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Have any of you ever been polled? (1252 views, 49 replies)

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We read about polls every day. Presidential polls. Polls on evrything. Have ANY of you ever been a part of a poll? We are a good cross section of people. All ages, and sexes. Has ANY political organization ever asked any of you what you think about anything? If not...where are these numbers coming from? Are they nmaking them all up?


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yes a phone poll just once, years ago. Now and then we get local area mail in ones. What you would like them to work on. Issues you have.

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@fortunate1 LOL! I alreday keep a full complement of Physical ,and psychological doctors busy with my various irregularities.! I'm covered!


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It's datamining.

It's an insidious practice done in marketing. Often a dataminer will attach themselves to forums and create polls just gather data and note the answers.

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@AnhedoniaNightmare I was referring to the calls, or visits made to individuals. While at home.

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@bondojoe ...and then expect targeted mailings and calls based on your poll answers.

Bad idea. You will be innundated with condo offers, timesharing, computer services, nonprofits wanting donations, etc.

You fit a "profile" that the marketing company put you in based on your answers. They know some percent then will buy these services.

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@AnhedoniaNightmare LOL! I'm not doing it! I was asking if anyone had ever BEEN polled that way.

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@bondojoe Back in the seventies to determine the viewership size of programs, the Nielsen ratings would find gullible Americans to monitor their viewership for a time period.

And then far later sell their viewership to marketers.

It's so prevalent that those who gave their DNA for ancestry testing end up being gathered up and collated for medical research.

Ever use a discount card at a grocery store? They monitor your purchases to help them reorder their inventory, but can sell your data to marketing firms.


senior guru

Yes, a few calls/emails. But it started because going back a few years I joined some online survey sites, ones where you get paid. One of the sites would sometimes have surveys that related to current affairs. For instance when you see news items where they say they have asked 1000 people what they thought about something - this was how they found those 1000 people.
They were transparent about it, they told you what it was for.
Most of the sites gave points for each survey - which you could then convert into vouchers, but as you needed to register this meant they had your email and phone number - hence the direct calls.

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If you are on any social media, the way they make money is by analyzing your answers and who you communicate with, your likes and dislikes, and then sell your data to the government and corporations.

Originally Facebook was a DARPA project on voluntary intelligence gathering on civillians in a vast database...just to see the hidden connections. Such systems can predict illness, quitting one's job, squealing on corporations, potential criminal amd terrorist activity, etc.


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No never.

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@FemaleLotRfan83 Me neither. So maybe. Either the polls are a lie, or people aren't talking.

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@bondojoe Maybe only those in blue areas and libs are getting polled.

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@FemaleLotRfan83 That's what i've said all along.

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@FemaleLotRfan83 Sure seems like that's a real possibility. Just look at how far off the polling was in the 2016 election. Remember how Hilary was sposta win by a WIIIIDE margin according to the pre-election polling??

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@mrkim56 I remember.

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@FemaleLotRfan83 Democrats in liberal areas must have been the only ones polled.


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Took place in one for pay poll once as a help to a friend that sets such things up. Never heard from them again.

Recently I took a Dem online poll for sh*tz n giggles and now I'm hit up for $$ at least twice if not 3 times daily smiley

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@mrkim56 LOL!! I thought the Dems wanted to HELP people....not the other way around! At least that's the story they are telling!

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@bondojoe As usual, what they seem to want most is access to other peoples wallets :>/


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And you would be amazed at some of the rhetoric they come up with on a daily basis in these begging emails. Not only are they clueless, but shameless to boot smiley

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@mrkim56 The respectabilty of politicians!!


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We need political reform that eliminates the need for candidates to spend millions on advertising. That is a very dated paradigm.

We all want the most practical politician to have plausible ideas that generate the most freedom, create wealth for all citizens, and protect the nation.

If you give a politician $100 then expect a 5% return. That is insane.


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Sadly we don't ALL want "the most practical politician to have plausible ideas that generate the most freedom, create wealth for all citizens, and protect the nation."

The political class is chocked full to the brim with power hungry neer-do-wells whose focus is on how best to siphon away as much money from the donor class and lobbyists as is possible while similarly disempowering the electorate at the same time by constantly chipping away at their rights and wealth.

Redistribution of wealth, a constant tenet of all leftist/socialist/communists paradigms, is nothing short of outright theft of the wealth of those whose funds then get redistributed. Even worse, with it done through the method of taxation, there's little to no legal recourse available to those who stand in stark opposition to it.

Our one and only hope for a way out of this morass is term limits and the total elimination of any and all means of lobbying by any entities other than bands of individual citizens.

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@mrkim56 Monty Python did a nice skit on the distribution of wealth, called "Dennis Moore" Youtube has removed all but the foriegn laguage video.

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@bondojoe Hmmm, color me so surprised, eh?

