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Is the dewormer Fenbendazole a cure for cancer ? Joe Tippens story (404 views, 35 replies)

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I found an article about a "cure" for cancer. In this article a man named Joe Tippens had used the dewormer Fenbendazole to cure his lung cancer that had metastesized to the rest of his body after chemo and radiation therapy.He was told to go home and hire a hospice caregiver with 2 months left to live. I found his interview and several other pages describing his protocol on becoming cancer free in 4 months.
I also searched for real proof that Joe,s story was bullsh*t. None found.I searched Amazon's reviews on products containing fenbendazole. Not surprised to find that there were LOTS of people using the drug to cure their cancer. Estimated cost for a months supply of the full protocol list is less than $400. Not including follow up exams, lab, and scans $X,XXX,XXX
Here is Joes story:

Joe's Blog Site :


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Joe Tippins Interview on KOCO News Oklahoma City, OK


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Dr. Jones shares his views on Panacure ( Dewormer for dogs containing Fenbendazole ) and the use in animals to treat cancer. Dr. Jones is retired, and earlier in his career was fined and cesured by his guild for publishing articles on natural treatments and remedies for animals. In his own words, He resigned rather than be silenced.


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Fenbendazole acts as a moderate microtubule destabilizing agent and causes cancer cell death by modulating multiple cellular pathways


Drugs that are already clinically approved or experimentally tested for conditions other than cancer, but are found to possess previously unrecognized cytotoxicity towards malignant cells, may serve as fitting anti-cancer candidates. Methyl N-(6-phenylsulfanyl-1H benzimidazol-2-yl) carbamate [Fenbendazole, FZ], a benzimidazole compound, is a safe and inexpensive anthelmintic drug possessing an efficient anti-proliferative activity. In our earlier work, we reported a potent growth-inhibitory activity of FZ caused partially by impairment of proteasomal function. Here, we show that FZ demonstrates moderate affinity for mammalian tubulin and exerts cytotoxicity to human cancer cells at micromolar concentrations. Simultaneously, it caused mitochondrial translocation of p53 and effectively inhibited glucose uptake, expression of GLUT transporters as well as hexokinase (HK II) - a key glycolytic enzyme that most cancer cells thrive on. ...
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Links to more information and research:

Fenbendazole combination treatment: successes with terminal cancer

Barney Heston suffered not one, but FOUR bouts of cancer in total: Colorectal 2007; Prostate 2015; Merkel Cell Carcinoma 2017; and Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of small bowel in 2018. The conventional cancer treatments he received were not successful, and after his last bout with Colon Cancer (Stage 4), Barney said NO to more chemotherapy treatments.

As fate would have it, Barney met Joe Tippens through his brother (who golfs with Joe) and heard about Joe’s remarkable success with what is now known as the Joe Tippens Protocol. With nothing to lose and everything to gain, he tried Joe’s protocol using a commonly prescribed, inexpensive veterinary medicine. The rest is history… and today Barney is CANCER FREE!


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Mebendazole is prescribed for humans. Similar to Fenbendazole, from the benzimidazole
group of drugs that are anti-helminthic ( Antiparasitic drugs that expel parasitic worms from the body )

Joe Tippins states that he did not experience side effects with his protocol of Fenbendazole and supplements.

Mebendazole Side Effects:

Medically reviewed by Last updated on Jun 1, 2022.

Applies to mebendazole: oral chewable tablets.

Side effects can include, and are most experienced when infected with parasitic worms:

Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, anorexia, diarrhea, flatulence, headache, rash, tinnitus, numbness, dizziness, fever, abnormal liver function tests.

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@CanyonD Why do all doctors you ever post look like Joseph Mengele on Acid?
But i will give you that: Viagra`s Sildafenil compound was originally developed by Pfizer for the treatment of hypertension and angina pectoris
With hard side effects, so to say.

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@Adrian∞ smiley Yes I have experienced that many times smiley I quit BEFORE I went blind and deaf...which is another side effect. I do wear reading glasses smiley

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@CanyonD Jesus c. , how many did you take????

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@Adrian∞ Too many to count. Years ago...
Staying up late, and performing for hours was giving me a sore back.
Switched to natural compounds that are beneficial, and worked on lowering blood pressure.


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FDA: Products Claiming to "Cure" Cancer Are a Cruel Deception

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@Buttless Absolutely correct. Just remember that the people that ruin our health care system, and approve or deny cancerous food additives, treatments, pharmacueticals Drugs for treatment like Celebrex, AZT, Remdezivir, Oxycontin and other life altering drugs because they really care.They prosecute those evil farmers for selling fresh milk and cheese.Have researchers and authors prosecuted for reporting new discoveries. Stifle unwanted competition to the pharma giants. They are your unknown friends to the end. smiley

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@Buttless SEE BELOW it's a rant on paranoia and conspiracy.

