Browse all (2025) movies. Sorted by reviews count.
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We Live in Time (2025)
An up-and-coming chef and a recent divorcée find their lives forever changed when a chance encounter brings them together, in a decade-spanning, deeply moving r...
Diddy: The Making of a Bad Boy (2025)
The documentary delves into Diddy's early years, his transformation from Sean Combs to Puffy and Diddy, the forces that shaped him, his childhood, music ca...
The Pastor (2025)
In a forgotten part of town overrun by a ruthless gang, a community struggles with its faith as they see their neighborhoods torn apart and their youth targeted...
The Unbreakable Boy (2025)
A young boy with both a rare brittle-bone disease and autism. But what makes him truly unique is his joyous, funny, life-affirming world view that transforms an...
In the Lost Lands (2025)
A sorceress travels to the Lost Lands in search of a magical power that allows a person to transform into a werewolf.
Reparations in America (2025)
The taking of wealth from Africa: Over 10,000,000 Africans were sold into slavery during the Trans-Atlantic slave trade. Should African Americans receive repara...
Bonhoeffer: Holy Traitor (2025)
Dietrich Bonhoeffer was a German pastor, theologian, spy, anti-Nazi dissident, and key founding member of the Confessing Church. His writings on Christianity&ap...
I Know What You Did Last Summer (2025)
A group of friends are terrorized by a stalker who knows about a gruesome incident from their past.
Original Motion Picture Soundtrack (2025)
Where would our favorite movies be without the music that fuels them? From the Top Gun jets soaring through the Danger Zone to everybody shaking' their Bac...
Snow White (2025)
Live-action adaptation of the 1937 Disney animated film 'Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs'.
Wolf Man (2025)
A man must protect himself and his family when they are being stalked, terrorized, and haunted by a deadly werewolf at night during a full moon. But as the nigh...
Tron: Ares (2025)
A highly sophisticated Program, Ares, is sent from the digital world into the real world on a dangerous mission.
Roofman (2025)
The story of the rooftop robber, Jeffrey Manchester, and his time on the lam evading capture.
Avatar: Fire and Ash (2025)
Sequel of Avatar: The Way of Water (2022). The plot is unknown.
Minecraft: The Movie (2025)
The malevolent Ender Dragon sets out on a path of destruction, prompting a young girl and her group of unlikely adventurers to set out to save the Overworld.
The Oxnard EDD Shooting Massacre (2025)
The OXNARD EDD SHOOTING MASSACRE is a documentary/docudrama film revolving around the survivors (Cathie Jimenez, Carol Wilson, Ramona Alamillo, Catherine Stinso...