All social media and info systems are firmly stacked against any change to the status quo as it scares the bejeebus outta them that we might actually defeat their BS if they didn do so :>/

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@bondojoe Oh no! Now that song is stuck in my head!!

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@dramucom It's catchy! Dennis Moore, Dennis Moore...MR. Moore!


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I am all for term limits. Trump passed an executive order that after leaving government, a period of time must occurbefore they can become a lobbyist.

3 terms for Congress
2 terms for Senator

Mandatory retirement for Supreme Court Justices at age 75.

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@AnhedoniaNightmare I agree about term limits.

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@FemaleLotRfan83 Passage might prove daunting as 2/3 of state legislatures would have to pass it and they themselves lack term limits.

Thus there isn't a snowball's chance in Hell that federal term limits shall ever pass.

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@AnhedoniaNightmare Still. Term limits are needed.


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Have a landline, you will be polled at some point if you don't hang up on them.


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That's an awfully personal question. smiley

...Only with lubricant on the full moon.


jk Joe smiley

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@ Which you didn't mind aswering! Looking for some more action? LOL! Beware the moon!

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@bondojoe ... or not. smiley


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I had a phone call one years back when I still had a landline. I've also taken online polls/surveys, much like Janerosity, thru a website that offers points for surveys. You then trade in those points for gift cards to various places. I still have the account though I don't use it much anymore. When I was doing it on a regular basis I cashed in hundreds of dollars worth of gift cards though.

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@rickgrimesrocks Me too - but pounds not dollars! Time consuming to do, but at the time I had the time. Also found a few sites that paid in nectar card points. I saved them up for xmas - ended up with about £250 on my nectar card and another £200 in vouchers/gift cards. I no longer have time - but if I did I would.


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Telephone polling? Several times actually. And I am not talking about that paid up crap where you "compete" to win a house and all that bull. Here they do this both in mobile and landlines. The most usual is the intention to vote, performance of the government in various areas, medical insurance issues, mobile networks and their prevalence in society and a number of others.

Although I am all for statistical models, I find the whole thing a bit chaotic. They poll in specific areas where the political views are considered homogeneous to establish a base line. And on account of the size of that area, they assign a base number of calls as a representative sample. Now, I never though of myself as going with the flow and when you get polled often you do get the divine inspiration to screw a bit with the poll answers (if they call you at inconvenient hours and you get pissed off). So my concern is the validity of those stats.

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@JudgeDredd I concer completely. It's not scientific and subject to just toying with the pollster.


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Numerous times by party affiliates. The opposing party has no such interest in my opinions, apparently. As such, the veracity of results are more likely predetermined in origins known and unknown in survey set-up with trolling bots. The valid result of processed truth is proof invalid.


senior master
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I don't allow them to call me. There is a specific law here so they won't call u if u subscribe to this part of management of personal info. Last week I started to pay my phone company a minimum fee to block private (hidden) number calls that are only passing by. I once made online act against a adv. company with success and I am willing to do this to others too again if they start harassing me. Politicians and funds do mess with the resaults. Don't be fooled. Who would pay a decent penny to a herd of cats asking around predefined questions?


senior guru
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Yup, lots of times, whenever I have time to waste theirs I say "yes" to everything they ask, nothing else, just "yes".


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Regularly. Sometimes long ones, sometimes 2-3 questions. Three or four times, I've actually been paid and participated in "marketing test groups" for various items. The ones that annoy me are the badly-designed surveys; otherwise, I'm glad to give my opinion on just about anything. (A fact I'm sure you all have noticed.) smiley


senior guru
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Yes, multiple times, but never any of the ones I have read about lately. They are probably advertised on sites I don't go to that are full of all the BS.

I've used NoMoRobo on my phones for the last couple of years. It is amazing how many calls it has saved me from wasting time answering! IT'S FREE!!!!


top expert
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a lot of the questions tend to be misleading when you look at the data and the order in which they were asked creates a narrative that might infect the results.

Like say the recent headlines of how millennials and gen z support socialism... was about whether or not they feel the word is used with more positive or negative connotation. The same question was asked about capitalism and the numbers were roughly the same. The previous series of questions related to portrayals in the media.

many of the polls for democrats and republicans have a different issue, which is that often the data is gathered through reports from democratic or republican clubs.. which tend to hold views more in alignment with the party (the dnc, gop; or more directly, those with tenure on the hill) rather than merely registered voters. . . which by and by are laregely considered too great of a variable, a wildcard without substantiated history, affiliation and community leadership relating to the party's interests.
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@woofmeister Well,you can see how well the official media polls went for the first Trump=Hillary election.Back east,Media,ect.all the NYC bunch,had polled that Hillary won.They were rudely awakened that their polls were completely inaccurate.Surprise!!YOUR POLLS ARE WRONG.You cannot go by any polls.NOT ANY MORE. smiley smiley

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@clarachan1355 I see you got your original profile back.

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