personally, because I realize everyone has the right to state their opinion or belief.

I've read news articles posted by you in here, and you've never received a comment posted by me trying to get any of your news articles removed just because I don't see eye to eye with you. I don't share your belief in politics, but I'll defend your right to believe how you do.

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@Kaboodles/Katreena Thank you. Right back at you, :)

I try to post provable fact from neutral sources, not biased or vicious innuendo for extremist sites or "anyidiotcanmakeavideo" YouTube crap.

If I inadvertently post something that cannot be verified, I will delete it and explain why.
Truth should override politics, imo, in both sides of the camp.

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(5y) EditRescue Dog Mama (1 sec ago)
@box I hang around with dogs,lol! The last thing I want to do is watch news, after coming home from my nursing shift. I see enough illness, and bad things daily. I work in an ER... I always foster a few dogs, and believe me, it is rewarding more than anyone can know unless you do it.

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@Rescue Dog Mama My previous answer got gobbled up by the system!! and I managed to edit your post.

I just think you have found the lifeboat in this sea of nausea ... switch off ALL news, foster a dog and go for a walk. The road to stress-free happiness awaits all who partakes.

Again RDM, the voice of common sense on the forum. May it prevail. Thanks!

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(5y) I love dogs more than some people lol. It kills me when I see someone buy an expensive dog from a breeder, there are so so many looking for just someone to love them, at shelters. The shelter near me, is a kill free shelter, which also makes me happy. Look into fostering a dog, you will not regret it trust me.

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@Rescue Dog Mama I personally would love to but space limitations prevent it. A great idea.

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(5y) They do have little dogs too, my 1st Foster was 2 Chihuahuas, (I still have them they are not going anywhere) also have a Golden retriever, he is a sweety,great with kids too.

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@Rescue Dog Mama I"m with you on all that 100% Mama. :) I've been thinking about doing just that. My Westie gets tres bored with me and can often be heard muttering all the way down the hall,"that damn computer is interfering with my freakin' walks..least she could do is get me a buddy...mumble. grumble..ack....."

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@ThomasinaPaine Yes, dogs get bored easily. Than they start gaining weight when they just ly around.Most of all they want your attention, I know what you mean about the computer, when I am home I can be that way as well, but they let me know when it is walk time food time, etc., lol. Shelter dogs are the best, and its almost like they are more appreciative, they only want someone to love them.

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@Rescue Dog Mama Isn't it wonderful that in the midst of verbal warfare, there is time for doggie advice.

Bit like the soldiers playing football during WW1 on Christmas day.

Great to put politics aside and do the important stuff.

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@Rescue Dog Mama That is the best advice ever. Immediately after coming in, I block the news and the chat box, both pointless to me too.


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Who defines racism? Is it racist that Muslims are rapimg young women in Europe? Is it racist that despite making up just 13% of the population, blacks commit around half of homicides in the United States. DOJ statistics show that between 1980 and 2008, blacks committed 52% of homicides, compared to 45% of homicides committed by whites. Are we no longer allowed to post facts? Is the truth now censored? Attacked?

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@bondojoe BONDOJOE...LOVE YOU. just the facts ....

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@bondojoe quit reading Alex Jones and Breitbart

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@NietzscheWasHere Yep just come out with the same old lines.

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@bondojoe what

Nietzsche was very very misunderstood, i wouldnt like him if he was racist.

Nietzsche broke away from Wagner because Wagner was hugely antisemitic.

there are scholars who have studied the man for decades and still dont get him.

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@NietzscheWasHere Nietzsche was proved to be an idiot,without any proof to his statements."What doesn't kill you,makes you strong" is wrong,What does not kill you,can just as likely disable you,make you a cripple,or sicken you for life--it does not have to necessarily really kill you.However,lots of idiots worship Nietzsche cause he was a sick bastard like they are.

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@clarachan1355 boy, he avoided that one!!Nietzsche was a Nazi,(Wagner was a Nazi too he loved it)and a sick,twisted dog.Yes,I read enough of it.- the phrase everyone quotes from him,is untrue.-Nietzsche got lots of noteriety.--but he's not some author you'd want to be proud of.--the opposite--anyone who loves N. is highly sick/.

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@bondojoe Sue Prideaux observes in this splendid biography that the “long descent of the Nietzsche archive into the Nazi camp” was ironic since he was, as she puts it, only ever interested in man as “an individual, rather than man as a herd animal”. Indeed, he once vowed, when still lucid, to have nothing to do with anyone with a “share in the mendacious race swindle”.