No reasonable discussion, no acknowledging that these drugs have been tested on humans for years, just a conspiracy rant.

Sometimes people are there own worst enemy.


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@DontSpeak It will indeed be interesting to look back on the 2020's after a couple of decades, to see what happens to the uncontrolled internet. Will there be more controls, or will people just get bored and turn off?
Today any activist can go on YT and induce people to consume all sorts of chemicals without scientific justification, and that misinformation is spread by gullible idiots who believe conspiracies rather than reliable sources, this cannot last.


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A cure for cancer would be wonderful.

The issue for humans taking anthelmintics like levamisole, thiabendazole, benzimidazole, and fenbendazole are the risks which are incredibly high:

Agranulocytosis, or the severe and rapid depletion of the white blood cells is very common, as is induced necrosis syndrome in which can appear almost anywhere on skin (basically, it's flesh eating). Also, severe liver damage and liver failure.

These medications HAVE been used in humans for a while, and various studies on bowel cancer showed that the cancer cells were being destroyed BUT others cells were affected in very negative ways. These medications were mostly discontinued [in humans] due to the irreversible affects listed above, and others not listed.

Searching the internet for medical articles would mean that these articles and controlled findings would have to be published.

The absence of finding anything also indicates a very probable issue. Why aren't they publishing if he has been free from the cancer for so long? This is bothersome.
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@DontSpeak The first time I saw the article on I was interested. Where did they come up with a drug that would cure a patient whose cancer had metastisized, told to go home and die, but then uses dog-dewormer and supplements to become cancer free...
Of course I want to follow up on this. Is it really true? What is the downside? There are risks with any pharmaceutical. Joe Tippins had already been poisoned by Chemo and radiation therapy. Another million dollar failure. Sent home with a burnt esophagus and only 2 months to live at best. What did he have left to lose? False hope? A possible upset stomach,liver ijury , or worse? It might be worth the risk to stay alive for some people. Do nothing but accept your "fate" , and you are dead.
Joe Tippins is a real person. So is Barney Heston. Imagine if they had waited for Pfizer, J&J, and Merk to develope a side effect free, effective therapy that actually cured their cancer...That's if they EVER had any intention of doing so . Years of trials, and the rest of the approval process. Where would Joe and Barney be now if they waited? Instead , out of desperation they took a chance. With a long time , proven safe drug , they became cancer free. Imagine, You are a terminal cancer patient. About 2 months to live, and there is a lab tech telling you about his bad day at work . That all the cancer he had inserted into humanized mice for a study was now wasted because he treated them with a dewormer containing Fenbendazole smiley
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@CanyonD You didn't at all answer the very logical question.

All that writing, and no acknowledgement of the fact that publishing would help to substantiate this claim.

1+1=2 is not a conspiracy against 3.

Talking in circles and not acknowledging the obvious discredits the efforts.

Acting like the whole world is one endless conspiracy and not acknowledging that these medications HAVE ALREADY been used on humans with negative consequences for many, also discredits these efforts at a cure.

In the end, you refuse to discuss anything but paranoia and conspiracy.

That's sad.

If you're going to really be pro-cure, learn to DISCUSS actual questions and valid observations.

Ranting will put anyone off reading any further or engaging in any risk.

That's really sad.

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@DontSpeak Did you really ask me a question?
Back to personal attacks? My reply to you was in no way a conspiracy rant. But your back stabbing posts
only show your real intentions. You have no real interest in helping others.So why bother me here? You know I love you smiley

In regards to the subject, If YOU have evidence that Joe or anyone else mentioned above is fake... then come out with it.Maybe the study from PubMed is fake too. Got evidence?

While any medication can be potentially harmful, you posted some severe reactions are very common. Where is your evidence for it? And what is your game here?

What's really sad is that you have nothing better to do than to tear things down. I get it, you enjoy it.
You should have signed up with a demolition crew... It will put some really big smiles on your face.Now go torture your kitty, and remember I'm thinking about you smiley

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@CanyonD smiley

The question is visible to those who aren't so busy seeing others as enemies all the time.

As for the rest, again, you are attacking ghosts and invisible beings.

I expressed compassion, and asked questions.

You are really your own worst enemy.

A discussion would have stood with you, instead you tear your own house down with your paranoia and disgusting threats.

