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Alabama is wanting to use a new medical execution method after botched execution with lethal injection (317 views, 24 replies)

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What a clusterf**k. Nearly every alternative method to the firing squad has been proven to amount to torture on account of the gross incompetence of the staff. Everybody wants a humane death for people put to death for the most inhumane crimes. For the record, I am not against the death penalty. I just dont think of it as a deterrent to crime. It just doesnt work as one. To be fair, nothing works as a deterrent. But there are instances where the death penalty is not only warranted but desirable from the general public.

I remember a case when I was young, of a Murder Corporation which specialised in killing the elderly after securing the names of the murderers in the wills of the victims, to the exclusion of everyone else. Their crimes where so heinous that the judge sentenced every participant to be put to death 5 times over. Unfortunately, the death penalty had already been outlawed in Greece, which caused the hysterical laughter of the mastermind upon the sentence been read. I can tell you that on that moment every single Greek citizen wanted the death penalty reinstated. Everyone wanted to be on that firing squad.
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@JudgeDredd I agree with some points you made. One the death penalty doesn't act as a deterrent. However, as I have grown older I know longer agree with an eye for an eye. I think humans have come a long way since that biblical notation. I think killing is wrong no matter who does it. It seems so hypocritical to me now. However I respect your opinion very much. Thank you for creating a conversation surrounding this debate.

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@💛Yellow_rose1💛 No its not hypocritical from your part at all. I used to be against the Death Penalty until I saw some really inhumane crimes where the victims suffered in extreme torture for days before passing on. Life imprisonment for such perpetrators seems so disproportionate to the crime committed. And these are the kind of crimes for which I fully support the death penalty. Crimes that involve instantaneous death do not warrant a death penalty, as the suffering to the victim is kept at a minimum. But sadistic crimes and crimes with multiple fatalities are on another category in my book.

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@JudgeDredd But for some of those who have done the most disguisting..even life in prison may have an appeal.Its not always an eye for an eye,but in some cases,these criminals go out and repeat!I find that a needle in the arm is the most humane way for those who have committed such brutal crimes.p.s.just responding to everyone.


@JudgeDredd I do see where you are coming from. I'm sure you have see the worst of what humans are capable of but to kill someone to say killing is wrong just doesn't seem right to me. I think society should be above that.

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@JudgeDredd Eau yes... if only that were true! To the letter: smiley


senior guru
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Let me state up front; as much as I enjoy watching a movie where the bad guys meet a bad end - I am against the death penalty.
Sometimes I even jump up from the couch and applaud enthusiastically when their exit is particularly good.

Regrettably, some backward states still indulge in this kind of punishment. I understand the desire for revenge and retribution - especially after a terrible crime. In blood revenge - an ancient form of retribution, the family honor is to be restored, because after a killing, no other compensation for damage will do justice.
Undoubtedly a very emotional matter. But in a constitutional state that lives up to its name, justice is done and not revenge. With revenge, by the way, it is advisable to retaliate a little less, so that it becomes less and there is no escalation of violence:)

But I am here to promote the nitrogen method:
A choking sensation occurs when the level of carbon dioxide in the blood increases, followed by a violent breathing reflex and panic. If, on the other hand, the carbon dioxide can be easily exhaled in a pure nitrogen atmosphere, there is no perceptible feeling of suffocation and the undersupply of oxygen leads to hypoxia, which is not consciously perceived by the person concerned.
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@CitizenD thank you for your very intelligent analysis on this subject. I agree with you on every point you made. I am so sorry to hear about your father. I can't imagine the pain and all the other emotions this must conjure up for you. May your father RIP now❣️🙏

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@💛Yellow_rose1💛 Thank you, Dear, I think he does. It's been 40 years now - from today's perspective I just think it's a pity for the long life he could have had.

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@CitizenD I am truly sorry for your loss.
I can't imagine a parent of mine doing this.
I do however have 2 cousins and several friends that chose this route.
It is so very difficult to understand that complete and total devastation they must have felt.
You did mention states.


@CollideDuhScope I'm sorry to hear of your great loss too.🙏💛


top expert
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This massive Clusterf’ck should be a GODSEND for those opposing the death penalty. Personally, I would not be opposed to the return of public executions. If I were on the receiving end the best method would be a general anesthetic and once fully unconscious, quick decapitation. A little messy but no physical pain or torture. I just read CitizenD’s comment and makes a very good case for the KISS method (KEEP IT SIMPLE STUPID).

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@EarlyRiser KISS method. I love that smiley smiley smiley smiley smiley


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Very interesting subject by far!
While I'm not opposed to the death penalty at all.
I believe that those sentenced to life plus and no parole options is and can be the sort of torture these men and ladies (yes ladies, we can be pretty evil) deserve.
I can't imagine one lasting long incarcerated without that becoming factual or abuse on a daily basis by either their fellow inmates or the system itself.
I'd have to agree with JD on this one!

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@CollideDuhScope My only agreement about the death penalty is heinous acts on children.

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@tyetoes Somehow those people get the lesser of time. I won't ever understand the "justice" system here in the USA.
It's all become privatized.
They people no longer own the penal system.

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@CollideDuhScope It seems to be the best lawyer??

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@tyetoes Perhaps. But the penal system here is coordinated between a lot of influential people.
Unfortunately those people could care less about fairness or justice. They just want to make more cash.
Naturally any celebrity or individual with whom can afford an attorney won't be charged with those offenses. They are always charged with minimal damage etc...
There isn't a justice system in the states any longer.

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@CollideDuhScope Although this democratic and I say that with extreme sarcasm has become first off one of the most embarrassing places to live and secondary these people have wrought this country fueled by idiocy.
At this time I am ashamed of my fellow Americans.
Wanna talk about "forced" racism.

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@CollideDuhScope Oh boy... I think I brang in politics although that was never my intention.. I'll report me. smiley smiley

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@CollideDuhScope Us. Not they. Daggone fingers!

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@CollideDuhScope EauMaiBudda!? Thou art in sew much trubble grrrl, def hope you reported they who be politiking smiley up in here... 🎵 up-in-here🎶 smiley


@(⌐■_■) smiley smiley smiley That is great. Thanks for that much needed laugh. Polikicing. I"m going to have to remember that. Sounds like something from a Cohen brothers movie.


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I am kind of opposed to the death penalty. A life sentence with the prisoner receiving no source of amusement like books or tv or exercise or visitors, just the loneliness of their prison cell walls with minimal human contact for the rest of their sorry lives would be suitable in some cases.

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