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@NietzscheWasHere NietzscheWasHere's little "cross-out-Trump"insignia should be banned, cuz every time he posts it,it is a political hate comment.I ask Dr,Evil to ban the "Cross-out-Trump"symbol on his posts.I don't go around with a "Cross-out-Hil"symbol every where I post.That is hate speech,

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@clarachan1355 I get what you’re saying, because you like your leader, but no, it’s not hate speech. Hate speech is abusive or threatening speech or writing against a particular group, especially (and this is the key part) on the basis of race, religion, or sexual orientation.

For example, I love Elvis. I realize not everyone does, and they have a right to make fun of him, or dislike him and declare it publicly. That is not hate speech, and he contributed far more to something much more wonderful than Donald Trump ever has, in that he changed music, which is something that makes most people feel good, and his changes spawned other great musical legends who have publicly declared their admiration for him (including, but not limited to, Jim Morrison, John Lennon, Keith Richards, Jackie Wilson, and Robert Plant). But he has haters; everyone does. Donald Trump definitely has haters, and despising him, and publicly declaring that sentiment is by no means under the umbrella of hate speech. If his life is truly being threatened, let law enforcement pick up the chatter and come to his rescue.
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@bondojoe Your the man joe 😇👍👍 your the man lol

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@chaseyerself Well I'll vote that down just on

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@ThomasinaPaine good for you ,,,,hope it makes you feel better hahahahahaha


top expert
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Leftist b**ches gunna b**ch. Where did all that leftist #secondcivlwar go? Seems like we could use a good house cleaning right about now. First to be taken down is the soy farms.....without their soy lattes they will give up fighting real quick.


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After reading this entire forum section and all the comments, It is perfectly clear that op Literally just hates trump and is triggered hard. Its hilarious she keeps saying there are other movies sites, But if they were better she would have moved on a long time ago. This is the same type of ideals that produced the idea that using the wrong pronouns to greet someone is a crime of violent assault deserving jail time.

She complains that all these people are terrible racists pushing an agenda while pushing her own and then calling mods "bosom Buddies" a slur aimed at gays. Just because you didnt say butt is she serious? and there is a reason trump is getting global coverage. and yes the US definitely does comment on political affairs in other countries.

stop questioning the world when it doesnt agree with you. It does not have to. Just because you thought it was impossible for trump to get elected, does not mean that reality is a lie now that he is president. ...
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@amanlybagel A HUYA newbie? smh.

But seem really informed on this to only have been online a week...


Wait...(sniff) (sniff?)

Methinks I doth detect yet ANOTHER fake account...
Wow.. how many fake accounts do you NEED to support your arguments, guys?


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@ThomasinaPaine fake account? You cant be serious. I literally just use this site to watch movies and the news feed affects me 0% that is why when i saw your whining post on the side, I had to comment because i was curious as to what kind of drama could be going on here. Then I proceeded to read the entire conversation. Which gave me all the info i needed on you to comment. I didnt need weeks worth of your bullcrap to know what your selling. Five minutes of reading gave your shallow point of view away.

such a simple concept. You get on. watch a movie,and live your life. If this social circle fits your fancy, Then participate. If it does not MOVE ON. I don't socialize here because I use this place to watch good movies. But when i see people like you spreading their word Vomit filth, I have to intervene.

Accusing me of being a fake account is Just further proof that you cannot except the world as it is, because it does not always fit the fantasy land you think you make the rules in. the phrase "facts dont care about your feelings" is not just a cute phrase ben shapiro uses. Its a fact of life that he continues to state because people like you just dont get the point no matter how many times people try to explain it to you. You are not special. Or better than anyone else. And dont get to tell people what to do or say. If you dont like it, gather some of your professional friends, And make your own movies site.
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@amanlybagel " But when i see people like you spreading their word Vomit filth, I have to intervene. "

Wowsuh....serious vitriol, there... Mr Crutc/Bon/Noe/Pur/, "newbie".'s see...ah yes, "word Vomit filth" shaky phrasing and capitalizing... well, I'll give you a pass because clearly you are so very upset with this suddenly discovery--a thread being an offense to your sensibilities.

But for clarity's sake,
could you possibly point out a couple of examples of all the 'vomit[ed] 'filth', please, for the viewers, as

"further proof (I) cannot except (sic) the world..." blah.blah...?
Please and thank you.