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@DontSpeak 1+1=2 is not a conspiracy against 3.
That`s a smiley smiley brillant one to remember

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@DontSpeak you are right about these findings for sure. Levamisole was being laced into cocaine and other drugs some years ago and the drug users were turning up with flesh eating skin diseases. If the claim is the drug is a cure for cancer alternative I would be highly suspect as it is usually not the truth and people die by believing these people and not doing research first. Cancer sufferers are desperate people and fall victim to many charlatans. All I'm saying is beware

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@💛Yellow_rose1💛 Exactly. These drugs HAVE been tested on people.

Plus, with Joe Tippins, he had completed his chemo and radiation prior to taking the Fenbendazole. Because there were no studies, no controlled tests, no accounting by independent sources, it is most likely that the combination worked for his particular type of cancer.

Not all cancers responded to these veterinary drugs, by the way. Only specific ones.

Granted, they did destroy cancer cells, they also destroyed white blood cells, the liver, etc.

My question remains, if he has been cancer free for so long, why have they not published?

That in no way says what happened is false, it asks a simple question, "Why?" which deserves a competent answer, not a series of paranoid insults.


@DontSpeak To agree to disagree is the mature thing to do, not attack someone. Why does it always come down to insults I just don't know. I don't see you ever insulting someone, unless providing an alternate theory is insulting, obviously it is not.

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@💛Yellow_rose1💛 Exactly. It's good to try to help people. It's also wise to address questions and concerns without resorting to paranoia and insults.

Oh well. smiley

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@DontSpeak Now had you been polite in your reply, as you were here.. I would have understood you, and your question better. Paranoid conspiracy rants and insults...

Why no publishing? First, who are you referring to? Joe? His doctor? If you are referring to scientific studies and papers.. I don't know if there are any, or why not. Joe did this on his own. Joe Tippens publishes in his blog . Did interviews on local news, and other platforms.
Yellow_Rose mentioned Levamisol and the damage done to cocaine users. Why a dealer would mix cocaine with Levamisol instead of lactose or other inert substance is another question.Yet cocaine by itself has it's own toxicity.
In Joe's protocol, there are supplements that may have an anti-inflammatory affect and buffering affect on said toxicity. This could be the difference between just the straight effects of Fenbendazole and the synergy effects of the combination. I'm looking for more verifiable stories.
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With Stage 4 Colon Cancer, Sharon McDougall, RN, was prepared for what she thought was the inevitable end of her life. But it was after she learned about the Joe Tippens Protocol and the inexpensive veterinary medicine, Fenbendazole, which is the capstone of it, that she got excited. She tried the protocol and after a scan a few months later, Sharon heard these incredulous words:


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Jan 4, 2022
Q&A Session with Joe Tippens regarding his protocol
Jan 4, 2022


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This must be the most sickening cancer scam I have seen for a while, Dr Edzard Ernst MD, PhD, FmedSci
This must be the most sickening cancer s...

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@Buttless And interesting comments eg.

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@Buttless Potasium Iodide alone for cancer treatment?
I have seen a friend use 2 different forms of iodine (externaly and oraly) and Graviola + other support supplements to treat her breast cancer effectively. But not alone.

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@Buttless The link doesn't work ...

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@Buttless I mostly agree with
Dr. Edzard Ernst . Sodium Bicarbonate has it's usefulness. But not as a cure for anything. Does great on fresh Bee stings and soaking.


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Joe Tippins Protocol-original and updated:


Joe Tippens Protocol (the original version) – complimentary cancer treatment

Fenbendazole 222 mg. Take 1 capsule three days a week, once a day after a fatty meal.* Then take no fenbendazole for four days. Repeat this cycle every week.

Bio-Available Curcumin 600 mg. Take 1 capsule two times a day after breakfast and lunch with no pauses.

CBD oil 25 mg. Take 1-2 dropperfuls (full spectrum total ~25 mg) under the tongue every day before sleep.

Vitamin E - Full spectrum containing Tocotrienol and Tocopherol 500-800mg a day.

*- fenbendazole is really hydrophobic and is poorly absorbed from the intestinal tract. Taking it with or after a meal improves absorption.

The modified, stronger version – complimentary cancer treatment

Fenbendazole 222 mg. Take 1 capsule every day once after a fatty meal with no pauses.**
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P.S. You can call me crazy if you like . I have been on this protocol for 2 weeks now. Taking 3/4 days off the protocol. I increased the dose to 444mg of fenbendazole. I am noticing in this 3rd week that it is easier to urinate. No decrease in energy level or vision. No unusual readings on a 10 panel Urinox test strip. No other noticeable side effects. I plan to continue for at least another 9 weeks.

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