Now, let me review....
this could have been automatic writing to yourself.
Goose to gander:
"You are not special. Or better than anyone else."
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@ThomasinaPaine TL;DR
I am flattered you put so many words in a row for me. However, this has become boring...Sorry it had to end like this.I have found another interest.


PS. Don't despair. There are plenty more normal Americans you can try and whine at.


@amanlybagel She may also enjoy some cheese with her wine.... 🍷 🧀

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 Ha Ha classic! especially after the comment i just made to random one about the news and swiss cheese and trump... lol

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@amanlybagel Well said, and of an ironic statement accusing you of being a fake account considering she and her little friends have dozens they use to stalk people with on here... But shhhh because we're not supposed to know!! lol

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@RandomOne Lol I encounter so many people who act like this in life i have lost count.

Its hilarious when you can finish someones sentence for them because they are all mainstream media talking points. Its like a record stuck on repeat.

Today I watched the news literally blame donald trump for a surplus of swiss cheese in the US -_- ROFL man they are really running out of things to blame him for. Ugh flat tire on the way to work? DAMN THAT TRUMP


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i TOO CAN EMAIL THE ADMINISTRATION AND REPORT THAT our NietzscheWasHere is posting hate-symbols against Trump every time he literally posts.--and he won't stop doing is hate speech.If liberal democrat hate-speech is allowed on here, so is anti-Liberal speech also. You can't have it all your way,NWH,and shut up everyone online you don't agree with.This is not the "Media" here.--or CNN.


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Wow. This thread is better than a Mexican soap opera. smiley

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@SoylentBrown Ay Caramba!

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@SoylentBrown i will not get in here in any fights;if i dislike scream yelling liberaltards,i will email complaint directly to the adminstration--not the Mod.--if people are racist.sexist.,Nazi,,or hate-mongers.I will go to administration.--not to mods.--and complain they be banned.

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@clarachan1355 Actually, you are in the fight. You can't lob a grenade(liberaltards) and then walk away, saying you're not involved.

I wasn't going to comment in this thread, but since I was addressed. :)

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@SoylentBrown Pass me the Junior Mints... :) lol

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@SoylentBrown Agreed.


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I feel it is my obligation to remind you of some of the negative, depressing, dangerous, life-threatening things that life is really all about; things you have not been thinking about tonight, but which will be waiting for you as soon as you leave the theater or as soon as you turn off your television sets. Anal rape, quicksand, body lice, evil spirits, gridlock, acid rain, continental drift, labor violence, flash floods, rabies, torture, bad luck, calcium deficiency, falling rocks, cattle stampedes, bank failure, evil neighbors, killer bees, organ rejection, lynching, toxic waste, unstable dynamite, religious fanatics, prickly heat, price fixing, moral decay, hotel fires, loss of face, stink bombs, bubonic plague, neo-Nazis, friction, cereal weevils, failure of will, chain reaction, soil erosion, mail fraud, dry rot, voodoo curse, broken glass, snake bite, parasites, white slavery, public ridicule, faithless friends, random violence, breach of contract, family scandals, charlatans, transverse myelitis, structural defects, race riots, sunspots, rogue elephants, wax buildup, killer frost, jealous coworkers, root canals, metal fatigue, corporal punishment, sneak attacks, peer pressure, vigilantes, birth defects, false advertising, ungrateful children, financial ruin, mildew, loss of privileges, bad drugs, ill-fitting shoes, widespread chaos, Lou Gehrig's disease, stray bullets, runaway trains, chemical spills, locusts, airline food, shipwrecks, prowlers, bathtub accidents, faulty merchandise, terrorism, discrimination, wrongful cremation, carbon deposits, beef tapeworm, taxation without representation, escaped maniacs, sunburn, abandonment, threatening letters, entropy, nine-mile fever, poor workmanship, absentee landlords, solitary confinement, depletion of the ozone layer, unworthiness, intestinal bleeding, defrocked priests, loss of equilibrium, disgruntled employees, global warming, card sharks, poisoned meat, nuclear accidents, broken promises, contamination of the water supply, obscene phone calls, nuclear winter, wayward girls, mutual assured destruction, rampaging moose, the greenhouse effect, cluster headaches, social isolation, Dutch elm disease, the contraction of the universe, paper cuts, eternal damnation, the wrath of God, and PARANOIAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! George Carlin R.I.P.

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@PersonX ROFLMAO! Carlin! My FAVE!


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Scrolled down as I got bored of the precious toy throwing..."waaaahhhhh I don't like people posting but me. Not fair. Why can I insult but they can insult back? I should control content wahhhhhh your wacist..etc etc"

Who forced you to click the links kiddies? Nobody? There ya go bounce your red rubber ball and grow up :D


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I usually do not even read this thread but damn smiley smiley smiley

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@matesaca You'll need at least three of those but have the phone ready to order in more. Some parts may be a little stream of consciousness, but don't worry - just take a deep breath and you'll be fine.


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What I take from this is that the OP and his/her ilk believe they're going to run this site, that their citing their own interpretations of the TOS to the man whom actually wrote them is somehow productive to their cause and that targeting the people whom he has personally selected as moderators to help him manage this site will somehow open the door for them to walk in and take their place.

Boys and girls, this shouldn't need explaining but obviously to some of the lower IQs among you it does, this is Dr Evils site, he knows what he wants in it and what he doesn't, he knows the rules and how he wants them enforced better than anyone, the people selected to help run it are chosen because among other qualities they're helpful, fair, submit content and add value while being mentally stable... they are, in short... not you.

Please stop deluding yourselves, you'll never be mods and you'll never bully or manipulate anyone into getting your own way, the grown-up world doesn't work like that. ...
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@RandomOne Exactly. You cant try and turn moderators into a political hit squad and then expect not to get hate. This is exactly why The so called Alt-right is growing. People want to get as far away from this kind of crap as they can before they are swallowed whole.


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From now, news from blocked users will be hidden. smiley Also your news will be invisible for blocked users. Just like comments.

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@Dr.Evil That's still like putting a band-aid on a sucking chest wound. If the moderation isn't robust then you're basically giving the cabal a free pass turn your site into The Daily Stormer. That means your platform and you by-proxy, are putting out a constant barrage of cherry-picked, unverified, Islamophobic garbage from YouTube yappers and fringe 'news' sites, and veiled or outright racist content and comments. The offenders are well known and continue to suck up to you to shield themselves from repercussion.

If you're ok with the barrage of hate speech on Two Movies, then say so.

If you're not then I would suggest you make a real statement instead of papering over the problem.

Review the last 50 postings and last 200 comments of the known offenders.
If they're shown to be 75-80% the usual cherry-picked, fear-mongering, racist or Islamophobic content -

That'll show that you're serious.
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@zenman1 Everyone SHOULD be Islamaphobic. They lop people's heads off!

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@zenman1 You speak like someone who has been totally brainwashed by Gov run fake (bias) news sites.

Are should i just call you a leftie?
And you seem full of HATE.

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@PureVodka🍺 When you throw a rock in a pigsty... the one that squeals is the one that got hit.

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@zenman1 smiley That is just cruel.

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@zenman1 OMG ~~you crack me up....BWHAHAHAHAAAAA!!

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@zenman1 This is precisely why it is pointless trying to pander to people like you. Guy tries to compromise and its not good enough. Its never good enough. You want the cake and you want to eat it too. Oh and the cake wasnt good enough.

I will admit trump has made a huge mistake. That mistake is trying to appease people who have an endless void inside and will never stop asking for more. Your given an inch and you take a mile. Trump does not realize that these people are not going to change and be satisfied with a compromise or outright Implementation of their demands. They will just take everything you are willing to give over, spit in your face and demand more. Mistaking kindness for weakness.

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@amanlybagel Cry me a river.

So much more you could've said to add to the discussion but instead you pontificate on my irreverence.

You were right about one thing. @💊Dr.Evil💊's attempt did seem a lot like pandering... (((Just cover your ears and pretend the race baiters and xenophobes are not hijacking the site)))) That's the only way to interpret the tepid response.

(((Make sure you (1) get a good ad blocker and (2) never ever look at the News Section.... it's chock full of hateful angry Nazis bombarding you with the most vile self-edited headlines)))

Should I add that to the caveats when I introduce someone to his platform?

Its in Evil's best interest to have real consequences for those who consistently push hate through TM or the site's reputation will really begin to suffer. Curb the behaviour now. Not sure where you went with it, but that's all I'm saying.

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@zenman1 You are just a HATER that would have everyone you do not like, banned.

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@PureVodka🍺 ^

Evidently still a problem in the UK.

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@Dr.Evil That's certainly appreciated. I was puzzled why that was not already part of the blocking protocol. Of course the real issue I see is the flooding of the news section. I see one user posting 50 articles in 30 minutes. That's spamming, in my opinion.

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@SoylentBrown hear hear! while the social chat and sharing articles is a nice feature, people need to remember this is primarily a site for entertainment purposes only

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@Dr.Evil Good riddance! But this doesn't really solve the problem of hate .. These individuals should join the kkk and chat on their site...
WALLAH! I'm a stinking genius lol

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@CollideDuhScope "Everyone who disagrees with us is a racist!!!"

Yeah, you sound intelligent.

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@Dr.Evil Nope. News articles supposedly blocked are still displayed in the bottom of the page when bumped by following posts.

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@Dr.Evil That is pretty kind of you to update and modify things just so these lovely folks can have their feelings spared from harmful text that could damage their fragile mind. How very diplomatic. I am sure they will be very grateful for your.......Oh..Wait.. Nope


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So if you don't like (facts) the news posted by certain members...BLOCK THEM... smiley smiley

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@PureVodka🍺 Why not? lol

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@Dr.Evil Sorry? :)

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@PureVodka🍺 PV I happen to adore you no matter your political views.. You mostly post stuffs going on in your AREA, home?
The perso ns you associate with aren't kind and most likely talking about you as well lol. Xoxo

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@CollideDuhScope There's for to much smiley (backstabbing) on this site. Best to keep most of your views public. ;)


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Just reading some of those last few comments, it's like some people are trying to dictate (intimidate) how the site is run, these people are just HATERS, sad. smiley


top expert
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Cant handle?...Hardly. You need to quit the buffoonery and stop defending the indefensible.


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Look! The Forum is now the same as the news site. People slamming each other!

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@bondojoe Hahahahahaha smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley

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@bondojoe But wait bondoman - I have a discovered a lull in the storm of political backstabbing and brutality that has been rampant since Julius Caesar. Three-quarters way down, a lake of tranquility has opened up betweeen Bread&Circus' comical interlude and your, yet another quest on what racism should be.

A brief respite from the drugery of trying to change political opinion comes in the form of "Advice on adopting a Dog". What better way to cool tempers than talk to the pooch and listen to the pooch (because to be quite honest, the pooch is making a lot more sense that some of these hairballs yapping on here).

People talking about the important stuff and others listening. So nice.

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(5y) There ARE people on here that do not partake of the news, have no idea what is going on,and are therefore not affected by any comments. Ignorance is bliss...they say.

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@bondojoe "Real Life" could be another suggestion?

And did Julius Caesar not die in the Forum on the Ides of March (15th)?

Beware the Ides of March!

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(5y) People quickly bore of real life. If they did not...the entertainment business would die. The Ides of March have always been a difficult time for me, personally.

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@bondojoe no relation to either JC?

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(5y) Not that I am aware of. I am fond of wine, and would enjoy being a God.


@bondojoe But apparently now you ARE God :)

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 LOL!...The Perks seem to be missing. I can't fly...except on a plane...I seem to be losing my hair, and my memory...the sex isn't getting any better...there may not be much of an upside to this!


@bondojoe You are just fine :)

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 LOL! Oh, great...I'm fine! LOL! Thank you!


@bondojoe Well yeah I have my moments of not believing I'm okay as well, so you aren't alone there...

Some days it's a real challenge, that's pretty much something many of us share I believe :)

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@𝓜𝓸𝓾𝓼𝓮*🐭 Yeah...It sucks to be us!! LOL!

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@bondojoe True, so why the 15th of March. Birthday time or anniversary?

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(5y) Neither. It just seems to be the time of year when anything that is going to go wrong...DOES go wrong. My relationships, my economics...everything. I tiptoe cautiously through March, and try to keep a low profile, so as not to draw attention of the fates. I am relieved when I survive another March.

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@bondojoe OK well roll on April Fool's Day I guess smiley

But if you were Irish you would have Paddy's Day to look forward to and if you were me then you would have a birthday and if you lived in Spain you would have Father's Day which is my birthday and a holiday so it has it's up sides too! Like everything ... even the Democrats (only pulling your leg Joe)

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(5y) I am Irish, mostly. My grandfather spent most of his life hunched over in coal mines in eastern Kentucky and West Virginia. And the Democrats DO have a purpose. When I find myself agreeing with them, I know that I have missed the mark. I forgot...I DO have an anniversary in March. Married on St. Patricks I wouldn't forget! I must have been drunk!

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@bondojoe You just have to be a Kennedy for the day and you'll be right as rain.

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